Project 2045 4 страница19. After the wars have ended, use (our) agents as behind-the-scenes advisers and use secret diplomacy to establish control (of the warring parties). 20. Create huge monopolies striving for governance through world government. 21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to destroy the economy through the seizure of raw materials. Organize discontent among workers and subsidize their competitors. 22. Develop military equipment and form forces (police and soldiers) to protect our interests and needs to the necessary extent. 23. Leaders and members of a single world government must be to appointed directors. 24. To penetrate into all classes and levels of society and government in order to fool, defeat and corrupt the young part of society, teaching them theories and principles that, as we know, are false. 25. National and international legislation must be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control people. Do you feel like Deja vu? Handwriting perhaps is well known to us.
Secret societies of the XX century
Now we turn to the book of Nikolai Bogolyubov “Secret Societies of the Twentieth Century”: If we talk about where the ideology of the Weishaupt Illuminati actually revealed itself, we need to consider the document that became known as the “New Testament of Satan”, which was kept as completely secret by the Bavarian Illuminati. I use this document with purpose in this passage, as more and more people doubt the authenticity of the protocols of the Zionist sages. Perhaps for many readers it will be easier to understand the plan and principles of what is happening if the word "Jews" is not used. This document became available to the general public only in 1875, when a Bavarian Illuminati courier was killed by lightning on the way from Frankfurt to Paris, and some of this information about a global conspiracy became available. source: https://mirtayn.ru/manifest-bankirov-1892-god-25-principov-ordena-illyuminatov-1776-i-novyj-zavet-satany-1875/
The New Testament of Satan (1875)
So, the “New Testament of Satan” (1875) reads: - The first secret in the management of people is the mastery of public opinion, and it takes so long to sow discord, doubt and instill conflicting views until people are completely lost and lose their orientation in confusion, and decide what is better in political matters at all have your own opinion. Public discontent must be aroused; Unspiritual, unclean, and nasty literature spread. Further, the task of the press is to prove the inability of non-Illuminati in all areas of state and religious life. “The second secret is to prioritize people's weaknesses, all bad habits, all regrettable, and all the mistakes - until people stop understanding each other.” - First of all, you need to fight with the power of an individual person, since there is nothing more dangerous than her. If she has creative spiritual energy, she is able to achieve more than millions of people. - Through envy, hatred, strife and war, through deprivation, hunger and the spread of infection (for example, AIDS - author's note), all peoples should be brought to the point that they will no longer see any way out, except to surrender completely to submission Illuminati - If a state is undermined by a revolution or, as a result of a civil war, faces the danger of an external enemy attack, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor. - We need to teach people to take receipts like genuine coins, be content with the outside, pursuing pleasures, being in a continuous search for something new, getting confused in it and finally following the Illuminati; this can be achieved through a good reward of the masses for their submission; the same can attract their attention. - Through the corruption of society, people will be deprived of all faith in God. - Through consistent word and word processing, as well as specially designed forms of deception, the masses will be inclined towards the will of the Illuminati. The ability to think independently should be eliminated in people through the introduction of teaching ready-made views; spiritual forces must be undermined by the use of empty demagogy. The free thoughts put forward by the parties should be stretched by the orators of the Illuminati so that people tired of hearing will develop an aversion to speakers of any orientation. In contrast, the Illuminati’s state teaching should be presented to citizens in a non-tiring manner so that they can calmly accept it. - The masses should remain blind, unreasonable and deprived of their own opinion, so that they can not discuss the topics of government; they must be governed by a just but inexorable power and the principle of unconditional submission. - World domination can only be achieved in a roundabout way, by deliberately undermining all genuine freedoms - legislation, the order of elections, the press, individual freedom, and above all the system of upbringing and education of the people - and with strict observance of the secrecy of all events. “Through a deliberate shattering of the state structure of the government, it is necessary to torture them until they are ready to transfer all their power to us in order to preserve peace.” - In Europe, it is necessary to incite misunderstanding between people and nations, racial and religious hatred so that there are insurmountable schisms, so that no Christian state can no longer find support, because all other countries will be afraid, and any alliances against the Illuminati will be meaningless ... - In other parts of the world, strife, unrest and hostility must be sown in order to accustom states to fear and suppress any possibility of resistance. - By delegating to the presidents the right to declare martial law, all military power will also be in the hands of the Illuminati. - “Unenlightened sovereigns”, on the contrary, should be eliminated through palace coups and undercover operations that do not allow them to engage in public affairs. - Through the venality of top government posts, governments should be placed in payables to the Illuminati after a series of loans have been granted to them, which will significantly increase their public debt. “By means of specially organized economic crises, during which all available cash will be withdrawn from circulation, this undermines the money economy of the Non-Illuminati.” - The power of money should become the only force driving trade and production, so that through money industrialists can get political power. Along with the Illuminati, millionaires dependent on them should fall into this category; police and soldiers must remain poor. - Through the introduction of universal equal suffrage, the undivided rule of the majority should be established. Through accustoming to independence, the family and its educational power are destroyed. Through education based on false data and false teachings, youth must be fooled, taken aside and corrupted. - Communication with existing ones and the foundation of new lodges of free masons, continuing the work of scattered organizations in order to achieve the desired goal. No one knows their goals and their goals, and least of all non-Illuminati fools who will seek membership in the open lodges of free masons, just so that their eyes more successfully fall asleep in the sand. “Through all these events, peoples should be encouraged to invite the Illuminati to the role of world rulers.” The new world government should appear to be a beneficent leadership-screen, which is resorted to completely voluntarily (UN author's note). If any state objects to it, its neighbors will start a war against it. The creation of such a government requires the organization of a world war.
Source - https://cont.ws/@artest/187696, https://geogen-mir.livejournal.com/524834.html
Appendix No. 3
The Manifesto of Bankers (1892)
The following text of the “Bankers Manifesto” was published “for internal use” in the Civil Servants Year Book, “The Organizer” for January 1934. That is, it was intended for circulation exclusively among leading US bankers. The content of the manifesto is consistent with the US Senate document No.43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934) and several others. In the English-speaking Internet, a surge of attention to it has occurred recently and, most likely, was the result of increased social tension as a result of the crisis, a search for the sources of economic problems and those responsible for them. The initial publication of the manifesto “sometime between 1907 and 1917” is attributed to the American congressman from Minnesota, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Sr., a convinced denouncer of usury and imperialism (1859-1924, Charles August Lindbergh - not to be confused with his son, the famous pilot Lindbergh). Apparently, it was supposed to serve as a warning to American citizens about plans existing in supra-government structures for the establishment of a global imperialist dictatorship (known today as the NWO - New World Order). Manifest text We (bankers) should be careful and take precautionary measures at every step, for people of the lower class are already showing signs of constant concern. Therefore, in contrast to the popular will, it will be prudent to pursue a showy policy of concessions until our plans are so realized that we can publicly declare them without fear of any organized resistance. Our trustworthy people should keep a close eye on United States organizations, and we must take immediate steps to establish control over these organizations in our interests or interfere with their activities. Our people should be present at the upcoming convention in Omaha on July 4, 1892 and control its progress, otherwise such antagonism will be launched against our plans that the use of force will be required to overcome it. At present, this (use of force) would be premature. We are not ready for a similar crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible way through a combination of (conspiracies) and legislation. Courts must be called to our aid; you need to collect debts, and you need to close pledges and mortgages as soon as possible. When, thanks to legal procedures, commoners lose their homes, they will be more accommodating and easier to manage through the factor of government pressure exerted on the state wealth of the central government, controlled by leading financiers. Homeless people will not swear with their leadership. History repeats itself at regular intervals. This truth is well known to our leading representatives, shaping world imperialism. And while they are busy with this, people need to be kept in a state of political antagonism. The issue of tariff reform should be forced through an organization known as the Democratic Party, and the issue of protectionism on the basis of reciprocity should be expedited through the Republican Party. By dividing the electorate in this way, we will be able to switch their waste of their energy into a struggle for issues that have no meaning for us, apart from the fact that we will be in this role as drivers of the crowd. Thus, through discrete effects, we will be able to ensure the safety of all brilliant plans and their successful implementation ... As a comment:
History really repeats itself over and over. For Russia today, the difference lies in the fact that the very social and state conquests and inheritance that we inherited from the three previous generations at the cost of much blood, misfortune and misfortune, as well as their hard work, are almost completely plundered and destroyed by the modern "liberal" elite. What does she offer ordinary people and labor veterans of the past five-year plans? Juvenile justice, a 60-hour work week, monetization of benefits, the police, accession to the WTO, guaranteed price increases, violated constitutional guarantees and freedoms, lack of confidence in the future, tenderness of the media on the growth of the welfare of our oligarchs ... What reasoning and attitudes do we hear from an elite born still in the USSR, but lobbying for completely antisocial and alien to working people goals? “It is important that the child is not an additional burden for the school, but the source of her financial well-being, the material well-being of her employees,” or the “moral preparation” of students for the fact that they will soon become competitors (read: enemies) to each other. Compare with the state policy of friendship and fraternity of the Soviet era ... Even with a cursory examination, it is obvious that the “leadership" of Russia, trained and instructed from abroad, has been consistently implementing for many years part of a single plan to turn the planet into a fascist state, in which Russia's only role is a raw materials appendage for managers of the "golden billion". Revelatory documents of this kind have more than once been made public, but each time they have been safely “washed away” or ignored. We will consider two more documents to make sure that the tasks of globalization and enslavement of mankind were formulated at the end of the XVIII century.
Appendix No. 4
The Protocols of the Zion of the Wise (1903)
The “Protocols of the Meetings of Zion of the Sages” is a falsified collection of texts written to convince the public of the existence of a “Jewish conspiracy of world domination”. This text was first published in the Russian Empire in 1903 in Russian (in pre-reform spelling) and translated into many languages. From a factual point of view, this text is a hoax of a conspiracy character. At the same time, the text of the Protocols is of historical value for the study of anti-Semitism - in general, and in the Russian Empire in particular.
see also
a detailed article about this text on Wikipedia in Russian; The book of V. L. Burtsev “Protocols of the Zion of the Sages”. Proven Forgery (1938).
The Meetings Minutes of the Zion’s sages
Protocol No. 1
The law is valid. Freedom is an idea. Liberalism. Gold. Belief. Self management. The despotism of capital. Inner enemy. Crowd. Anarchy. Politics and morality. The right of the strong. The invincibility of the Masonic-Jewish government. End justifies the means. The crowd is blind. Political alphabet. Party strife. The most appropriate form of government is autocracy. Alcohol. Classicism. Debauchery. The principle and rules of the Masonic-Jewish government. Terror. Freedom, equality, Brotherhood. The principle of dynastic rule. The destruction of the privileges of the goy aristocracy. The new aristocracy. Psychological calculation. Abstraction of freedom. Change of people's representatives. ... Putting aside phrasing, we will talk about the meaning of each thought, we will cover the circumstances with comparisons and conclusions. So, I formulate our system from our and goy's [1] points of view. It should be noted that people with bad instincts are more numerous than good ones, therefore, the best results in managing them are achieved by violence and intimidation, and not by academic reasoning. Each person strives for power, everyone would like to become a dictator, if only he could, but at the same time the rare one would not be ready to sacrifice the benefits of all for the sake of achieving his benefits. What held back predatory animals called humans? What has led them to this day? At the beginning of the social system, they obeyed brute and blind power, then the law, which is the same power, only masked. I conclude that, according to the law of nature, law is valid. Political freedom is an idea, not a fact. One must be able to apply this idea when it is a necessary ideological bait to attract the masses to their party, if one has decided to break another one in power. This task is made easier if the adversary himself becomes infected with the idea of freedom, the so-called liberalism, and sacrifices his power for the sake of the idea. This is where the triumph of our theory will appear: the loose reins of government are immediately picked up and picked up by a new hand according to the law of being, because the blind power of the people of the day cannot live without a leader, and the new government only takes the place of the old, weakened from liberalism. Nowadays, the power of gold has been the deputy of liberal rulers. There was a time, the rules of faith. The idea of freedom is not feasible, because no one knows how to use it in moderation. One has only to leave the people for a while to self-government, as it turns into licentiousness. From this moment, strife arises, soon turning into social battles, in which states are burning and their significance turns to ashes. Whether the state is exhausted in its own convulsions, or whether internal strife gives it to the power of external enemies, in any case, it can be considered irretrievably lost: it is in our power. The despotism of capital, which is all in our hands, extends to him a straw for which the state has to reluctantly hold on to it, otherwise it rolls into the abyss. He who would say from a liberal soul that reasoning of this kind is immoral, I will ask: if each state has two enemies and if it is allowed and does not respect immorality to use all sorts of control measures, such as not familiarizing the enemy with plans of attack or defense, attacking him at night or an unequal number of people, then why the same measures against the worst enemy, the offender of social order and welfare, can be called unlawful and immoral? Can a sound logical mind hope to succeed in leading crowds with the help of reasonable admonitions or persuasion, if a contradiction is possible, even if it is senseless, but which may seem more pleasant to the superficially understanding people? Guided exclusively by petty passions, beliefs, customs, traditions and sentimental theories, people in the crowd and people of the crowd succumb to party schism, which impedes any agreement even on the basis of a perfectly reasonable exhortation. Any decision of the crowd depends on a random or rigged majority, which, out of ignorance of political secrets, makes an absurd decision laying the germ of anarchy in government. Politics has nothing to do with morality. The ruler, guided by morality, is non-political, and therefore unstable on his throne. Whoever wants to rule must resort to cunning and hypocrisy. Great folk qualities - frankness and honesty - are the vices in politics, because they overthrow better and more truly the strongest enemy. These qualities should be attributes of goy's kingdoms, but we should not be guided by them at all. Our right is in force. The word "right" is an abstract and unproven thought. This word means nothing more than: Give me what I want, so that I can get proof that I am stronger than you. Where does the right start? Where does it end? In a state in which the poor organization of power, the impersonality of laws and the ruler, impersonalized by the rights propagated from liberalism, I scoop up a new right - to rush by the right of the strong and destroy all existing orders and regulations, lay hands on laws, rebuild all institutions and become masters of those who gave us the rights of their power, abandoning them voluntarily, liberally ... Our power, with the modern staggering of all powers, will be more irreplaceable than any other, because it will be invisible until it is so strengthened that no trick will undermine it. From the temporary evil that we are now forced to commit, the good of unwavering rule will emerge, which will restore the correct course of the mechanism of popular existence, violated by liberalism. The result justifies the means. Let us pay attention in our plans not so much to the good and moral as to what is necessary and useful. We have before us a plan that strategically sets out a line from which we cannot retreat without the risk of seeing the destruction of centuries-old work. To develop appropriate actions, one must take into account the meanness, instability, inconstancy of the crowd, its inability to understand and respect the conditions of their own life, their own well-being. It must be understood that the power of the crowd is blind, unreasonable, unreasoning, listening to the right and left. The blind cannot lead the blind without being led to the abyss, therefore, members of the crowd, upstarts from the people, though brilliantly clever but not understanding in politics, cannot act as leaders of the crowd without destroying the whole nation. Only from childhood can a person prepared for autocracy be aware of words composed in political letters. A people left to their own devices, that is, upstarts from their midst, is self-destructed by party strife, excited by the pursuit of power and honors and the unrest that results from it. Is it possible for the masses to calmly, without competition, reason, cope with the affairs of the country, which cannot be mixed with personal interests? Can they defend themselves from external enemies? This is unthinkable, because the plan, divided into several parts, how many goals in the crowd, loses its integrity, and therefore becomes incomprehensible and impossible. Only with the autocratic person can plans be developed broadly clear, in an order that distributes everything in the mechanism of the state machine; from which it must be concluded that management appropriate for the benefit of the country should concentrate in the hands of one responsible person. Without absolute despotism, a civilization cannot exist, conducted not by the masses, but by their leader, whoever he is. The crowd is a barbarian, manifesting his barbarism on every occasion. As soon as the crowd seizes freedom, it soon turns it into anarchy, which in itself is the highest degree of barbarism. Take a look at alcoholized animals, drugged with wine, the right to the immense consumption of which is given along with freedom. To prevent us and ours from reaching the same place ... The people of the goyim are stupefied by alcohol, and the youth are stupefied by classicism and early debauchery, which our agents beat up on it - tutors, footmen, governesses - in rich houses, clerks, etc., ours women in places of goy entertainment. Among these latter ones, I also include the so-called “ladies from society”, their voluntary followers of debauchery and luxury. Our password is power and hypocrisy. Only power triumphs in political affairs, especially if it is hidden in the talents needed by state people. Violence should be the principle, and cunning and hypocrisy should be the rule for governments that do not wish to lay their crown at the feet of agents of any new strength. This evil is the only way to get to the goal, good. Therefore, we should not stop at bribery, deceit and betrayal, when they should serve to achieve our goal. In politics, one must be able to take someone else's property without hesitation, if it we achieve humility and power. Our state, marching through peaceful conquest, has the right to replace the horrors of war with less visible and more appropriate executions, which need to be supported by terror, which has blind obedience. Fair, but inexorable severity is the greatest factor of state power: not only for the sake of profit, but also in the name of duty, for the sake of victory, we need to adhere to programs of violence and hypocrisy. The doctrine of calculation is as strong as the means used by it. Therefore, not so much by our means as by the doctrine of rigor, we will triumph and enslave all governments to our super-government. Enough to know that we are inexorable to stop the disobedience. Even in ancient times, among the people, we shouted the words “freedom, equality, fraternity”, words that have been repeated so many times since then by unconscious parrots that have flown everywhere on these baits with which they carried away the welfare of the world, true freedom of the individual, previously so protected from crowd pressure. Ostensibly smart, intelligent goys did not understand the abstractness of the spoken words, did not notice the contradiction of their meaning and their correspondence with each other, did not see that there was no equality in nature, there could be freedom, that nature itself established an inequality of minds, characters and abilities, and subject to her laws, they did not judge that the crowd was blind power, that the upstarts chosen from her for management were blind in relation to politics, and that a initiate, even a genius, would not understand anything in politics - all this goyim was pack out of sight; and meanwhile, dynastic rule rested on this: the father passed on to his son knowledge of the course of political affairs, so that no one would know him, except members of the dynasty, and could not reveal his secrets to the ruled people. Over time, the meaning of the dynastic transfer of the true state of affairs of politics was lost, which served to the success of our business. In all corners of the world, the words “freedom, equality, fraternity” - were put into our ranks through our blind agents, whole legions that enthusiastically carried our banners. Meanwhile, these words were worms that undermined the welfare of the gentiles, destroying everywhere peace, tranquility, solidarity, destroying all the foundations of their states. You will see later that this served to our triumph: this gave us the opportunity, by the way, to achieve the most important trump card in our hands - the destruction of privileges, in other words, the very essence of the goy aristocracy, which was the only defense against us of peoples and countries. On the ruins of a natural and tribal aristocracy, we placed the aristocracy of our intelligentsia at the head of everything, money. The censuses of this new aristocracy we have established in wealth, dependent on us, and in science, driven by our sages. Our triumph was further facilitated by the fact that in our relations with the people we needed, we always acted on the most sensitive strings of the human mind — on calculation, on greed, on the insatiability of the material needs of man; and each of the listed human weaknesses, taken separately, can kill the initiative by putting the will of people at the disposal of the buyer of their activities. The abstraction of freedom made it possible to convince the crowd that the government was nothing but the manager of the country's owner, the people, and that it could be replaced like worn gloves. The change of representatives of the people put them at our disposal and, as it were, our appointment.
Protocol No. 2
Economic wars are the basis of Jewish predominance. The ostentatious administration and "privy councilors." The successes of destructive teachings. Adaptability in politics. The role of the press. The value of gold and the value of the Jewish sacrifice. We need to ensure that wars do not give territorial benefits if possible: this will transfer the war to economic soil, in which the nations will see in our help the strength of our predominance, and the situation will put both sides at the disposal of our international agent, which has millions of eyes, eyes, and eyes blocked by any borders. Then our international rights will erase the people's rights in the proper sense and will rule by the peoples just as the civil law of states rules the relations of their subjects with each other. Administrators chosen by us from the public, depending on their slave abilities, will not be persons prepared for management, and therefore they will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scientists and ingenious advisers, specialists brought up from early childhood to manage the affairs of everything of the world. As you know, these specialists of ours drew the necessary information from our political plans, from historical experiences, and from observations of each current moment for management. The goys are not guided by the practice of impartial historical observations, but by a theoretical routine, without any critical attitude to its results. Therefore, we have nothing to reckon with them - let them have fun for the time being or live in hopes of new amusements or memories of their experiences. Let for them the most important role is played by what we have inspired them to recognize for the command of science (theory). For this purpose, we constantly, through our press, arouse blind trust in them. Goy intellectuals will boast of knowledge and, without their logical verification, will bring into action all the information gathered from science, combined by our agents with the aim of educating minds in the direction we need. Do not think that our allegations are unfounded: pay attention to the successes of Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzschetism that we have adjusted. The corrupting significance for the goy minds of these areas should at least be obvious to us.