Project 2045 7 страницаWhen we are in the period of a new regime, transitional to our accession, we will not be allowed to expose the press of public dishonesty; it is necessary that they think that the new regime satisfied everyone in such a way that even crime has dried up... Cases of manifestation of crime should remain the responsibility of their victims and random witnesses - no more.
Protocol No. 13 The need for daily bread. Policy issues. Industry Issues. Entertainments. People’s houses. "The truth is one." Great problems. The need for daily bread makes the gentiles silent and be our humble servants. The agents taken to our press from among them will discuss, on our orders that it is inconvenient for us to publish directly in official documents, and in the meantime, we will take and take the measures we desire and bring them to the public as a fait accompli, in the guise of the discussion that has risen. No one dares to demand the cancellation of what was once resolved, especially since it will be presented as an improvement ... And here the press will divert thoughts to new questions (we have taught people to look for new things). Those brainless arbiters of fate who still cannot understand that they don’t know anything about what they are going to discuss will attack the discussion of these new questions. Politics are inaccessible to anyone, except for its creators who have guided it for many centuries. From all this, you will see that, seeking the opinion of the crowd, we only facilitate the course of our mechanism, and you can notice that not by actions, but by the words issued by us on this or that issue, we are looking for approval. We constantly proclaim that we are guided in all our events by hope, coupled with confidence to serve the common good. In order to distract too anxious people from discussing political issues, we are now carrying out supposedly new questions of it - industrial issues. In this field, let yourself rave about! The masses agree to remain inactive, take a break from supposedly political activity (to which we accustomed them to fight through their mediation with the goy government), only under the condition of new occupations, in which we indicate to them the same political direction. So that they themselves wouldn’t come up with something, we still distract them with amusements, games, fun, passions, people's houses ... Soon we will begin to offer through the press competitive competitions in art, sports of all kinds: [16] these interests will completely distract minds from questions on which we would have to fight with them. Weaning more and more from independent thinking, people will speak in unison with us, because we alone will offer new directions of thought ... of course, through such persons with whom we will not be held in solidarity. The role of liberal utopians will be finally played when our rule is recognized. Until then, they will serve us well. Therefore, we will still direct our minds to all kinds of fabrications of fantastic theories, new and supposedly progressive: after all, with complete success we have turned brainless goy's heads into progress, and there is no mind among goyim who could see that under this word lies a distraction from the truth in all cases, where it does not concern material inventions, for the truth is one, in it there is room for progress. Progress, as a false idea, serves to obscure the truth so that no one knows it, except for us, God's chosen ones, its keepers. When we reign, our speakers will talk about the great problems that humanity has worried in order to ultimately lead to our good rule. Who would suspect then that all these problems were rigged by us according to a political plan that no one has figured out for many centuries?!
Protocol No. 14
The religion of the future. Future serfdom. Inaccessibility of knowledge of the secrets of the religion of the future. Pornography and the future of the printed word. When we begin to reign, it would be undesirable for us to have a religion other than ours about one God [17], with whom our destiny is connected with our chosenness and with which our same fate is united with the destinies of the world. Therefore, we must destroy all beliefs. If modern atheists are born from this, then, as a transitional stage, this will not hinder our species, but will serve as an example for those generations who will listen to our sermons on the religion of Moses [18], which has led its staunch and thoughtful system to conquer all nations. In this we will emphasize its mystical truth, on which, we say, all its educational power is based ... Then, in each case, we will compare our good rule with the past. The good deeds of peace, although forced over centuries of unrest, will serve to a new relief of the good. We will describe errors of the goy administration in bright colors. We are sowing such disgust for them that the peoples would prefer peace in a serfdom to the rights of the notorious freedom, which so tormented them, exhausted the very sources of human existence, which were exploited by a crowd of crooks who did not know what they were doing... Useless changes to the reigns to which we beat the gentiles when they were digging up their state buildings, by then they would annoy the peoples that they would prefer to endure everything from us, so as not to risk re-experiencing the experienced unrest and hardship. We will especially emphasize the historical mistakes of the goy governing governments, which tortured mankind for so many centuries with a lack of quick wisdom in everything related to its true good, in pursuit of fantastic projects of social benefits, without noticing that these projects worsened rather than improved the situation of universal relations, on which human life is based ... The whole strength of our principles and activities will be concluded in the fact that they will be exposed and interpreted by us as a bright contrast to the decaying old order of the social system. Our philosophers will discuss all the flaws of the goy's beliefs, but no one will ever discuss our faith from its true point of view, since no one will know it thoroughly, except ours, who will never dare to reveal its secrets [19]... In countries called advanced, we created crazy, dirty, disgusting literature [20]. Some time after our entry into power, we will begin to encourage its existence so that it more clearly depicts the contrast of speeches, programs, which will be heard from the heights of our ... Our smart people, brought up to guide the goyim, will compose speeches, projects, notes, articles with which we will influence the minds, directing them to the concepts and knowledge we have outlined.
Protocol No. 15
One day world coup. Executions The future fate of the goy masons. The mysticism of power. Reproduction of Masonic lodges. Central Office of the Sages. "Azefovschina". Freemasonry as the leader of all secret societies. The value of public success. Collectivism. The victims. Executions of Masons. The decline in the prestige of laws and power. Pre-election. The brevity and clarity of the laws of the future kingdom. Obedience to superiors. Measures against abuse of power. Cruelty of punishment. Age limit for judges. Liberalism of judges and authorities. World money. The absolutism of Freemasonry. The right of cassation. The patriarchal "view" of power of the future "ruler". The enrichment of the ruler. The right of the strong as the only right. The king of Israel is the patriarch of the world. When we finally reign with the help of coups d'etat, prepared everywhere for the same day, after the final recognition of the worthlessness of all existing governments (and before that a lot of time will pass, maybe a whole century), we will try to prevent us from being conspiracies. To do this, we mercilessly execute all who meet our accession with weapons in their hands. Any new institution of any secret society will also be punished by the death penalty, and those of them that currently exist are known to us and served and served, we will unassociate and send to continents far from Europe. So we will do with those goyim from the Freemasons who know too much; those whom we have mercy for some reason will remain in constant fear of expulsion. We will issue a law according to which all former members of secret societies are subject to expulsion from Europe as the center of our governance. The decisions of our government will be final and categorical. In goy's societies, in which we have sowed such deep roots of discord and Protestantism, it is possible to restore order only by ruthless measures proving rigorous power: there is nothing to look at the falling sacrifices made for the future good. In the achievement of good, at least by sacrifice, the duty of all rule is concluded, which recognizes that it is not only privileges, but also the duties of its existence. The main thing for the inviolability of government is to strengthen the halo of power, and this halo is achieved only by the majestic steadfastness of power, which would bear on itself signs of inviolability from mystical reasons - from God's election. Such was until recently the Russian Autocracy - our only serious enemy in the world, except for the Papacy. Recall the example of how bloodshot Italy did not touch the hair from Silla’s head, which shed this blood: Silla was enriched by its power in the eyes of the people, although tormented by it, and his courageous return to Italy put him out of touch ... The people don’t concern who hypnotizes him with his courage and fortitude. In the meantime, before our accession, we, on the contrary, will create and propagate Freemasonry lodges in all countries of the world, we will draw into them all the existing outstanding figures, because in these lodges there will be a main reference place and an influential means. We centralize all these lodges under one, one we know, all the rest unknown control, which consists of our wise men. The lodges will have their representative covering up the said Freemasonry department, from which the password and the program will come. In these boxes, we will tie the knot of all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will consist of all walks of life. The most secret political ideas will be known to us and will fall under our leadership on the very first day of their occurrence. Among the members of these lodges will be almost all agents of the international and national police [21], since its service is indispensable for us in that the police can not only manage their rebels in their own way, but also cover up our deeds and create pretexts for displeasure etc… Usually, swindlers, careerists, and generally people, mostly frivolous, with whom it will not be difficult for us to do business and start up the mechanism of the machine we have designed, usually enter secret societies ... If this world becomes muddied, it will mean that we needed to stir it up to upset his solidarity too much. If a conspiracy arises among him, then at the head of it will be none other than one of our faithful servants. Naturally, we, and no one else, will lead Masonic actions, for we know where we are leading, we know the ultimate goal of any action, the goyim do not know anything, not even a direct result: they are usually set by the minute calculation of satisfying self-esteem in the fulfillment of what was intended, without noticing even the fact that the plan itself did not belong to their initiative, but to our suggestion. Goys go to their lodges out of curiosity or hoping to get to the public cake with their help, and some in order to be able to express to the public their unrealizable and groundless dreams: they crave the emotions of success and applause, to which we are very generous. We then gave them this success in order to take advantage of the birth of self-seduction, with which people imperceptibly perceive our suggestions, not beingware of them, in the full confidence that their infallibility releases their thoughts, and can no longer perceive strangers... You can’t imagine how the cleverest of the goyim can lead to unconscious naivety, subject to self-seduction, and at the same time how easy it is to discourage them by the slightest failure, at least by ending the applause, and lead to slavish obedience for the resumption of success... As far as our people neglect our success, only to spend their plans, so the goyim are willing to sacrifice all sorts of plans, just to get success. This psychology of theirs makes it much easier for us to guide them. These tigers seem to have mutton souls, and there is a through wind in their heads. We put them on the skate of a dream about the absorption of human individuality by the symbolic unit of collectivism... They have not yet figured out and will not understand the idea that this horse is a clear violation of the most important law of nature, which has created a unit since the creation of the world that is unlike the other precisely for the purpose of individuality... If we could lead them to such crazy blindness, does this not prove with startling clarity to what extent the mind of the gentiles is not humanly developed compared to our mind?! This is mainly what guarantees our success. How insightful were our ancient sages when they said that to achieve a serious goal we should not stop at the means and count the number of sacrifices made for this purpose ... We did not count the victims from among the livestock seed - goyim, although we sacrificed many of our own, but but now they have already given them such a position on earth, which they could not even dream of. Relatively few victims among our families protected our nation from death... Death is the inevitable end for everyone. It is better to bring this end closer to those who impede our cause than to ours, to us, the creators of this cause. We execute Masons in such a way that no one except the brethren can suspect this, even the victims themselves: they all die when necessary, as if from a normal disease... Knowing this, even the brethren, in turn, dare not protest. With such measures, we pulled out from the midst of Freemasonry the very root of the protest against our orders. In preaching liberalism to the gentiles, we at the same time keep our people and our agents in strict obedience. Under our influence, the enforcement of goy law was reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law is undermined by the liberal interpretations we have introduced in this area. In the most important political and principled cases and issues, the courts decide; as we prescribe to them, see the cases in the light that we put on for the goy administration, of course, through the dummies, with whom we have nothing in common, by newspaper opinion or other means ... Even senators and the highest administration blindly accept our advice. The purely animal mind of the goyim is incapable of analysis and observation, and even more so of the foresight of what the well-known statement of the question may lead to. In this difference in the ability of thinking between goyim and ours, one can clearly see the seal of chosenness and humanity, in contrast to the instinctive, animal mind of goyim. They see, but do not foresee and do not invent (unless material things). From this, it is clear that nature itself intended us to lead and rule the world. When the time comes for our open government, the time to show its beneficence, we will redo all the laws: our laws will be brief, clear, unshakable, without any interpretation, so that everyone will be able to firmly know. The main feature that will be held in them is obedience to the authorities, brought to a grand degree. Then all abuses will run out as a result of the responsibility of all to a single representative of the authorities to the highest authority. Abuses of power below this last instance will be so mercilessly punished that everyone will no longer be willing to experiment with their powers. We will scrupulously monitor every action of the administration, on which the state machinery depends, for licentiousness in it creates licentiousness everywhere: not a single case of illegality or abuse will be left without an approximate punishment. Concealment, joint connivance between employees in the administration - all this evil will disappear after the very first examples of severe punishment. The halo of our power requires appropriate, that is, severe punishments for the slightest violation, for personal gain, its highest prestige. The victim, even if not to the extent of his guilt, will be like a soldier falling on the administrative field to the benefit of the Government, the Principle and the Law, who do not allow a retreat from the public road to the personal one from the ruling themselves with a public chariot. For example, our judges will know that, in wanting to boast of stupid mercy, they violate the law on justice, which was created to exemplify people with punishment for misconduct, and not to exhibit the spiritual qualities of a judge... These qualities are appropriate to show in private life, and not in public soil, which represents the educational basis of human life. Our fateful staff will serve no more than 55 years of age, firstly, because the elders are more persistent in holding biased opinions, less able to obey new orders, and secondly, because it will give us the opportunity to achieve such flexibility in moving staff, which will bend easier under our pressure: those who wish to linger in their place will have to blindly obey in order to deserve this. In general, we will elect our judges from among only those who will firmly know that their role is to punish and enforce laws, rather than dream of manifesting liberalism, at the expense of the state educational plan, as the goys now imagine... The measure of displacement will also serve to undermine the collective solidarity of colleagues and all tie to the interests of the government, on which their fate will depend. The younger generation of judges will be educated in their views on the prevention of such abuses that could violate the established order of relations between our subjects among themselves. Now the goy's judges indulge in all kinds of crimes, having no idea of their appointment, because the current rulers, when determining the judges for the post, do not care to inspire them with a sense of duty and business consciousness that is required of them. Just as an animal releases its children for prey, the goyim give their subjects profitable places without thinking to explain to them what this place was created for. Because of this, their rule is destroyed by its own forces, through the actions of its own administration. Let us draw another lesson in the example of the results of these actions for our reign. We will eradicate liberalism from all the important strategic posts of our government, on which the education of subordinates to our social system depends. Only those who will be brought up by us for administrative management will fall on these posts. To the possible observation that the dismissal of old employees will cost the treasury, I will say, firstly, that they will first find private service instead of the lost one, and secondly, I note that all world money will be concentrated in our hands, therefore, not to our government afraid of high cost... Our absolutism will be consistent in everything, and therefore, in each of its decisions, our great will will be respected and unquestioningly executed: it will ignore any grumble, any discontent, eradicating any manifestation of them in action by punishment of an approximate quality. We will abolish the cassation law, which will be transferred to our exclusive disposal - the jurisdiction of the ruling, for we must not allow the people to arise so that the wrong decision of the judges appointed by us can take place. If something like this happens, we will appeal the decision ourselves, but with such an approximate punishment from the judge for misunderstanding our duty and appointment that these cases will not be repeated. I repeat that we will know every step of our administration, which we only need to monitor, so that the people would be pleased with us, because they have the right to demand good governance and a good protege... Our government will have the appearance of patriarchal, paternal guardianship from our ruler. Our people and subjects will see in him a father who takes care of every need, of every action, of every relationship of both subjects to each other and their ruler. Then they are so inspired by the idea that it is impossible for them to do without this care and guidance if they wish to live in peace and tranquility, that they recognize the autocracy of our ruler with reverence close to reification, especially when they are convinced that our proteges do not replace it with their own power, but only blindly follow his instructions. They will be glad that we all settled in their lives, as smart parents do, who want to raise their children in a sense of duty and obedience. After all, the peoples in relation to the secrets of our policy are forever minor children, just like their reign... As you see, I base our despotism on law and duty: the right to force the execution of a duty is the direct duty of the government, which is the father for its subjects. It has the right of the strong in order to use it for the benefit of directing mankind to the natural-determined layer - obedience. Everything in the world is in obedience, if not with people, then with circumstances, or with its nature, in any case, with the strongest. So we will be this strongest for the good. We are obliged, without hesitation, to sacrifice individuals, violators of the established order, because in the approximate punishment of evil lies a great educational task. When the king of Israel puts the crown on his sacred head, brought to him by Europe, he will become the patriarch of the world. The necessary sacrifices made to them, due to their expediency, will never reach the number of sacrifices made over the centuries by megalomania - a competition of the goy's governments. Our king will be in constant communication with the people, speaking to him from the rostrum of speech, which rumor will be spread at the same hour to the whole world.
Protocol No. 16
Disinfection of universities. Replacing classicism. Education and rank. Advertising power "ruler" in schools. Abolition of free teaching. New theories. Independence of thought. Visual training. In order to destroy all collective forces, except ours, we will neutralize the first step of collectivism - universities, re-educating them in a new direction. Their superiors and professors will be prepared for their work by detailed secret programs of action, from which they will not back down with impunity. They will be appointed with extreme caution and will be made completely dependent on the government. We will exclude state law from teaching, as well as everything related to the political issue. These subjects will be taught to a few dozens of persons selected by their outstanding abilities from among the initiates. Universities should not let go of goats who cook up constitutional plans, like comedies or tragedies, dealing with political issues in which fathers never understood anything. Poorly directed familiarization of a greater number of people with political issues creates utopians and bad subjects, as you yourself can see from the example of universal education of goyim in this direction. We had to introduce into their education all those principles that brilliantly broke their system. When we are in power, we will remove all sorts of embarrassing objects from education and make obedient children of the bosses out of youth who love the ruling as a support and hope for peace and quiet. Classicism, like any study of ancient history, in which there are more bad than good examples, we will replace the study of the program of the future. We will erase from the memory of people all the facts of past centuries that are not desirable for us, leaving from them only those that outline all the mistakes of the goy governing boards. The doctrine of practical life, of the compulsory system, of the relationship of people to each other, of avoiding the evil egoistic examples that sow the infection of evil, and other similar educational issues will be in the first numbers of the teaching program, drawn up according to a separate plan for each title, nor under what form without generalizing teaching. Such a formulation of the question is of particular importance. Each public rank should be brought up in strict distinctions, according to purpose and work. Random geniuses have always been able and able to slip into other ranks, but for the sake of this rare accident, letting others into the ranks of mediocrity, taking away places from the ranks inherent in their birth and occupation is complete madness. You yourself know how it all ended for the goyim who allowed this blatant nonsense. In order for the ruling one firmly sit down in the hearts and minds of his subjects, it is necessary during his activity to teach the whole people in schools and squares about his meaning and deeds, about all his blessings. We will destroy all free teaching. Students will have the right to gather together with their relatives, like in a club, in educational institutions: during these meetings, on holidays, teachers will give supposedly free lectures on issues of human relationships, on the laws of example, on reprisals born of unconscious relationships and, finally, about the philosophy of new theories not yet revealed to the world. We will elevate these theories to the dogma of faith as a transitional step to our faith. Upon completion of the presentation of our program of action in the present and future, I will read to you the foundations of these theories. In a word, knowing from centuries of experience that people live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are absorbed by people only through education, given with equal success to all ages, of course, only by different methods, we will absorb and confiscate in our favor the last glimpses of the independence of thought, which For a long time now we have been directing the objects and ideas we need. The system of curbing thoughts is already in effect, in the so-called visual training system, which has turned goyim into non-thinking, obedient animals, waiting for visualization to figure it out ... In France, one of our best agents, Bourgeois, has already proclaimed a new visual education program.
Protocol No. 17
BAR. The influence of the priesthood of the goyim. Freedom of conscience. Papal court. King of Judea as patriarch pope. Ways to deal with the existing Church. Tasks of the modern press. Police organization. Volunteer police. Spying on the model of kagal spying. Abuse of power. The legal profession creates people who are cold, cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, becoming in all cases impersonal, purely legal. They learned to attribute everything to the benefit of protection, and not to the social good of its results. They learned to attribute everything to the benefit of protection, and not to the social good of its results. As a rule, they do not refuse any protection; they solicit excuses at all costs, finding fault with the petty snag of jurisprudence: in doing so they demoralize the court. Therefore, we will put this profession in a narrow framework that will enclose it in the sphere of executive bureaucracy. Lawyers will be deprived, along with judges, of the right to communicate with litigants, receiving cases only from the court, disassembling them according to memoranda and documents, protecting their clients after interrogating them in court on ascertained facts. They will receive a fee, regardless of the quality of protection. These will be simple rapporteurs of cases in favor of justice in favor of the prosecutor, who will be rapporteurs in favor of the prosecution: this will shorten the court report. This will establish an honest, impartial defense, conducted not out of interest, but out of conviction. This, by the way, will eliminate the bribery of fellow practitioners now practicing, their agreement to win the cause of only the one who pays... We have already taken care to discredit the priesthood of the gentiles and thereby ruin their mission, which now could be very in the way. Every day its influence on the nations is falling. Freedom of conscience has now been proclaimed everywhere, therefore, only years have we been separated from the moment of the complete collapse of the Christian religion; with other religions, we will cope even easier, but talking about it prematurely. We will put clericalism and clericals in such a narrow framework so that their influence goes back to its former movement. When the time comes to destroy the papal court completely, a finger from an invisible hand will point the peoples towards this court. When the nations rush there, we will act as its defenders, so as not to allow strong bloodletting. With this sabotage, we will make our way into its very bowels and will not leave it until we undermine the full strength of this place.