PALPATIONPALPATION 1. Determine the elasticity of the chest. Give a clinical estimation. Show the methods which help to determine the origine of the chest pain (pleural and nonpleural). 2. Determine the vocal fremitus in front of the chest and from the sides of it, give a clinical estimation. 3. Determine the vocal fremitus at the back, give a clinical estimation. 4. Palpate the apex beat, give a clinical estimation. Determine the presence of “cat’s murmur” syndrome. 5. Palpate the pulse. Determine its main characteristics (symmetry, rhythm, rate, volume, tension). Diagnostic value of the pulse examination. 6. Carry out the surface palpation of the abdomen, give your conclusion. Check up the symptom of the peritoneum irritation (Schetkin-Blumberg's), its diagnostic value. 7. Palpate the sigmoid intestine, give your conclusion. 8. Palpate the caecum, give your conclusion. 9. Palpate the ascending part of the bowel, give your conclusion. 10. Palpate the descending part of the bowel, give your conclusion. 11. Palpate the major curvature of the stomach, give your conclusion. Check up the symptom of the percussion tenderness (Mendel's), its diagnostic value. 12.Palpate transverse colon, give your conclusion. 13. Palpate the liver, give your conclusion. 14. Palpate a gall bladder, give your conclusion. 15. Check up the pressing symptoms of the gall bladder (Cera's, Merphy's), give a clinical estimation. 16. Show the zones of increased pain sensitivity and pain points, typical for the gall bladder diseases, give your conclusion. 17. Palpate the pancreas, give a clinical estimation. 18. Show the pain points, and zones of the increased pain sensitivity typical for the pancreas diseases, give your conclusion. 19. Determine the presence of oedema and skin elasticity of the patient. Give a clinical estimation. 20. Palpate the lymphatic nodus, give clinical estimation. 21. Palpate the kidneys, show the pain points of kidney diseases, give your conclusion. 22.Palpate the spleen, give a clinical estimation. What diseases can give splenomegaly?