Vocabulary for youVocabulary for you 1. at the outset- с самого начала, прежде всего- I need to make a confession at the outset here. 2. obliged [əˈblaɪʤd]-обязан -here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. 3 to reveal -открыться, раскрыть 4. youthful indiscretion [ɪndɪsˈkreʃn]- юношеская неосмотрительность - In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school. 5. to put it mildly - мягко говоря - to put it mildly, I didn't do very well. 6. pretty much - в принципе, пожалуй - I pretty much wasn't allowed to. 7. better judgment - здравый смысл - against my better judgment, against the advice of my own wife. 8. dust off- сдуть пыль- I want to try to dust offsome of those legal skills. 9. legal skills-юридические навыки 10. left of- осталось от- what's left of those legal skills. 11. to make a case -завести дело, подать иск, изложить речь на суде- I want to make a case. 12. hard-headed -расчетливую- I want to make a case. I want to make a hard-headed, evidence-based. 13. evidence-based– обоснованную 14. jury - суд присяжных, судить - ladies and gentlemen of the jury, take a look at this. 15. behavioral science - поведенческая наука - is used in many other experiments in behavioral science. 16. thumbtacks /ˈθʌm.tæk/- коробка с кнопками 17. to attach - прикрепить - to attach the candle to the wall. 18. drip onto - капать на - wax doesn't drip onto the table. 19. to thumbtack - прикрепить кнопками- Many people begin trying to thumbtack the candle to the wall. 20. make the motion-выдвинуть предложение-I saw somebody kind of make the motion over here. 21. adhere - прилепить - try to adhere it to the wall. 22. figure out the solution -находить решение - most people figure out the solution. 23. overcome - преодолеть