INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Climate change is one of the global factors affecting long-term planning for the sustainable development of the world economy. In December 2015, the representatives of more than 190 countries signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change aimed at regulating measures to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The main criterion for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement is to limit warming to the 2 ° C by 2100. According to the Paris Agreement developing countries are expected to provide active measures to reach the goal [7]. The major target on climate change mitigation is to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions while maintaining high level of living standard, industrial and economic development. The main ways of reducing GHG emissions are the following: - decreasing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency technology; - transition from non-renewable energy to renewable one; - replacement of fuel types in power industry (transition from coal to gas); - carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS technology). Carbon Capture and Storage technology is the process of СО2 capture at the source of its release, transportation and long-term utilization with mandatory monitoring of storage (traps). These technologies can be an efficient driver for providing gradual transition to renewable energy [2]. Today more than 30 countries across the world deploy or plan to deploy about 300 projects of carbon capture and storage [11]. Currently in the Russian Federation there are no projects of СО2 sequestration even at the early-stage of planning. The prospects for further development of CCS technologies mainly depend on public approval of such technologies. Public awareness of the necessity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the key starting point for building up climate protection system at the national level [3]. Primarily shaping public approval requires forming public environmental awareness. Such awareness can be formed with communication system capable to provide outreach program on ecological issues. In the 21st century mass media has become the main source of relevant environmental information. Its publications contain information on many topics and accessible to the broad public audience. In recent years more and more attention has been paid to study public attitude towards implementation of СCS projects. A number of developed as well as developing countries (Australia, India, Indonesia, USA, Japan) are doing research on the issues of building up communication system for shaping public opinion on CCS technologies implementation [1, 5, 9, 12]. There are some research works devoted to the study of social impact on public awareness by newspapers [Feldpausch], videos [15], social networks [6] and other media [4]. Russian scientists are also involved in doing research in this field. They study the issues of national influence on CCS projects implementation [11], problems with stakeholders interaction for implementing such projects [2], implementation aspects of these technologies in the Russian mineral resource sector [10]. Positive and negative sides of possible СО2 sequestration projects implementation in Russia [13] as well as foreign experience of shaping public approval on CCS technologies [14] are also taken into account. First and foremost, dissemination of information on СО2 sequestration projects requires shaping a certain level of public awareness on their positive and negative sides. It is possible to achieve the goal by building up a communication system highlighting the importance of СО2 sequestration in the Russian Federation. For such system creation it is necessary to take into consideration the study results of media resources popularity among Russian citizens. According to the study results the key Internet-resources are such as social media, online news outlets, photo and video hostings (Table 1). Table 1. Popularity of Internet resources among different age groups in Russia
Source: [8] Table 1 contains two Russian social networks. VK is a Russian social network with an average daily audience of more than 80 million visitors. There are more than 460 million registered users in this network. While Odnoklassniki is the other Russian social network with more than 71 million visitors per month. More than 19% of Russian Internet surfers use the account in Odnoklassniki every day or almost every day. As it is presented in Table 1, the social network VKontakte and video hosting YouTube are the most popular ones among absolutely all age categories. Whereas the social network Odnoklassniki and online news outlets are hits with people over 35, and Facebook has gained its popularity among age group over 45. Interesting, but not surprising that Instagram is the mainstream for young people under 35 years old. The objective of the article is to study spreading information on CCS technologies in the most popular social networks.