Тема: «История возникновения компьютера»Тема: «История возникновения компьютера» 1. Interaction \ Работа с новой лексикой (нахождение соответствий) 1. -Find the item in the picture and write the corresponding letter (Students write the letters) password ( c пароль) online shopping ( h ) keyword ( a ключевое слово ) website ( d ) mouse( f ) search engine ( g поисковая система) click ( b щелчок ) screen ( e экран ) b) Работа с текстом (отработка новой лексики) - Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Students write the words) When you want to find information on the web, it is helpful to use a search engine such as Google or Yandex. You type in a keyword or a phrase, click in “GO” and a list of websites appears on your computer screen. Many people use the web for online shopping or banking. To enter a secure site, you usually need to enter your username and a password c) Работа по составлению предложений в логической последовательности - You have some simple sentences. Please, put the following computer operation in correct order… How we must plan our work with the computer? (Students write the letters) - Check your answers. Let’s read your sentences. d)Работа с диалогом. Слушание. -Now let’s listen the dialog. Please answer the question “What trouble with the computer?” So, here are Ron and Frank. (Students listen to the students, answer the question)