Give a definition to the term ‘trade union’.9. Give a definition to the term ‘trade union’. A Trade union - is an association of employees formed to further their mutual interests with respect to their employment, for example working hours, wages (зарплата), conditions, etc. 10. Compare the terms ‘labour law’ and ‘employment law’. Labour law primarily deals with the relationship between employers and a trade union. This law grants employees the right to unionize and allow employers and employees to engage in certain activities, such as strikes, picketing, seeking injunctions, lockouts, so as to have their demands fulfilled. Labour law is a part of employment law. 11. What should an employment contract state? An Employment contract should state terms and conditions of employment: identities of the parties, the date of employment, a statement of whether there has been continuation of employment, the amount and frequency of payment, hoursof work, holiday entitlement, job title and work location. 12. Compare the terms ‘termination of employment’ and ‘unfair dismissal’. The Termination of employment - is an end of the work term or employment. (both parties) An Unfair dismissal - is an unjust termination of an employee's employment contract. The question is whether the employer acted reasonably in dismissing the employee. (employer) 13. Where cases between employer and employees are normally heard? Cases between employer and employees are heard in employment tribunal or in a voluntary arbitration procedure. 14. Speak about ‘ACAS’. ACAS - is the Advisory (совещательный), Conciliation (примирение) and Arbitration Service. This service administrates the new voluntary arbitration scheme, which is intended to be speedy, informal, confidential and non-legalistic.