PERCUSSION.PERCUSSION. 1. Show the method of direct and indirect percussion. Name the advantages of the methods. Carry out a comparative percussion of the chest in front, give a clinical estimation. 2. Carry out a comparative percussion of the chest from the sides, give a clinical estimation. 3. Carry out a comparative percussion of the chest at the back, give a clinical estimation. 4. Determine the upper borders of the right and left lungs in front, give a clinical estimation. 5. Carry out percussion examination of the upper borders of the right and left lung at the back, give a clinical estimation. 6. Determine a low border of the lung on parasternal line, give a clinical estimation. 7. Determine the low border of the lung on mediaclavicular line, give a clinical estimation. 8. Determine the low border of the lung on axillaris anterior lines, give a clinical estimation. 9. Determine the low border of the lung on axillaries media lines, give a clinical estimation. 10. Determine the low border of the lung on axillaris posterior lines, give your conclusion. 11. Determine the low border of the lung on scapular lines, give a clinical estimation. 12. Determine the mobility of the lower borders of the lungs on mediaclavicular line, give your conclusion. 13. Determine the mobility of the lower borders of the lungs on mediaxillaris lines, give your conclusion. 14. Determine mobility of the lower lungs borders on scapular line, give a clinical estimation. 15. Determine Traubes space, name its diagnostic value. 16. Determine the right border of relative cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 17. Determine the upper border of relative cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 18. Determine the left border of relative cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 19. Determine the right border of absolute cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 20. Determine the upper border of absolute cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 21. Determine the left border of absolute cardiac dullness, give the estimation. 22. Determine the borders of a vascular bundle, give the estimation. 23. Determine the sizes of a liver by Kurlov, give the estimation. 24. Determine the borders of the splenic dullness and its sizes by Kurlov, give a clinical estimation. 25. Determine Pasternacky’s symptom, give a clinical estimation. 26. Determine the tapping symptoms of the gall bladder (Orthner's, Lepene's, Vasilenko's), give a clinical estimation.