lt;£ 15 страницаStill I have to admit that it can do you some good later on. But it's necessary to work on the difficult experiences that happen to you once in a while, if you really want them to turn into valuable lessons in the future. Gain is how we learn, said C.S. Lewis. That's the way things go. But not always, unfortunately. Sometimes people happen to die if the pain is too big. And therefore they don't learn anything anymore. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ffc ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 64 Self-employed vs. employed There are many advantages for people to work for themselves and have their own business. For example, you do not need to worry about getting up too late for work; you do not need to worry about the relationship between you and your boss; you may go to work at any time you want, because you are the boss of your own business. You may lead a more spontaneous and free life. In spite of this, personally, I would like to work for someone else. No matter what kind of business you own, a domestic or international company, or a small one like a snack shop, you have to take care of many things such as a license, rent, your employees, your competitors, product marketing, even the weather if you own an umbrella shop. That is what I do not like. I do not like a complicated life. I am just a normal female who hasn't much ambition either in my life or in my career. I am used to having a simple life, a regular life with discipline, without much risk. What is most important for me, besides work, is that I can still have free time for things I enjoy doing, and do not need to think about business all the time. For me, being a business owner might have too much risk and stress. Of course, being an employee, you are subject to discipline, and pay attention to your boss, but that's a part of life, just like for others, paying attention to their own business, earning a lot of money, and having risk are parts of their lives. In a phrase, I would rather work for someone else. I just want to have my own simple and regular life! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 64 Self-employed vs. employed My friends and I always talk about our jobs. Whether to work for ourselves, own a business or work for an employer is one of the hot topics we discuss. Some prefer to work for themselves or own a business. While others prefer to work for an employer. As far as I am concerned, I would like to work for myself. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. First of all, perhaps one disadvantage to work for others is that we could not plan our time freely. We have to work from 8 to 5 according to the employer's schedule. No matter what the weather is like and no matter whether it is necessary, we have to go to our office on time. We have no choice but to obey the rules set by the employer. Suppose we work for ourselves, we could decide our own timetable. We could find the best time for us to work and improve the work efficiency. Another reason for my inclination for working for ourselves is that we earn what we deserve. Our wages would be very clear to us. We know what we should earn. That's fair and we would work harder to get better result. However, when we work for others, the boss decides what we earn. It often occurs that we get less than we could earn. In addition, working for ourselves, we try our best in our work to reach our goal, thus we would be faster to succeed in life. If we work for others, the enthusiasm to work may not be so high. I heard many enterprisers who work for themselves succeed earlier than people of the same age. In a word, in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to work for ourselves, I feel that the advantages are more obvious, that is we could plan our time for work more freely, earn the amount of money that we deserve and get early success in life. Taking into account of all these factors, I would choose to work for myself. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1ft ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 64 Self-employed vs. employed Although the idea of owning a business is an exciting and admirable one, it is not always a realistic option, especially for a new graduate like me. On the contrary, I would like to work for someone else after my graduation. The reasons for my view go as follows. The most obvious reason is that I can learn plenty of practical business and administrative knowledge as an employee. If I were given the opportunity to work at an outstanding company such as Mckinsey & Company or IBM, I certainly would absorb its first hand management skills accumulated for years. I would also benefit greatly from its various valuable training programs. With the help like that I can avoid many unnecessary trials and failures that may be involved in my own business path. Another positive aspect of working for someone else lies in the development of my broader social contact network. As I just step into adult society, I am still timid and lack of communication skills. Working for others will offer me opportunities to get access to all kinds of clients, customers, and employers. Undoubtedly, adequate exposure to them will teach me how to communicate with one another, how to deal with socializing problems, and how to establish my own personal social network. Moreover, working for an employer, to some extent, can build up nice personalities that are essential for my future career. As we all understand, management knowledge itself does not lead to success without a combination of broad social network and nice personality. Working with colleague helps me to cultivate nice dispositions-cooperative, responsible, caring for others, outgoing, etc. All in all, working for an employer suits my situation perfectly. Therefore, from what has been discussed above, I would rather choose to be an employee and prepare myself in all fields, if possible, for my future self-employed. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 65 Should a city preserve or destroy its historic buildings? The issue here is whether old, historic buildings in a city should be preserved or replaced by modern buildings. In my opinion, buildings of historical value should definitely be protected rather than destroyed. I base my point of view on following reasons. Firstly, each historical building is precious property of human being. Like an antic, the value of an old building cannot be measured by money. We will lose those valuable historical buildings permanently if we don't preserve them. Once a historical building is destroyed, we can never restore it; even if it is restored to its original look, the new building is only a fake replica; the historical value will never come back to us. Secondly, a historic building always represents history and has educational functions. Each one of them can tell us a story. For example, some buildings are evidences of foreign invasion, others are signs of various religions existed in past decades. People nowadays can always obtain historic or cultural information through visiting these old buildings and sites. Although we can learn the past from books, pictures and by visiting museums, nothing can compare with the actual historical buildings themselves, which can bring vivid educational material to us. Thirdly, historical buildings are a symbol of a city and a valuable tourist resource; therefore a city cannot go without historical buildings. Beijing is represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, which are all historical relics. It is hard to imagine that someday the City of Beijing decides that all these buildings should be destroyed and modern buildings be built on their sites. Because those historical relics and buildings are too important to the city and can generate profound tourist income. A city will benefit more by protecting its historic buildings than by replacing them with modern buildings. For all reasons given above, I will strongly suggest a city municipal should preserve the old, historic buildings. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1M ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 65 Should a city preserve or destroy its historic buildings? Whether the city should try to preserve its old, historic building or destroy them? I believe that different people will have different opinions. According to my experiences, I think that we should preserve these old, historic buildings. I like to use following reasons to explain why I think so. The first and important reason is that every old building represents an important piece of history. Undoubtedly, they can reflect contemporary culture, custom and life style, etc. For example, the former Imperial Palace in China, where ancient emperors have ever stayed, has had a longstanding history as long as over 2,000 years. Through it, we not only can remember many famous historical events, but can also know that ancient people have grasped very advanced architecture techniques and methods. I believe if we demolish these valuable buildings, we will destroy a significant piece of history. More seriously, we will not be able to rebuild them. What people need is not the duplication or copy. In many old cities, there are some old houses at where there were many important meetings hold. When we visited old sites, we seemed to go back to that turbulent and exciting time - as if we can hear what those important historic characters were talking. I admit that some old buildings have become a bit dilapidated and unsightly, and have not generated any revenue. But if we can refurbish them, I believe that they could start to attract visitors again. From what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that we should preserver these historic buildings. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays W ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 65 Should a city preserve or destroy its historic buildings? Every culture has its special features. Buildings, as symbol of architectural heritage, are an important part of the history of any country or city. Moreover, they could help us find the answers of many questions about the historical development of our society. Therefore, I truly believe that every city-administration should try to preserve the old, historic buildings. All over the world many buildings are preserved in their authentic appearances. Furthermore, many of them have unique constructions and are really beautiful and impressive. In my opinion, the destruction of such remarkable pieces of architecture and their replacement with modern buildings can be called 'barbarity'. Therefore, a lot of old buildings belonging to the historical heritage of the world are protected by UNESCO. It is a fact that cities, which have their old, historic buildings, are favorite places for holiday and tourism. The reason is that these cities keep their special atmosphere and could offer us a magnificent journey through their cultural and architectural history. The only reasonable argument to destroy some historic buildings and replace them with modern ones, is when there is a risk of self-destruction, which could endanger human lives. But again the safety standard can be achieved by renovation or restoration of old buildings. In conclusion I would say that preserving old, historic buildings could be considered as a sign of our respect and regard to the previous generations. I am aware that it is an expensive initiative. But who can evaluate the worth the historic buildings have, for those who will come after us. And I would dare to ask - who gives us the right to destroy what the centuries have kept for us? And I would answer "Nobody"! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 111 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 66 Are classmates a more important influence to a child? I strongly agree that classmates are more influential to a child's success at school than parents. This I support with the following reasons. A child spends so much time with his classmates at school. They study together, play together, and write exams together. Psychologists agree that during their first years at school, children are more influenced by their classmates on their emotional and mental growth. In addition, a child has nothing to hide with his classmates in terms of academic performance. For instance, a child who does a bad job in a math exam will be revealed on his grades; a child who wins the first prize in oral debate contest will be rewarded before the whole group of students. So his classmates know both his good and bad sides. However, It is easier for a child to conceal something to his parents while describing his conduct at school-often limit to those good points. Finally, classmates are of similar age with a child. They share so many interests in common. So a child is more attracted by his classmates' activities. If he is in a group of children who are interested in creative activities, he will more likely to think of inventing something. So classmates are very helpful in a child's success at school. From the above discussed, I agree that classmates will influence a child more in his success because they spend more time together, they understand him better than his parents, and they have so much common interests together. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 66 Are classmates a more important influence to a child? Children's success at school depends on a lot of factors, excellent classmates, qualified teachers, good parenting and so on. Among all the factors, classmates play an important role in determining children's success. First, classmates are a great help in the academic studies of our children. Children spend most of their time at school with their classmates, sharing learning experiences among each other. No only are they competitors, but also they are learning pals as well. When someone face difficulties in the learning process, he can seek immediate help from his classmates especially when teachers are not available at that moment. In some cases when courses relating to language teaching demand that students practice speaking in groups, cooperative classmates will be a great assistance to achieving the goal of effective learning. Second, children acquire communication skills during their encounter with their classmates. Children who are able to establish good relationships with their classmates are more likely to achieve in their future career. Since a classroom consists of a group of people including teachers and students, they are just like a small society. If children can deal with everything appropriately with their schoolmates at school, they are more likely to keep good terms with their colleagues in the future workplace. A Good relation with others is part of their success. Finally, children have also obtained a great deal of life experience from their classmates. Being of the same age, children are easier to communicate with their generation than with their parents. As a result, they learn more from their counterparts than from their parents. From those reasons, we can safely conclude that classmates are too important a factor to ignore and they are a more important influence than parents on children' success at school. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 67 Inexperienced, cheap workers or experienced workers? When it comes to whether an employer should hire workers with less experiences and lower pay, or to hire experienced workers with a higher salary, since there are always advantages and disadvantages of the two, and there are always different situations, my personal option is that different strategy should be applied for different situations. For situations where basic and simple jobs which requires less training, and cutting down cost is vital for the survival of the business, I would prefer to hire someone who has less experience and willing to work under a lower pay. For example, a factory should hire more inexperienced laborers to work on the part of the plant where less skill but more physical strength is needed; and a restaurant owner should hire a cheaper kitchen hand rather than more chefs to cut down the cost of operation. On the other hand, for situations when more knowledge and skills is crucial for a job, I would tend to hire someone who is more experienced and would rather pay more salary. Training an inexperienced person for an advanced position can cost a great deal of money, and a mistake an inexperienced makes sometimes can bring disaster to a company. Therefore an experienced personnel is a valuable asset for a business. Sometimes the value cannot be measured by money. A company may lost millions of dollars of revenue when some important positions are vacant and it has to look for someone who is qualified or take a lot of time to train a new person. In conclusion, when we decide whether to hire a inexperienced, cheaper worker or an experienced, but more expensive worker, it is always depend on the nature of the business and the position, the amount of training required, and of course, the employers' personal preferences. Hire an editor to edit your TOEFL/IELTS essays! See FindScore.com TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 67 Inexperienced, cheap workers or experienced workers? To hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary, this is an interesting question for an employer. As far as I am concerned, a good employer will choose the latter without hesitation, because he knows an experienced worker deserves what he is paid. Qualified workers play the most important role in any business. The directors controls the business, the managers operate the business, whereas, it is nobody else but the workers who are expected and responsible to produce qualified products. Without those products the business will be a castle in the air. Thus qualified workers are indispensable for an employer. What makes a qualified worker? Undoubtedly, experience is one of the most valued merits. Experience means quality and efficiency; both of which guarantee a well-run business. It is true that the employer has to pay more for an experienced worker, but what such a worker brings to the employer is much more than he is paid. Admittedly, no one is born to be an experienced worker. A rookie is inevitably a rookie at his debut, and he needs opportunity to obtain the required experiences. Hence there must be some employers who are willing to provider them with such opportunities. In a word, for an employer, it is profitable to hire an experienced worker at a higher salary than to an inexperienced one at a lower salary. However, some wise employer may want to hire inexperienced workers with potential. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 68 Is daily homework necessary? It is commonly known that students could increase their values of knowledge by absorbing all necessary information given by their teachers during the lessons and by practicing and analyzing a broad variety of assignments, known also as homework. I firmly support the necessity to assign as much homework as possible since students could improve and understand given lessons more effectively. Every year, frustrated and upset students complain about having too much homework assigned by their teachers. It is understandable that unwillingness to do their homework could be resulted due to many temptations attracting young students in every day life. After intensive learning provided at schools, students usually want to relax and enjoy watching interesting movies, playing video games and spending the leisure time with their friends. Hence, doing assigned homework is usually postponed for later time or ignored at all. This tendency of not doing homework could result in poor and negative students' results on later tests and would probably destroy the willingness and important habits to study at home. As far as I am concerned, daily homework should be assigned within different numbers of exercises according to the overall interest and enthusiasm demonstrated by students during the lessons. An enormous amount of homework should not be given if most students tended to be discomforted by not understanding given lessons. In this case, teachers should focus on providing more accurate and elaborate explanations of their lessons unless the students are showing potential interests for getting further information. Hence, students, who are completely satisfied and fascinated by provided learning materials, could polish and improve the gained knowledge at home by doing their homework enthusiastically and effectively. Finally, I would like to say that daily homework could give students the opportunity to improve and enhance their knowledge gained during the school time. Also, students' results of daily homework could show many teachers whether their learning materials were well introduced and explained. Moreover, it could be interpreted as an important source of information for teachers to make the crucial decisions of whether to begin new learning objectives or revise previously discussed lessons by assigning more homework. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1% ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 68 Is daily homework necessary? There's much controversy about the necessity of daily homework for students. Some say homework is necessary since only practice makes perfect, while others disagree because they believe a student should have the freedom to study whatever in whatever forms just as he/she likes to. In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for students. First, a teacher could assign homework as a measure for the students to study. A student needs guidance from a teacher because he/she does not have an overall understanding of the knowledge he is going to study from the teacher. This means, at the beginning, a student could not well plan his/her study, just as a kid who is for the first time in a swimming pool could do nothing but to play with water. A teacher could make a good study plan for him/her, so that he/she could learn efficiently. Secondly, even when a student has already understand what he/she should do in order to master some skill or knowledge, he/she is still unwilling to do this for the lack of motivation. Hey, do not tell me that you have never been lazy at all when you were young. Some homework could function as a task for the student to perform which is helpful to motivate him/her. Thirdly, homework is an important form of feedback for a teacher to understand the effectively of his/her teacher. As I have mentioned before, a teacher makes a study plan for the students; but does it really work? Or does it work for all the students? It's not difficult to know this only if the teacher pays some attention to the homework of the students. Then he/she may be able to find if there's some problems in his/her teaching, and make corresponding adjustment of his/her teaching, either for all the students or for a single one. Without some feedback, it is impossible for the teacher to do this. A test is also a good form of feedback, but obviously one or two tests are not enough, and sometimes this kind of feedback just comes to late. However, This conclusion might be misleading that one may believe all forms of homework are necessary. Actually, only proper amount of homework in proper forms is acceptable; some homework may not only fail to help the students, but on contrary bore them, so much so that they may lose their innate interest to study. "Proper" homework, in my opinion, should vary in its forms; it might be some extensive reading, a paper, or even just a game, as well as other ordinary exercises. And it should leave enough freedom to the students so that they could do things they really like to do with self-motivation, rather than unwillingness. We should always remember that homework is something for us to guide the students, rather than drive them. Only if a teacher keeps this in his/her mind, the homework could be of most help to the students. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1f> ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 68 Is daily homework necessary? Most students in this world struggle daily with their homework. Many teachers believe that daily homework is the key to education and school success. I agree with this opinion. Here are my reasons. First, daily homework can reinforce the knowledge students learned at school. A student cannot concentrate every minute, and remember everything that a teacher taught in class. Daily homework is the best way for students to review what he learned during the day, study on the problems that he does not understand, and prepare for the next day's work. Second, daily homework is the bases of success in exams. This is especially true for those students who are not so bright, and the only way to succeed at school is doing homework each day. Whenever the homework flags, the class behavior dips, the learning is muddled, and the grades take a nosedive. No matter what the ability of a student is, daily homework is the key to students' school success. Third, daily homework can help students develop good learning habits. Learning is not always an enjoyable experience and students always need to spend hard time on it. Daily homework can form a kind of habit of learning for students. Once a habit is formed, learning is not such a painful thing and a student can find it more and more interesting. Obviously this will greatly benefit to a student. In conclusion, daily homework is crucial to students' success. Life requires us to keep learning in order to catch on with this fast pacing society. A good learning habit and method that we developed when we are students can benefit us for the rest of our life. Compose your essay at FindScore.com and get a free score! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 112 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 69 What subject will you study? If I could study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, I would choose computer programming, because computer programming is so vital in today's society. Firstly, computer programming is important to our daily life. With the advance of technology, we are practically facing an information age; every piece of information today is stored in the information highway, which consists of computers and networks as hardware, operating systems and software. Without software installed in these systems, the computers are like bodies without soul, and will not be able to function at all. Only with programming languages, information can be retrieved and stored into the information highway. Whether we hook up a phone line or television cable, book a ticket, travel to a foreign country, apply for a passport, an operator will immediately check our information from the computer network. If the computer systems are down, we cannot go anywhere or do anything. We can safely say that computer programming languages are ubiquitous in our daily life. Secondly, computer programming is important to technological success. With the skill of computer programming, scientists can write programs to monitor their scientific research and experiments, to analyze the trend of technological development, and to forecast the future. Computer programs can simulate a scientific experiment in a much cost-effective and timely manner, thus can save scientists a lot of time and money, therefore it can greatly expedite the pace of the development of technology. For example, a civil engineer can use a modeling program to simulate the water flow of an urban area; when there is a storm, he can quickly know which parts of the city have the danger of being under the water and dispatch his crew to that area to prevent the disaster.