


Случайная статья

OVERVIEW: Watch the video from 0:00 to 0:50. Would you like to live abroad? Why?/Why not?


OVERVIEW: Watch the video from 0:00 to 0:50. Would you like to live abroad? Why?/Why not?

1. Watch the video from 0:50 to 1:10. When did these people leave their home countries? Complete the text with the appropriate words.


  Mary (Ireland): “I left about ______ years ago and I came to London just to work really”       Jann (France): “I left my home country about ______ years ago to go abroad to study”     Eva (USA): “I left in _________ of  ________ year to study Shakespeare at Shakespeare`s Club  

2. What do they like about living abroad? Watch the video from 1:26–1:54 and complete the information about the people below.

  Mary (Ireland)   Mary likes...
Jann (France)   Jann likes ...
  Eva (USA)   Eva likes...

3. What do they miss about their home countries? Watch the video from 2:05–2:23 and complete the information about the people below.

  Mary (Ireland)   Mary misses ...
Jann (France): Jann misses ...
Eva (USA) Eva misses...


PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the following questions


1. Do you like traveling? Why? /Why not?



2. Do you prefer holidays abroad or in your country? Why?



3. What or whom do you miss the most when you are away from home?



4. Why do people travel? Can you name at least 3 reasons?



5. Why do people go to live abroad? Can you name at least 3 reasons?




6. What are the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of living abroad?




- __________________________________________________________________________

- __________________________________________________________________________

- __________________________________________________________________________



2.1. Watch the video (2:55 – 6:07) about Adriana and answer the questions:

a. Where is Adriana from? _________________________________________

b. What is her profession? _____________________________________

c. Where does she live now? _______________________________

d. When did she come to the UK? _________________________________

e. What did she do in her home country? __________________________________

f.      How did Adriana meet her husband? ____________________________________________


g. What did her family think about her moving to another country

to live? ___________________________________________________

h. What does Adriana do now? ____________________________________________________

i.      What does she miss? ____________________________________________________


j.      How many relatives does she have? Describe her family ___________________________


k. Does Adriana like her life in the UK? __________________________

l.     Will she go back to her home country?_________________________




2.2.Watch the video again and correct the bold information.   1. Adriana was trained as a nurse in Chile. 2. She came to England alone. 3. Her husband`s name is Michael. 4. Adriana came to England 12 years ago. 5. She was born in Buenos Aires. 6. She only worked with animals as a vet in Chile.   7. She met her husband on Facebook. 8. Adriana was her husband`s boss. 9. Adriana lives in a big city now. 10. Adriana works as a vet in the UK. 11. Her parents live in the UK too. 12. She has three sisters and one grandmother. 13. Adriana misses her friends. 14. Adriana doesn`t have children. 15. Adriana doesn’t want to work as a vet again.


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