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Commission. Credit


/ kəˈmɪʃ ən /

(n) a group of people who have been given the official job of finding information or controlling something; money paid to an employee for selling something

● She served on the city's water commission.

● We filed a successful complaint with the main Human Rights Commission.

● This job will give you a base salary, plus commission for each sale you make.

(v) to order or request something to be made or done

● The travel magazine commissioned a story on the world's best beaches.

● The article was commissioned by and for National Geographic.

● My sister is a painter and 35 people have commissioned her to do custom art for them before the holidays.


Other words in this family: commissioned, commissioner, commissioners, commissioning, commissions



/ˈkɹɛd ɪt/

(n) borrowed money that has to be paid back in the future; a record of how well you have paid bills in the past; an amount of money added to an account; praise or special attention for doing something

● In the past, stores allowed their customers to buy food on credit.

● She always pays her bills on time, so she has good credit.

● Bell got credit for inventing the telephone, though many other inventors were working on the project.

(v) to add an amount of money to a total

● Your payment of $38.50 has been credited to your account, which brings the total you owe down to just $5.00.

● I credit my husband for this fantastic idea!

● We will credit you for this exchange; you can use the money to make another purchase from our store.


Other words in this family: credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, credits



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