Project 2045 2 страницаProphecy in parts of Russian army shown in poem and cartoon Eduard Uspensky "Pro Sidorova Vova" (the text, cartoon), created in 1985 for 8 years until events. The prophecy in part to the fact that Soviet citizens will try to leave with the horns of citizens of the Russian Federation, and Russian citizens themselves will remain with the horns, if you do not want to live in peace and friendship with the citizens of the Union, as shown in the fairy tale by Boris Viktorovich Shergin "Martynko" and the eponymous cartoon Eduard Vasilyevich Nazarov, shot in 1987, or within 6 years prior to the events. For almost every event, there are many prophecies that are told and shown long before the events themselves are realized, but few people pay attention to them. Every educated person knows about human aggregates, aggregate States, egregors, archetypes, Golems, psychotypes, Why do natural questions arise: — If most literary and entertainment works are prophecies, then why do not analysts consider them as scenarios of future events to determine how they will develop further? — If they are Programs in the likeness of computer programs, why don't they be seized and destroyed, as Hitler did, by burning or otherwise destroying books or, more precisely, by destroying planned events?" — Why are these literary and entertainment works on the contrary replicated not only in the written (text) version, but also removed in the form of cartoons, art and television films. And now they are reissued, reshoot with new artists, as well as published in the form of computer games on the Internet? The one who planned heaven and earth, planned, including cycles, is the Creator of all events, and God, who changes these events, not breaking the existing cycles, but changing their functionality, can only create co-creators. Everything as a medal has a front side (obverse, tails-positive, zero-version), a reverse side (reverse, eagle-PN "positive-negative", perversion) and an edge (GURT-PNP "positive-negative-positive" or NPN "negative-positive-negative", diversion). Which of the three options (zero-version, perversion or diversion) to choose a person decides for himself, choosing not only for himself but also for his descendants the fate and its consequences for many generations. The merit of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Dmitry Medvedev is not only that they have become glorious successors of Boris Yeltsin, but also rebuilt their actions in the opposite direction after the revival has become irreversible and began to grow day by day. However, all this for one purpose-to delay the restoration of great Russia and its unification into a Power in the entire Northern hemisphere of the Earth. As you understand, neither Boris Yeltsin nor Vladimir Putin, nor Medvedev, nor their hosts, nor their accomplices, despite their tolerance to the state secrets I knew nothing about the Program "Phoenix", and were not even aware that their outwardly negative for the Country and its Population by the actions unconsciously laid for the Country and the People strong economic Foundation, because the Phoenix must burn itself to ashes, then to be reborn again alive. Ordinary citizens realize this case of burning themselves to ashes, then to be reborn alive will help the series "Ashes", where the officer and the thief change fates (everything like a Phoenix, everything is burned, and a new opposite is generated), and at the end of the film, the thief who became an officer catches the officer who became a thief. After watching this episode, think about the questions: 1) "Every citizen of the USSR, especially Soviet officer has not performed or the Constitution of the USSR (1977), laws of the USSR, their military oath, not defended the Motherland of the People who agreed to have him fired by the Ministry of another state, posl in the service of the enemy, does he have the right to consider himself a citizen of the USSR, especially Soviet officer? And what in this case is worth his civilian and officer honor?"; 2) "anyone who once was a criminal, but did your civic duty, Country, People, and stood in the ranks of the defenders, taking the free post and serving them free to the best of their knowledge and skills, who are not poll in the service of the enemy, he must consider himself a criminal, or has the right battestin man, even a Soviet officer? And what is his personal honor worth in this case?". At the same time I would like to thank all the unwitting participants of the Program "Phoenix", is not only involved in the export of all of our Country, hemisphere, Earth, Solar system and so on in space, but also to Prime just removed, and has started work, the efficient growth of income and the number of revolutions per year over the entire period of illegal use abroad. The, that not only the USSR, and the entire Great Russia until great Tartary, great Borea and forth in depth of centuries, the entire Velikorusskiy People, all Arias, Boreytsy and other primordial Family, kind Of, Tribes, Communities, Partnership, Bratchiny, Arteli, Community, Ospreys, Peoples, Ospreys, hordes, Humanity and so on, realizing themselves living not only on Earth, but and in outer space, began to revive as Phoenix – this long already not secret. All listed and even not listed here nesting into each other are associated with the natural law of the listed elements that are associated with each individual, which give him the corresponding rights, obligations and responsibilities. On him is spreading, as succession on them, so and rights demands with them associated, from what he automatically on fact birth becomes, user, repository and multipliers just this him his primordial ancestors, schurami, ancestors in dominion, dominance and different governance. However, the above, through the interposition of bodies into each other allows us to realize that each superior has a connection with the multiplicity of bodies of lower. For example, the Soul (astral and mental bodies) reincarnate in a new natural (physical) body, but the Spirit is reincarnated into a new Soul, and so on, by analogy, accordingly, it gives each of the birthright to represent the interests of all incarnations of various bodies associated with the
nesting based on their functions and specializations, including the floor on the side of Light as warrior of Light, and of Darkness as a warrior of Darkness, with all the consequences of the laws of war and wartime. It is also no secret (materials in the Internet are in open access) that the movement for the revival of not only the USSR, but also all without exception pre-existing subjects of law, starting with their Country, headed by 25 January 2010 Taraskin Sergei Vyacheslavovich together with Ryzhov Valery Semyonovich, taking all the free – not occupied posts in all bodies of power and management of all existing subjects of law and not so much in the territory of the USSR, as in the entire Northern hemisphere of the Planet Earth from the North pole to the Northern tropic (tropic of Cancer), according to the Charter of Alexander The great, Sovereign of the Monarchy (324 BC), based on older Thus in prophecies of many clairvoyants it is told that Russia with all its subjects of the right not only self-will revive, having multiplied that was earlier, but also will rescue the Earth and earthlings having United them. Many educated people know that in the most difficult years for the Country, when the fascist troops stood near Moscow, Joseph Stalin began to think about the post-war world order. But life has shown that the most terrible years for the country, it is not when the fascist troops were near Moscow, and now, when the separatists become collaborators, took away the authorities and management of the territory, and its troops formed from getlast, act against the USSR and Soviet citizens-citizens of the USSR in favor of NATO-enemies of the USSR in the "cold war". It is now, when the majority of citizens of the USSR, who have not changed their citizenship, began to consider themselves citizens of the new fake States. It is now, when to power in the world came not criminals, but hardened criminals - "thieves in law" began to manage collaborators (traitors) not only in the country, but also in the world. When criminals have United with the state power, having become uniform national and international mafia. When the people's judges of the Union republics within the USSR began to judge not according to the laws of even false States, but at their own discretion, turning the court into a trading market where they trade in honor, conscience, law and judicial documents. Where bailiffs began to serve as punishers during the occupation of the USSR In World War II 1939-1945 when the police became the police. And so on. When the West planned "Perestroika", it did not take into account that in our Country they play not only checkers and chess by the rules, but also giveaway, and when it does not work, then as in the movie "Gentlemen of fortune", they can put on the head instead of a hat and the game Board itself, as did Oblique chum, who could only croak: "Ear, ear, ear". It was during this period that the West began to realize what it had done when it intervened in the events related to our Country and the USSR, and therefore, without announcement, began to help restore the USSR by all means available to it. In this case, before proceeding to this Message, it is time to remember the Cathedral message of Joseph Stalin to the People of the USSR and the working people of the world, or read in the newspaper "Pravda" №53 (29540) may 21 – 24, 2010 article by Sergei vasiltsov, Director of the Center for research of political culture of Russia, doctor of historical Sciences: "Postwar world order: new Stalinist approaches to domestic and foreign policy."
Part II Message as Prophecy and as Plan
Like Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili), let us think about the future world order not only of the Country, but also of the World, how much and how to live in space taking into account the consistent inter-imposed right from the microcosm to the macrocosm, or continue to ignore not only natural but also other rights, lie to ourselves and others, protect military and civilian criminals and punish peaceful and defenseless residents, destroying them by all available means at the expense of the means being destroyed. Today's Message has a special, landmark character, as well as the time in which we live, when the significance of our choice, the significance of each step, act is extremely high, because they determine the fate of our Country for many millennia to come, provided that we do everything necessary and sufficient. In any case, everything will soon end with the complete destruction of criminals, both active and inactive. A careful study of the history of all countries of the world has shown that a) wars lead to the destruction of combatants, but not to victories; b) those who lend to the belligerents, who produce the necessary weapons for them, who supply the necessary equipment, food, education after the war benefit from wars; C) the military cannot protect the country from internal enemies who, like parasites decompose the body, decompose the state; d) military events allow to accelerate recognition of the enemies-saboteurs who became active who were disbanded for active actions; e) liberal-democratic actions in a Country where the authorities and administration have been dissolved, where false States have been created and their illegal authorities and administration are no different from the organized criminal groups with which they have long conspired to destroy the Country and its population most actively reveal all the most preserved structures and persons. The thirst for profit forces criminals to move from passive actions to active. The thirst to stand out and show themselves in front of the owners of the most active, makes you write on yourself like, using denunciations, black PR and outright lies. If there were no Harvard and Houston Projects with their Programs "Restructuring", "Reform" and " Completion "(aka "Saturn's Ring"), they would have to be invented specifically to identify internal and external enemies, completely exposed themselves now. Therefore, we thank the authors of these Projects and Programs for their activities.
Section 3: Transition Period.
Humanity is now in transition from the bad age of Kali-Yuga to the Golden age of truth and purity or Satya-Yuga. In a bad age, only one quarter of the original virtue remains, and even that by the end of Kali Yuga is completely destroyed. According to traditional Hindu beliefs, the duration of Kali Yuga is 432 thousand years, and the duration of human life in Kali Yuga is 100 years. In the Golden age of truth and purity, all virtues are restored. According to traditional Hindu beliefs, its duration is 1,728,000 years, and the duration of human life in Satya Yuga is 100,000 years. The transition period is: - restoration of all pre-existing subjects of law (actions in favor of third party), - to resolve all issues related to the subject and all ( laws, Finance, property, etc.)); - settlement of all issues related to this subject and all persons there of registered ( laws, Finance, property, etc.). Data return to subjects of everything withdrawn from them and everything for what calculations weren't made; - the Union of all subjects into a single Power with the transfer of all to it owned with simultaneous self-release; the creation of new bodies of power and government Power (military, spiritual, etc.) - most of humanity, especially in systems of power and governance (parties, movements, societies, etc.), which is and tsya in a mental dream, or under the influence of mental States (commercial gain, loss, threats punishment, deprivation of something) not b e t the necessary capacity required for making adequate decisions. Before coming out of this state and passing the judicial psychiatric expertise for active inclusion in the process of reviving their rights and freedom and legal order, they are declared " conditionally capable »; - until the complete re-creation of pre-existing subjects of law on literacy Alexander Filippovich of Macedon and earlier documents on which she refers, since the USSR and the RSFSR as one-piece functioning healthy related organisms, as well as all their legitimate (legitimate) organs the government has chosen and the Indigenous people of the USSR and RSFSR; - before receiving in trust from the recreated management bodies Indigenous and indigenous Peoples living on their land have the right to govern: - space on this earth - resulting consolidated sovereignty, - received power in the space (in the territory), before the establishment of relations with the Istotnymi and Indigenous people of this space (territory) relations as with the founders of pre-existing entities rights, since the USSR and RSFSR and further in depth of centuries; before establishing relations with the citizens of these spaces (territories relationships as employees, prior to the establishment of relations between the founders of pre - existing entities right, since the USSR and the RSFSR Has and Indigenous Peoples and Has and The indigenous inhabitants Of the country Rus ( as mutually beneficial not causing no harm done, prior to the official election of the Head of the lei of pre existing subjects of law, not connected with the collapse of these subjects of law prior to the official appointment of a non-associated commander of the Armed forces the collapse of these subjects of law prior to the formal election Of heads of Legislative bodies not related to the collapse of these subjects of law prior to the formal election Of the heads of the Judiciary not related to the collapse of these subjects of law. During the transition period, the laws of war and wartime of all revived legal subjects of law (according to the Charter of A. F. Makedonsky and other legal of the documents to which it refers), throughout the space of the Planet Earth, taking into account its position in space where it may be that or with it removed.
Part III Goals, objectives and the path to them for humanity
Section 4: Objectives and principles
We propose that the Goals and Principles of all mankind should be as stated in the UN Charter in Chapter I Goals and Principles. 1. To maintain international peace and security and, to that end, to take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to the peace and to suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace and to settle or resolve by peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, international disputes or situations that may lead to a breach of the peace; 2. To develop friendly relations among Nations on the basis of respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; 3. To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, nationality or creed. 4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of Nations in achieving these common goals. Here is only for starters need to lead to legitimacy actors rights in the form of States, peoples, Nations and so on. Currently, only the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is legal among all UN members. Accordingly, only he has the right to create and register States and their unions. The present situation in the field of law does not correspond to the norms of law, neither present nor coming time.
Our meeting today is devoted to the questions of law and the possibilities of further existence of human civilization in constitutional, legal or criminal entities such as the Russian Federation and other post-Soviet jurisdictions, the UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, the USA, France and Japan (G-8), many similar around the Planet, as well as the Revival starting with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics all pre-existing entities regardless of their legality, to bring law, Economics, Finance and other areas of human activity and humanity in the true state.
Section 5: Members of human civilization, including: New
Let us remember that even the Bible describes: a) God and his adversary the Lord (this is not one person with different names, but two persons with different names); b) God creates heaven and earth (Genesis 1: 1), and the Lord creates earth and heaven (Genesis 2:4) (note the difference between the verbs to create and make, as well as the word order in the phrase "heaven and earth" in God and "earth and heaven" in the Lord. These phrases set the direction of motion: centripetal-with God and centrifugal-with the Lord); C) God creates Man (man and woman), makes them like himself in image and likeness, " God blessed them, and God said to them: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and possess it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea [and over the beasts,] and over the birds of the air, [and over all cattle, and over all the earth,] and over"(Genesis 1: 26-28), and the Lord created man out of the dust of the earth (read - zombie) and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it, and from the rib taken from man, the Lord God created a wife, and brought her to man. (Genesis 2: 7, 2: 15-25). God People with rights and opportunities God provided the earth with, and all that it produces, and the Lord – he's just a slave or servant without rights and opportunities, even the Lord, not to mention God, nothing is guaranteed. Thus, relating himself to Adam and eve, as their descendant man automatically renounces God, from his rights and opportunities, from the blessing, from what he handed over to the dominion of the ancestors, ancestors, and ancestors of Man. In addition, those who were created by the Lord, on the contrary relating themselves to the original created by God, respectively have the right to use what God has transferred to the dominion. Isn't it time to switch places like in the TV series "Ashes", to bring everything back to its original state, so that the thief became a thief and the officer became an officer? From what has been said, it follows that all mankind consists of three types of people: - - the first: divine created in the image and likeness of God, blessed, endowed,..., man and woman, and their descendants (Genesis 1: 26-28); - second: the Lord created (animated) from the dust of the earth (clay)as zombies[5] or Golems [6] - this is in the part of Adam and the mutant clone - in the part of eve, as well as their descendants (Genesis 2:7, 2: 15-25); - third: a mixture of the first and second in different proportions, men and women, and their descendants. Therefore, all mankind must be sorted into these types to determine their legal role and place in Humanity. As we know from history, theft (theft, embezzlement, robbery, robbery, fraud, embezzlement) is the appropriation of the product of someone else's labor. The most common type of theft in modern conditions is the seizure of the products of others ' labor from those who directly create goods, services and technologies. if you think that this is the so-called business, entrepreneurship and other forms, where price, legal, judicial and other wars are used for this, then you are mistaken – this raiding is not even at the level of the state, but of the World. This is when a limited group of people first gets to the authorities and management of States, and then international structures, managing not only the authorities and management, manipulating the constitutions and laws, but the power, law enforcement, judicial and similar structures, consisting of indigenous people, performing these duties only because they get a little more than those to whom repression is applied. These crimes are committed under the guise of compliance with the laws. The primary source of these laws should be a multi-national Nation, which expressed its will at a national Assembly or referendum. But it is this multi-ethnic Nation that is criminally inactive after the referendum, waiting for them to be brought to the extreme point, when parents, wives, children and grandchildren will be shot and burned openly and EN masse. And if the enemy does it not explicitly, but secretly, then the response will never come? But as we know, the Will of the peoples, expressed in the referendum of March 17, 1991 on the preservation of the renewed Union of the SSR, was criminally ignored. This event was a unique decision of the planetary scale after the final extinction of natural law in 1478 after the last Novgorod Veche bell was removed, when People's, natural, natural law finally died out on the planet Earth. All types of modern management are illegal and criminal due to the fact that business and entrepreneurship have become the main forms of activity on the planet Earth and already on their basis structures have been created that have filled the entire legal space, posing as legitimate legal entities. As everyone knows, on the planet Earth there is only one legal entity - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which emerged after the popular vote on March 17, 1991 or in old Slavonic-The national Assembly. We know that the Russian Federation, sold almost the entire territory of the USSR and the RSFSR, sold the right to extract the resources of our Country for 150-200 years for the first time at dumping prices to its accomplices, in connection with which, we istotnyh, indigenous people and our descendants have virtually no material basis for existence in the legal and any other space of the Russian Federation. The sale of natural resources automatically leads to a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the mortality of the indigenous population, and the non-return of funds to the Country increases these parameters many times. In countries that purchase natural resources, the opposite processes can be observed-an increase in the birth rate and a reduction in the mortality of the indigenous population, especially when they are calculated with suppliers not with real values, but with cut printing products or non-performing debt obligations of private Central Banks. Therefore, it is necessary to make the only right choice towards the Revival of all pre-existing subjects of law, starting with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics through the implementation of the results of the referendum (aka the national Assembly of March 17, 1991 in all its incarnations).
Based on the above, I propose to all citizens and structures in the space (on the territory) of the USSR to return to the legal field of the USSR and transfer all assets under your control to the budget of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with the simultaneous opening of personal accounts to receive a bonus for the work done to return the property and assets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The above applies primarily to members of group Z, to employees TSKKPSS, the KGB and anyone who is relevant to the conclusion, UCT and storage assets of our Country in whatever legal, physical and other entities, they were not. On the territory of our Country, about half of the members of group Z are now already in another world, the rest are waiting for the order of their commanders to move into the legal field of the USSR. I remind you that many of those who on the territory of the USSR led special operations to withdraw and export assets from the Country, went over to the side of the enemy, or act in a personal interest, so the order from their immediate superiors on the transition and return to the USSR, they are unlikely to receive. All surviving employees of the authorities and management of the USSR are invited to begin their duties immediately according to their position and place of work on the date of dissolution of the authorities and management of Ministries and Departments in the USSR. All employees of authorities and management of similar Ministries and Departments working in post-Soviet subjects of law are invited to voluntarily resign and take vacant positions in the same authorities and management of Ministries and Departments in the USSR. All the rest of the register in the composition of the personnel reserves the USSR. In the World and the Country has long been launched under the strictest secrecy program "Phoenix", which is entrusted with the function of controlling the movement of all assets on the Planet Earth, both in terms of withdrawal from the destroyed States, and the reverse input in their revival. SMERSH, who is known for his cruelty and integrity towards the PHOENIX team, is simply a humanist and pacifist. We can talk endlessly about the crimes of post-Soviet criminal formations posing as States and their masters, but this is the prerogative of international and national military tribunals and of course the PHOENIX team. It was at such turning points that our Country and its Peoples repeatedly proved their ability to develop, to renew, to develop the earth, to build cities, to conquer space, to make grandiose discoveries. And contemporaries will have to return and multiply everything that we and our ancestors, Shchurov, ancestors..., illegally seized and appropriated by criminals. This constant aspiration to the future, the fusion of traditions and values based on the relationship with our past, our ancestors, ancestors, ancestors..., ensure the continuity of our multi-million-year-old being-creation (history) (Remember the Princess of Tissul, which is hundreds of millions of years old). The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been the only legitimate, lawful, rightful state on rhe Earth since March 21, 1991. Basis: Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 21, 1991 No. 2041-I "on the results of the referendum of the USSR on March 17, 1991".
On this basis I (on the basis of the military oath and Art. 62 of the Constitution of the USSR, 1977, in the absence of officials in the USSR) together with the persons appointed (authorized) by me for the period of guidance of constitutional and other law, legalized and revived all legal subjects of law that ever existed in our Country, taking over temporarily the right to manage them under the laws of war and wartime until the establishment of legal order. There were no heads of authorities and management (see actions in favor of a third party). This allowed on their basis to create new subjects of law under the working title of the Union Of the Northern Hemisphere of the Planet Earth (2010) and the Union of Slavic forces of Russia (2012).