Source: the author's research
Summarizing it up, the study results show that there is a lack of information on such topics as CCS technology and СО2 storage in the social media while the topic coverage of СО2 utilization is not widely spread currently.
So, currently the most popular Russian social networks contain insufficient number of online groups, videos, posts on the topics related to the cutting edge technologies for reducing carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, according to the study results there is some potential for raising public environmental awareness via the social media.
For spreading information on СCS technologies, it would be efficient to create new online groups under the title СО2 sequestration, CCS-technologies, СО2 utilisation and etc. to discuss issues of carbon dioxide emission reduction, overseas experience in this field, availability and development of world projects.
It should be noted that the most number of videos placed in the social media are mostly English ones. This fact is crucial one for shaping public awareness as medium and old-aged Russian people have language barrier to watch videos.
It is highly recommended to post videos in the Russian language or with the Russian subtitles in the Russian social networks and video hostings on the topics related to eliminating the risk of global warming with CCS technologies implementation in order to increase spreading information focused on the audience of 35+. The study revealed a shortage of educational video highlighting the impact of СО2 emissions on climate change and the world experience of CCS technologies deployment. It is also recommended to produce documentary films of shocking and outrageous effect to strengthen emotional capacity of drawing public attention to the global warming issues. At the end of such films it is necessary to show CCS-technologies as a powerful tool for reducing the danger of global warming. Such documentaries must be shown on television.
In our view, state bodies should initiate shaping public environmental awareness on CCS technologies. Last but not least, our authorities should stimulate energy and mining companies to provide financial support for developing such activities.
Our further research will be focused on providing recommendations for building public educational system related to carbon dioxide sequestration technologies.
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