THE STUDY OF SPREADING INFORMATION ON CARBON CAPTURE, UTILIZATION AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SOCIAL MEDIAСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ THE STUDY OF SPREADING INFORMATION ON CARBON CAPTURE, UTILIZATION AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yurii Vasilev1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Tsvetkova2 1 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russian Federation 2 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russian Federation ABSTRACT The most emerging technologies for climate change mitigation are Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). Some countries have been developing CCS and CCUS projects and they are at different stages of deployment at the moment. Despite signing of the international agreements on climate change mitigation, Russia does not provide development of CCS technologies and their deployment. Considering long-term development of such technologies, its major objective is to increase public awareness of carbon capture, storage and utilization. Currently the issue of shaping public awareness on CCS and CCUS technologies has gained enormous momentum in the Russian Federation. The main purpose of awareness campaign is to create public perception focused on saving energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The high level of public awareness and approval of such projects will stimulate CCS and CCUS projects deployment in the Russian Federation. The level of public awareness on CCS and CCUS technologies is determined by different sources of information. Currently Social Media is the most popular way of getting information in the Russian Federation and globally. The paper discusses the research results of spreading information on CCS and CCUS technologies in the Social Media. It provides the analysis of existing social groups and topic video content in the social networks. The recommendations for developing system of actions to improve Russian public awareness on CCS and CCUS technologies are given. Keywords: carbondioxide, carbon storage, CCS technologies, public attitude, public awareness.