EXAMINATION QUESTIONS FOR THE FINAL CONTROL ON PROPAEDEUTICS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE INQUIRY 1. Actively inquire of the patient about complaints typical for the respiratory system diseases. 2. Principles for diagnosing of the pulmonary tissue focal consolidation syndrome. 3. Principles for diagnosing of the pulmonary tissue increased airiness syndrome (emphysema). 4. Principles for diagnosing of the liquid accumulation in pleural cavity syndrome (pleurisy). 5. Principles for diagnosing of the air accumulation in pleural cavity (pneumothorax). 6. Actively inquire of the patient with the respiratory failure syndrome. 7. Principles for diagnosing of the lung cavity syndrome. 8. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the heart diseases. 9. Actively inquire of the patient with the heart pain syndrome (stenocardia, myocardial infarction). 10. Actively inquire of the patient with the acute heart failure syndrome. 11. Actively inquire of the patient with the chronic heart failure syndrome. 12. Actively inquire of the patient with the acute vascular failure syndrome. (syncope, collapse, shock). 13. Actively inquire of the patient with the arterial hypertension syndrome. 14. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the esophagus diseases 15. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the stomach diseases. 16. Actively inquire of the patient with the dyspepsia syndrome. 17. Actively inquire of the patient with the abdominal pain syndrome (stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas diseases). 18. Actively inquire of the patient with the stomach evacuation disturbance syndrome (pyloric stenosis). 19. Actively inquire of the patient with the stomach and intestinal haemorrage syndrome. 20. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the intestine diseases. 21. Actively inquire of the patient with the irritative bowel syndrome. 22. Actively inquire of the patient with the absorbance disturbance syndrome (malabsortion). 23. Actively inquire the patient about complaints, typical for the liver diseases. 24. Actively inquire of the patient with the jaundice syndrome. 25. Principles for diagnosing of the portal hypertension syndrome. 26. Actively inquire of the patient with the liver insufficiency syndrome. 27. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the gall bladder diseases. 28. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the pancreas diseases. 29. Actively inquire the patient about complaints typical for the kidney diseases. 30. Actively inquire of the patient with the renal failure syndrome. 31. Actively inquire of the patient with the renal colic syndrome. 32. Actively inquire of the patient with the iron-deficient anemia syndrome. 33. Actively inquire of the patient with the B12- deficient anemia syndrome. 34. Actively inquire of the patient with the lymphoproliferative syndrome (leukemia, lymphgranulomatosis). 35. Actively inquire of the patient with the haemorragic syndrome (thrombocytopenic purpure, vascular purpure, hemophilia). 36. Actively inquire of the patient with the hyperthyroidism syndrome. 37. Actively inquire of the patient with the hypothyroidism syndrome. 38. Actively inquire of the patient with the chronic hyperglycemic syndrome (diabetes Mellitus). 39. Actively inquire of the patient about complaints typical for the joints diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, deforming arthrosis, gout).