


Случайная статья

patch for code - мозаика из кода- engineers use this time to come up with a cool patch for code.

102. patch for code - мозаика из кода- engineers use this time to come up with a cool patch for code.

103. wild and woolly - шумное и неуправляемое - to the rest of the company, in thiswild and woolly all-hands meeting at the end of the day.

104. all-hands meeting - общее собрание

105. overnight-одночасье, за сутки - you have to deliver something overnight.

106 intense - усиленный, напряженный - that one day of intense autonomy.

107 a whole array - целый ряд - a whole array of software fixes that might never have existed.

108. software fixes -программные решения - a whole array of software fixes.

109. in a typical year -обычно, в среднем за год- about half of the new productsin a typical year are birthed during that 20% time.

110 Results Only Work Environment -«Рабочие Условия Направленные Исключительно на Результат».

111 up to - зависит от -is totally up to them.

112. engagement - вовлечение - worker engagement goes up.

113. turnover -сменяемость кадров - turnover goes down.

114 deployed -задействованы - they had deployed all the right incentives

115 Well-compensated- хорошо оплачиваемые- well-compensated managers oversaw the whole thing.

116 oversaw- курировать- well-compensatedmanagers oversawthe whole thing to make sure it came in on budget and on time.

117. went head -to- head - столкнуться лицом к лицу - If they went head- to -head, who would win?

118. sober economist - серьёзный экономист - 10 years ago you could not have found a single sober economist anywhere on planet Earth who would have predicted the Wikipedia model.

P.S. Thrilla in Manila - боксёрский поединок между Мохаммедом Али и Джо Фрейзером, состоявшийся 1 октября 1975 года в городе Манила.

119. Ali-Frazier- битва века на арене - this is the Ali-Frazier of motivation.

120. versus [ˈvɜːsəs] -против- Intrinsic motivators versus extrinsic motivators

121. wrap up - закругляться, заканчивать - let mewrap up.

122. narrow band - узкий диапазон - in a surprisingly narrow band of circumstances.

123. unseen intrinsic drive - невидимый внутренний двигатель- unseen intrinsic drive- the drive to do things for their own sake.

124. sake -польза- the drive to do things for their own sake.

125. get past- отбросить, преодолеть- if we get pastthis lazy, dangerous, ideology of carrots and sticks.

126. strengthen- усилить - we can strengthenour businesses


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