AUSCULTATIONAUSCULTATION 1. Show a method of an indirect and direct auscultation. Name the advantages and disad vatages of the methods. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs on anterior surface of the chest, give a clinical estimation. 2. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs on a lateral side of the chest give a clinical estimation. 3. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs on a posterior surface of the chest give a clinical estimation. 4. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs on the front of the chest and determine, whether there are secondary respiratory murmurs of the patient, give a clinical estimation. 5. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs on the side of the chest and determine whether there are secondary respiratory murmurs of the patient, give a clinical estimation. 6. Carry out the auscultation of the lungs at the back of the chest and determine, whether there are secondary respiratory murmurs of the patien,t give a clinical estimation. 7. Show the examination of a bronchophony give a clinical estimation. 8. Show the heart auscultation points on the patient and the projection of the heart valves on the chest. Listen to the heart apex, show how to distinguish the I-st sound from II-nd one. 9. Listen the heart according to the definite sequence, give an clinical estimation. Diagnostic value of the I-st and II-nd sounds loudness changess. 10. Listen the heart base, determine, whether there are a reduplication or splitting of the heard sounds. Diagnostic value of the reduplication and splitting sounds. 11. Listen the heart apex, determine, whether there are additional sounds, their diagnostic value. 12. Listen the heart base, determine whether there are accent of the II-nd sound. Diagnostic value of the II-nd sound accent. 13. Listen the heart apex, determine, whether there are murmurs. Diagnostic value of the organic and functional murmurs. 14. Listen the aorta, determine, whether there are murmurs. Differential diagnosis of the organic and functional murmurs. 15. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the mitral orifice stenosis. 16. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the mitral regurgitation. 17. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the aortic orifice stenosis. 18. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the aortic regurgitation. 19. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the atrial fibrillation. Diagnostic value of the pulse deficit. 20. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the anemic syndrome. 21. Listen the heart. Peculiarity of the auscultation syndrome of the hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism syndromes. 22. Listen the abdominal aorta and renal arterias, give a clinical estimation. 23. Carry out auscultation of the abdomen, give a clinical estimation. 24. Determine the arterial pressure of the patient, give a clinical estimation.