Project 2045 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10
The website “Russia 2045” at http://2045.com/ contains materials from the Strategic Social Movement with the following steps:
Consequently, in the Plans of Russia to send the population of the Country to another World, transferring people to a different holographic state, clearing for themselves this material world, as they did in America with the Indians, especially the Mayan tribe, without leaving a single one in this world.
Appendix No. 7
Other secret documents
Other secret documents of the "puppeteers of the world" are known, which for one reason or another have lost the status of top-secret. For example, about the involvement of the power and cultural elite of the USSR-Russia in secret orders and structures, one can learn a lot of interesting things from the book of OA Platonov “Russia under the rule of Masons” (M. Russky Vestnik, 2000, also available for reading on the Internet). No less interesting are the works of the American historian Anthony Sutton (for example, “How the Order Organizes Wars and Revolutions”) and the Russian writer Nikolai Starikov. If these documents and programs are superimposed on a series of historical events and conflicts, correlated with the powerful forces that govern the world, then the eyes will see a long-standing picture of the struggle of several clans of the highest world elite - both among themselves and with the active part of humanity, aware of what is happening processes and trying to oppose something to these plans. The collapse of the Soviet Union, world wars, revolutions, crises, contract killings, arms and drugs trafficking - almost all important events studied and silenced by history were initiated and sent from the “top of the pyramid with an all-seeing eye”. The desire to act covertly due to the relatively small number of “behind-the-scenes puppeteers” means their weakness: until the radical change in the situation, they will hide and disguise themselves. However, has the notorious Rubicon been passed yet? Are you interested in this? You don’t want to be a sliver carried by the backstage of history? Want a fair and bright future for your children? Then start to open your eyes to the world and try to understand what it is and relate it to how you would like to see it. Next comes the choice of mode of action. After all, only by detecting and determining the disease can we choose a way to cure it. Otherwise, the implementation of plans to radically reduce the population of the Earth and establish global fascism will be completed in the foreseeable future.
Translation and compilation: Sister Mercy Source: perevodika.ru Источник: https://mirtayn.ru/manifest-bankirov-1892-god-25-principov-ordena-illyuminatov-1776-i-novyj-zavet-satany-1875/
- Vedas - Upanishads - Agamas and tantras - Ramayana - Mahabharata - Bhagavad Gita - Puranas - Sutras - others
[1] The primary source is the work “Tips of an outsider” by V. I. Lenin (1870–1924). [2] The words "Gorbachev" + "Yeltsin" + "Putin" give rise to the abbreviation GEO, which when translated into English will be Gar: (English "gap", "hole"). The words “gap”, “hole” are the essence of what these presidents did with our country, breaking all internal and external ties, turning it into one huge bottomless hole. [3] A nation is a collection of people with a common origin, common traditions, language, and culture. A nation is a community of people connected by political and economic interests that is already part of the state or is striving to create it. Source: https: //thedfference.ru/chem-otlиchaetsya-narod-ot-nacii/ If the concepts of "People" and "Nation" are translated into the image of a "grape cluster", then each grape (berry) will mean a specific People in the Country, of which there may be many, and the whole cluster is a nation, which is one, because nations are assimilating. Now imagine the image reflected in the phrase “multinational people” from the preamble of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and your brains will wedge, because what was one became many, and what was many will become one. You have to grapevine (one berry) - People, put a lot of grapes - Nations, for example, which are on the vine bush, if not in the entire vineyard. [4] The word “Federation” is the phrase “FEDE [on] a walkie-talkie”, where a walkie-talkie is a receiving-transmitting device, and FEDYA or FED is a Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve, FED) is an independent federal agency specially created on December 23, 1913 to perform the functions of a central bank and exercise centralized control over the commercial banking system of the United States of America. Thus, we get that the Federation is a transceiver or trading counter of the Federal Reserve System, where the country is the goods, and the FED is the beneficiary. [5] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B8
[6] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC [7] I do not have a decision of the Vologda court on hand; there are witness publications on which the court refused not only to charge, but the text of Shearson’s statement was recognized as true. (https://ispovednik.org/stati/menahem-shneerson-nashi-plany-otnos/#back-to-top-1)