Given below is the text of the 92nd dasaka which describes the path of Karma coupled with Bhakti (devotion to the Lord), with a prosaic translation in English.
वेदैः सर्वाणि कर्माण्यपरफलदया वर्णितानीति बुद्ध्वा तानि त्वय्यर्पितान्येव हि समनुचरन् यानि नैष्कर्म्यमीश! मा भूद्वेदैर्निषिद्धे कुहचिदपि मनःकर्मवाचां प्रवृत्तिः दुर्वर्जं चेदवाप्तं तदपि खलु भवत्यर्पये चित्प्रकाशे ॥१॥ Understanding that the karmas (rites, actions) prescribed by the Vedas are to be performed without attachment to the fruits (results) thereof, I shall perform such karmas as offerings to you and thus will I reach the state of Naishkarmya, the path of knowledge. Let not my mind, speech or action engage in karma prohibited in the Vedas. If some such thing happens unavoidably, I offer that also to You, O Lord, the Light of Consciousness. यस्त्वन्यः कर्मयोगस्तवभजनमयस्तत्रचाभीष्टमूर्तिं हृद्यां सत्त्वैकरूपां दृषदि हृदि मृदि क्वापि वा भावयित्वा। पुष्पैर्गन्धैर्निवेद्यैरपि च विरचितैः शक्तितो भक्तिपूतैः नित्यं वर्यां सपर्यां विदधदयि विभो! त्वत्प्रसादं भजेयम्॥२॥ In the other karmayoga in which one engages in loving devotion to You, I will create in stone, mud or in the mind a form of yours which is dear to my heart and daily offer worship to that image, according to my capacity and with heart-felt devotion, with flowers, incense and naivedya and thus make you pleased with me (obtain your prasada). स्त्रीशूद्रास्त्वत्कथादिश्रवणविरहिता आसतां ते दयार्हा- स्त्वत्पादासन्नयातान् द्विजकुलजनुषो हन्त! शोचाम्यशान्तान्। वृत्यर्थं ते यजन्तो बहुकथितमपि त्वामनाकर्णयन्तो दृप्ता विद्याभिजात्यैः किमु न विदधते तादृशं मा कृथा माम्॥३॥ Women and Sudras who are deprived of hearing your stories etc are to be pitied. Let that be so, but I feel sorry for those dwijas, who are supposed to be nearer to your lotus feet but still attached to the pleasures of the senses. They perform yagas and other vedic rites for making a living and turn a deaf ear to stories about Your much talked about leelas and exploits. Vain and conceited about their learning and their high birth, what is it that they do not do? O Lord do not make me like them. पापोऽयं कृष्णरामेत्यभिलपति निजं गूहितुं दुश्चरित्रं निर्लज्जस्यास्य वाचा बहुतरकथनीयानि मे विघ्नितानि। भ्राता मे वन्ध्यशीलो भजति किल सदा विष्णुमित्थं बुधांस्ते निन्दन्नुच्चैर्हसन्ति त्वयि निहितमतींस्तादृशं मा कृथा माम्॥४॥ “This sinner keeps chanting ‘Krishna’, ‘Rama’ in order conceal his bad deeds and conduct. Because of this constant chattering of this shameless fellow I am unable to get a chance to talk about many things. This brother of mine cannot do anything fruitful, he just worships Vishnu always” – Thus talk some people about those who are wise and have given their hearts to You. They use abusive words against your devotees and laugh loudly in derision. O Lord! do not make me like them. श्वेतच्छायं कृते त्वां मुनिवरवपुषा प्रीणयन्ते तपोभि- स्त्रेतायां स्रुक्स्रुवाद्यङ्कितमरुणतनुं यज्ञरूपं भजन्ते। सेवन्ते तन्त्रमार्गैर्विलसदरिगदं द्वापरे श्यामलाङ्गं नीलं संकीर्तनाद्यैरिह कलिसमये मानुषास्त्वां भजन्ते ॥५॥ People worship you in Krita Yuga as a saint, of pure white complexion, by performing tapas (severe austerities). In Treta yuga they worship You as the embodiment of Yagna, of red complexion, wearing sruk, sruva etc. by the performance of yagas (sacrifices). In Dwapara Yuga You are worshipped in a form shining with the discus and the mace, and of dark complexion, following the tantric system of worship. In Kali Yuga You are worshipped in a form with deep blue complexion by sankirtan (singing aloud Your names and Your praises) and other means. सोऽयं कालेयकालो जयति मुररिपो! यत्र संकीर्तनाद्यैः निर्यत्नैरेव मार्गैरखिलद! न चिरात्त्वत्प्रसादं भजन्ते। जातास्त्रेताकृतादावपि हि किल कलौ संभवं कामयन्ते दैवात्तत्रैव जातान् विषयविषरसैर्मा विभो! वञ्चयास्मान्॥६॥ O Enemey of Mura! Giver of Every Thing! This Kali Yuga wins over other yugas because in Kaliyuga only people can quickly please You (get Your blessings) by such effortless means as chanting your names and singing about your exploits and leelas. Even those born in Kruta, Treta and Dwapara yugas wish to be born in this Kali Yuga. We, your devotees, have taken birth in this Kali Yuga fortuitously by luck or fate. Lord! Please do not delude us into thinking that sense objects are sweet like nectar while in fact they are poison. भक्तास्तावत्कलौ स्युर्द्रमिलभुवि ततो भूरिशस्तत्र चोच्चैः कावेरीं ताम्रपर्णीं किल कृतमालां च पुण्यां प्रतीचीम्। हा! मामप्येतदन्तर्भवमपि च विभो! किञ्चिदञ्चद्रसं त्व- य्याशापाशैर्निबध्य भ्रमय न भगवन् पूरय त्वन्निषेवाम् ॥७॥ In Kaliyuga there will be bhaktas (devotees). In Dravidadesa there will be more bhaktas. Wihin Dravidadesa too the number of bhaktas will be more on the banks of Kaveri, Tamraparni, Kritamala and Prateechi. O Lord! we are also born in this region and we have a modicum of bhakti to You. Please do not delude us and bind us with the rope of desires. Please give us an opportunity to fully worship you. दृष्ट्वा धर्मद्रुहं तं कलिमपकरुणं प्राङ्महीक्षित् परीक्षित् हन्तुं व्याकृष्टखड्गोऽपि न विनिहतवान् सारवेदी गुणांशात्। त्वत्सेवाद्याशु सिद्ध्येदसदिह न तथा त्वत्पदे चैष भीरुः यत्तु प्रागेव रोगादिभिरपहरते तत्र हा शिक्षयैनम् ॥८॥ In times gone by King Parikshit took out his sword to kill Kali who was an opponent of dharma and was merciless but he (Parikshit) did not actually kill him pondering over the good points of Kali. In Kali Yuga good actions like Your worship etc. will bear fruit quickly whereas bad actions will yield results only after a long interval. Moreover, Kali is afraid of Your devotees. O Lord! punish this Kali when he prevents people from taking to the path of Bhakti by making people ill etc. गङ्गा गीता च गायत्र्यपि च तुलसिका गोपिकाचन्दनं तत् सालग्रामाभिपूजा परपुरुष! तथैकादशी नामवर्णाः। एतान्यष्टाप्ययत्नान्ययि, कलिसमये त्वत्प्रसादप्रवृद्ध्या क्षिप्रं मुक्तिप्रदानीत्यभिदधुरृषयस्तेषु मां सज्जयेथाः ॥९॥ O Parapurusha! Gita, Ganga, Gayatri, Tulasi, Gopichandan, worship of Salagrama, Ekadasi and the letters of Your names – these eight which are effortless, make You pleased and therefore in this Kaliyuga they lead people to liberation quickly – so say the rishis. Therefore O Lord! make me attached to these eight. देवर्षीणां पितॄणामपि न पुनरृणी किङ्करो वा स भूमन् योऽसौ सर्वात्मना त्वां शरणमुपगतः सर्वकृत्यानि हित्वा। तस्योत्पन्नं विकर्माप्यखिलमपनुदस्येव चित्तस्थितस्त्वं तन्मे पापोत्थतापान् पवनपुरपते! रुन्धि भक्तिं प्रणीयाः ॥१०॥ One who, forsaking all actions, totally surrenders himself to You, becomes rid of obligations to the celestials, rishis and forbears; Nor does he become a servant of any of them. The fruits of any bad activity arising out of him unwittingly is wiped out by You, seated in his heart. O Lord of Guruvayoor! block the sorrows springing from my sins and bless me with bhakti.