Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Answers
Countable and Uncountable Nouns Nouns can be divided into two kinds: countable anduncountable.
(A) Countable Nouns i. Countable nouns are nouns that we can count. They can be singular or plural. e.g. I have a boiled egg for breakfast. I bought three story books yesterday. The students in this school are very polite.
ii. We use the indefinite article (a/ an) before singular nouns. e.g. a boiled egg
iii. We use a definite article (the) or a number before plural nouns. e.g. the students threestory books iv. We change most singular nouns to plurals by adding –s. However, there are some that follow different rules.
(B) Uncountable Nouns i. Uncountable nouns are nouns that we cannot count. We cannot count them because they - are too difficult to count. e.g. rice, hair, sugar - do not have separate parts. e.g. air, water, steam - are abstract. e.g.friendship, happiness, health ii. Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form. We do not use an indefinite article (a/an) or numerals (one, two, three, etc.) in front of these nouns.
iii. If we want to show the amount of an uncountable noun, we use quantity words in front of it. e.g. two cups of tea a bowl ofrice three tins of paint iv. We cannot use many/few with uncountable nouns, but we can say some/much/a lot of/ all of the/ most of the water, butter, cheese, etc.
Exercise 1 Underline the noun in each sentence and write ‘C’ or ‘U’ to show whether the noun is countable or uncountable. 1. That is a very good painting. __________ 2. I don’t like coffee. __________ 3. I need two clean glasses. __________ 4. She bought a new iron yesterday. __________ 5. They’ve got plenty of coal. __________ 6. Would you like some chicken? __________ 7. Too much cake isn’t good for you. __________ 8. She ate a whole chicken. __________. 9. How much flour did you buy? __________. 10. Hope keeps me going. __________
Exercise 2 Use the correct form of the given nouns to complete the following sentences. language party fun vegetable information fruit money hair advice sleeve
1. We can buy fresh _______________ from the supermarket. 2. Mrs. Lee went to the travel agent for some _______________ about the tour to Japan. 3. I can’t wear this shirt. The _______________ are too long. 4. How many _______________ does Jenny speak? 5. Miss Ng spends a lot of _______________ on clothes. 6. I don’t know what to do. Please give me some _______________. 7. Karen has beautiful _______________. 8. We had a lot of _______________ at the party last night. 9. Susan enjoys going to _______________. 10. Alan eats a lot of _______________.
Exercise 3 Choose the correct answer. 1. She burst into _______________ (tear/ tears) when she heard the bad news. 2. Peter and Jack shake _______________ (hand/ hands) and become friends again. 3. She can’t see what is written on the blackboard without her contact _______________ (len/ lens) 4. The two sisters took _______________ (turn/ turns) at sitting up with their sick mother. 5. Quite a number of _______________ (DJ/ DJs) have extended their careers to singing. 6. If you want to get well, you should take the doctor’s _______________ (advice/ advices). 7. Mary never does her _______________ (homework/ homeworks) 8. Johnny has lost his _______________ (luggage/ luggages). 9. The factory workers stopped working and took (a rest/ rest). 10. The children sat on the _______________ (grass/ grasses).
Exercise 4 Underline the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word in the space provided. 1. He takes part in a lot of extracurricular activitys. ______________ 2. I always put three teaspoon of sugar in my coffee. ______________ 3. The field is full of sheeps. ______________ 4. The thief was wearing jean. ______________ 5. Money cannot buy happinesses. ______________ 6. They want to finish the job themself. ______________ 7. How many piece of cheese would you like? ______________ 8. A mice was hiding under the table. ______________ 9. Three passer-bys were shot in the raid. ______________ 10.Put on more cloth or you will get a cold. ______________
Exercise 5 Correct the following sentences. Corrections should be done as follows.
*words needing to be changed - (a) underline the incorrect word (b) write the correct form of the word above it ** missing word - (a) mark the position of the missing word with a ‘^’ (b) write the missing word above it *** extra word - put a cross ‘X’ on the word you wish to cross out
1. * This piece of furniture look nice. I will buy it.
2. * These chairs are made of woods.
3. *** If we want to be happy, we should have a good health.
4. ** I need two sheets paper to write a letter.
5. * Customer: How many are these jeans? Shop assistant: $268.
6. *** She burst into a laughter on hearing the joke.
7. * We need more warm cloth when we visit Toronto in winter.
8. *** I have absolute the faith in you.
9. * The cars are stuck in the heavy traffics in Central.
10. ** The workmen stopped working and took rest.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Answers
Exercise 1 1. C 2. U 3. C 4. C 5. U 6. U 7. U 8. C 9. U 10. U
Exercise 2 1. fruits/vegetables 2. information 3. sleeves 4. languages 5. money 6. advice 7. hair 8. fun 9. parties 10. fruits/vegetables
Exercise 3 1. tears 2. hands 3. lens 4. turns 5. DJs 6. advice 7. homework 8. luggage 9. a rest 10. grass
Exercise 4 1. activities 2. teaspoons 3. sheep 4. jeans 5. happiness 6. themselves 7. pieces 8. mouse 9. passers-by 10. clothes
Exercise 5 1. look looks 2. woods wood 3. X a 4. two sheets of paper 5. many much 6. X a 7. cloth clothes 8. X the 9. traffics traffic 10. a rest