Legal. Require. Formula. Theory. InterpretLegal / ˈli gəl / (adj) relating to the law ● She hired a lawyer to help settle her legal problems. ● We didn't know if it was legal or not. ● It is not legal in every state to buy and sell fireworks although it seems like everyone always has them for major holidays like July 4th.
Other words in this family: illegal, illegality, illegally, legality, legally
Require / ɹɪˈkwaɪəɹ / (v) to need something; to make it necessary for someone to do something ● He is very sick and requires constant care. ● The government requires me to take an additional 3,200 hours of classes. ● We, of course, require a gun permit in the state of Tennessee.
Other words in this family: required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring
Formula / ˈfɔɹ mjə lə / (n) a plan or method for doing, making, or achieving something ● His investment strategy is based on a simple formula. ● There's not just one formula for success. ● The formula is simple: combine the ingredients with the water and bake.
Other words in this family: formulae, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations
Theory / ˈθi ə ɹi, ˈθɪəɹ i / (n) an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events; an idea that is possibly true but not known or proven to be true ● I've been reading Darwin's theories of evolution. ● My theory is Venice is sinking because it just was not constructed to hold all those crowds all day long. ● Do you have a theory on why that is?
Other words in this family: theoretical, theoretically, theories, theorist, theorists
Interpret / ɪnˈtɜɹ pɹɪt / (v) to explain the meaning of something; to understand in a certain way; to translate ● The team is trying to interpret the results from their study. ● Normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety. ● He interpreted the conversation between the leaders.
Other words in this family: interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpretation, reinterpretations, reinterpreted, reinterpreting, reinterprets