lt;£ 12 страницаNonetheless, pound for pound, I reckon that trying new things has more advantageous. First of all, there is no doubt that this is a sufficient way to perfect one a lot. It is just the failure that points out where he is inadequate and not developing well. And it is also the experience of failure that teaches him where to avoid making the same mistake as before. Second, a little forward step always leads to a meaningful important discovery. In science, physicists insist on researching to explore the unknown mysterious substance cosmos and chemists seek out new useful materials through the results of millions of thousands of chemistry experiments. To some extent, we can say that stop exploring stop progressing. Although there may be tremendous risks and masses of difficulties waiting us on the exploring way, we can really not stop our forward step. Given the factors I have outlined, I believe that a person who is full filled with the courage to try something he doesn't do well is more likely to overdo himself and enjoy a more and more colorful world. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1tf> ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 50 Doing same things vs. trying new things Doing something already done well is really easy for almost everyone, it's reasonable to choose this other than try new things and take risks. But for me, I firmly stick to do something I haven't done before, for these sorts of things can really prove my ability, give me more experiences, and make my life full of fun and excitement. First, choosing a different thing to do needs a person's courage. When we come to a completely new thing, almost everyone will feel hard to start, which is common but it strengthen our wills and determinations. In fact, the beginning of a task is a real challenge for everyone, and its importance may directly bring about the result. At this very moment, courage is the thing we really need, but it is also the thing we do not always possess. To conquer the difficulties along with the risks will certainly bring you courage and pride that you never have before. Second, the things you have already done successfully are of less interest and excitement than that of the new thing. Here's a simple example. Getting the right answer of one plus one, compared to working out an untaught new math problem, which means more to you? Definitely it is the latter! Or you may rather stay at a certain level without try to achieve any higher and being outstanding. Lastly, to the human being, standing at the side of the society's evolution, the whole world needs new things to be invented, new areas to be explored, new ways to be tried out, and all these are the right things to make progress and build a better tomorrow. I chose to try new things, and I will continue to make my new days in the future. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays м ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 51 Taking risks vs. planning Once upon time, a man pleaded a piece of land from a tribe chief. The chief gave the man a pole and told him that if he could insert the pole in a place from which he could come back before the sunset, the land between tribe station and the pole would belong to him. The man was so greedy that he exhausted to death on the way back. From this story we can see that although the man had his goal and action, he had no plan. A good plan is essential for success. It can quantify the task and make it possible for a man to arrange his time effectively. First, by means of planning a man quantifies his task. He divides his final target into several periodic ones. Thus, he could average the pressure and see his progress during each period. A good plan encourages a man to fulfill his destination positively rather than passively. Actually, all successful people have their careful plans. For example, an excellent student must have a study schedule that include how to learn new knowledge and how to review old contents; an outstanding businessman needs a rational marketing plan that defines the best avenues to reach his target customers and then assigns a reasonable budget to his efforts. If one could execute his periodic target successfully every time, he could easily achieve his ultimate target. More significantly, during this process a man will acquire a lot of qualities that are essential to success. Secondly, the advantage of good planning is that one can dispose his time and energy more effectively. It occurs very often in life that one should do a lot of things simultaneously. To take care of his children, to work, to spend enough time with his family and friends, only by a careful planning can a man accomplish his several targets in a short time. Let us come back to the former story. If the man were a coward he would always fear that he could not come back before the sunset. The answer must be that he got much less than what he could have. Therefore success, to some extent, needs risk. But I think a careful plan is more important because it changes success into a routine and it helps a man use his time more effectively. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1¥) ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 51 Taking risks vs. planning According to the words of Salustius "One is a creator of his own fate." Some people believe that success in life always comes unexpectedly and that's why it is only due to taking risks or chances. On the other hand, others are more inclined to planning their own lives. In my opinion, planning is the better approach for one who strives for success in life because it gives him an assurance in his future success and makes it possible for one to use his time more efficiently and to be more cautious regarding the difficulties that may appear on the way to success. Success in life comes from careful planning and hard-working. To plan means to pursue some aim and to be confident that it will come some time inevitably. In this way, one acquires a bigger faith in his own abilities and become more urgent in pursuing that aim. Another important priority of planning is that one can predict some of the difficulties that may arise during his work and in this way he can be better prepared for them. For instance if one desires to gain a better assignment within his office he must clarify his aim and plan everything in advance before taking great pains in pursuing it. Other advantage of planning is that one can dispose of his time in the most appropriate way in order to fulfill everything that is related to his views of success. It occurs very often in life that one should do a lot of things concomitantly - to look after his children, to work, to spend enough time with his dears and relatives, to find time for rest, etc. Thus only careful planning can make it possible for one to complete many tasks in a short time. Of course, both careful planning and mere taking risks have their strong and weak points but the former is more likely since it gives one more confidence in future success in his work, it helps one to overcome every impediment more easily and use his time in full value. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 7SO ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 51 Taking risks vs. planning Every day, new businesses are created. Some of these businesses will succeed, but many will fall by the wayside. Some ventures may be on shaky ground at the start, but with perseverance and careful planning, they will prevail in the end. Hopefully a careful plan will not lead to a surprise but rather an expected result and success. There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on the fortune Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shadows and in miseries. —By Shakespeare Admittedly, chance can sometimes help a man to succeed. But on the other hand, not everyone will have such luck. How can a businessman who succeeds by taking risks sustain his dealing with his business when he is suddenly out of luck? Most likely, their company will be out of business if they have not made an all-rounded plan. Nevertheless, chance favors a prepared mind. The opportunity is equal to all the people. The key to success is not waiting for a chance, but seizing it. Obviously, careful planning will guide a man definitely, from which, he cannot only find a destination and prevent him from aimlessness, but also assist him to grip the chances on his way to success. For instance, an entrepreneur should understand the power of a cautious plan which may help him define his business concepts, estimate costs, predict sales, control risks, and even increase the chances of succeeding. The plan may tell him what he should do and how to do it. Going into business without a plan is just like having an expedition in the extensive ocean without a compass. In the second place, a comprehensive plan is also a reliable backup. Although the original plan is followed, suffering may come for some unpredictable occasions. In that way, a well-considered plan that mentions all the possibilities can be very helpful. From what has been discussed above, chances and taking risks may be unavoidable, but success results primarily from careful planning. A comprehensive schedule, similar to a guide in explorations, is a necessity for achievement. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 151 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 51 Careful planning Gorge Barton, the famous American general in the Second World War, was well-known for his bold plan and his ability to grasp chances to strike the enemy in an unexpected way. However, few people know that Barton was also very careful with the battle plans, taking into consideration all the details and making preparation for any sort of accidents. I think in a modern society success often comes from taking risks or chances, but careful planning is vital for us to attain our goals. No matter what good ideas or big ambition we have, we need to make careful plans in which every step is to be considered. Otherwise, these ideas or ambition will remain "something in the air" which may never be realized. In China, a person who likes to take risks and is hasty in making his decisions is often criticized by others as one who is bold and immature. From early childhood, we are encouraged to take careful considerations before doing any thing important. Confucius, the ancient Chinese scholar, told his disciples that he would think it over for many times before making any decision. However, on the other hand, in today's fast changing world, we should try to find new ways and come up with new ideas in our work. If we are contented with what we have and always follow the same routine everyday, we may face the risk of being surpassed by others. As an old Chinese saying goes, "a wise man should have a careful mind as well as a bold spirit." In order to achieve success, we should not be afraid of taking risks and try to grasp chances, but at the same time our efforts must be based on careful planning. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1S2. ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 52 What change would make to your hometown? Teenagers nowadays live in an environment that is exposed to high technology. This includes the prevalent access to the Internet, the use of special gadgets such as the cellular phone, palm top computers, electrical organizers, and the like, all of which makes communicating with each other so much easier. Aside from this, youngsters like to hang out in clubs where they can dance the night away and listen to the their favorite music being played by a live band. This is the missing link in my hometown province, Balayan, Batangas. Though Batangas is just a four-hour drive away from the capital city of the Philippines, which is Manila, it is still considered a far province. With that, the technology and the places where young people like could hang out are very scant. Being a province where the culture is very much tight and conservative, the old natives of the land do not like their children being influenced by what they connote as "urban living." They would still like to have the peacefulness and the early ways of girls being timid, shy and quiet type and boys being courteous and gentlemen in nature. Therefore, any deviation from these norms would appear to them as major acts of disrespect, whereby it would reach a point that elder people disgrace and disown any of their younger relatives who try to lead a life likened to that of city people. I think open-mindedness should solve this problem. It is just a matter of acceptance that it is not really too bad and that it does have some benefits as well. Take for instance, going to clubs and parties develops camaraderie and meeting people increases ones circle of friends. No man is an island. One will never know that the person he may meet today would help him out in the future. With this, I think a nice club with a live band, nice food and drinks would be a place to be for teenagers to hang out every night. As a compromise, it should not open until the wee hours of the morning, so the elders would not see it as so much as detriment to their children. Putting up Internet cafes would also be good. Having Internet connections helps province-based people to keep abreast with current events in the city or even international news. In this manner, they would not get bored. They would have a lot of topics to surf about in the Internet. Mobile telecommunication companies could also extend their services into to far-off provinces in order for every cellular phone to have a signal wherever a user may be. Loss of signal in certain places hinders teens from going to the provinces since they know they will have a hard time with communication. Overall, it all boils down to two things-fun and entertainment. A certain place, which is not only limited to my hometown, should develop itself into becoming more appealing to the youth of today by bringing in things that could keep up with their level of thinking, with the way they do things and counteract their very short attention span. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 52 What change would make to your hometown? Everything in the universe is in constant change. And everything needs continual improvement if the ever changing and increasing demands of humankind are to be met. If I were ever given the chance to change one important thing about my hometown, it would be the Internet service. Needless to say that nothing generally revolutionized the way we live as the Internet in the past decade. Thus, an improvement in this vital service would mean an even more, unheard betterment to the people in my hometown. It is said that information is power. True saying indeed! I can envision how everything in my hometown could improve dramatically if the Internet service in it were made free, fast and staying out there like electricity, telephone or water all the time. One thing, a fast free and reliable Internet service could improve the way people work in my hometown. With this service people in my hometown do not need to commute to a far place to do their job. This in turn would mean less traffic jams, spacious work place, more time for family and recreation and so on. The way people learn would be another important thing that a fast, free and reliable Internet service could be useful for my hometown. People will have the chance to go through tremendous amount of information resources in a very small amount of time. This assures a more fulfilled life for my hometown people. Since its advent, Internet touched every part of our life. It in a dazzling way improved the way we do business, learn and communicate. A change in Internet service implies good way of living for every one in my hometown. Compose your essay at FindScore.com and get a free score! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 53 Is money the most important aspect of a job? These days, someone may hold the opinion that the most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. It sounds like true, because with a lot of money, one can live a better life materially. Admittedly, no one can deny the important role money plays in his daily life. But, when you take other aspects of a job into consideration, such as the precious skills and experiences one gains from that job, the prospect of the job and the social status, you may doubt: Is money the most important? Isn't this attitude too narrow? As far as I am concerned, I don't agree with the statement, I doubt whether it can bear much analysis. We live in a big society that is composed of people from all walks of life. Different jobs have different functions in this society. For example, the function of cleaners is to keep the city clean and tidy; the function of soldiers is to maintain the safety and peace of the society. Maybe they earn less money than those businessmen, but they still work heart and soul on their duties. I believe it is the contributions they make to society that makes them work that hard! Now, let's take a close look at the scientists. Some of them spend their whole lives inventing new things, exploring the mysterious things and innovating new technology. The scientists, such as Edison, Einstein and Madam Curie, will be shining like the stars in everyone's heart! We can say, it is the spirits they have, contributions they have made to all human beings, great findings and inventions they have left to us that makes them giants! Thanks to them, the society is developing faster and faster. Can we say what they do is for the sake of money? Furthermore, if everyone in this society worked only for money, what can it turn out to be? Severe competitions may make people become cold-blooded, force them to use illegal means in order to make profit, or even commit some crimes. For their own benefits, no one would like to help others in the same industry. And the relationships among people might become estranged. To conclude, I think money cannot be the most important aspect of a job. Money is not everything! As a saying goes: Money can buy a house but cannot buy a family, money can buy blood but cannot buy one's life, money can buy a wife but cannot buy true love." So, don't stress too much on the money one earns. In fact there are other highlights of a job waiting for you to feel, to find. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1S ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 53 Is money the most important aspect of a job? Most people have some sort of bias against money, thinking that everything linked to money, no matter what the thing is, is evil. If money is really evil in itself, it must follow that money should never be a consideration in choosing a job. The validity of this argument, however, is seldom questioned. Only when we notice that money is merely a means of exchange and does not lead to any moral judgment in itself, we can then study the issue impartially. The crux of the issue here is why we should take any job at all. Surely there are many reasons for taking a job, such as for professional respect, for the passion to serve the society, for some kind of social status—and, for money. In very rare cases do people ever choose their jobs for merely one of these reasons. Most of the times people work because they want to achieve a number of their personal goals. The most important aspect of their jobs will hence vary from person to person. Of course it is perfectly possible that a person may choose a job largely because of the generous pay that the employer offers. Everyone has to get enough money to survive. Hence if a person is currently living in a miserable condition and, out of his desperate desire for money, he accepts a job offer, the most important aspect of his job is most probably the money. And there is nothing morally wrong with that. The demand for money should surely prevail in this case. However the need for certain minimum level of salary is only one of the considerations that people make when choosing jobs. It is hence also possible that the person is already rather rich even without a job, but he chooses to work to make himself happier. The pleasures of his career life may emerge from his passion for the profession or the social recognition he may get thereby, but no matter why he feels happy after taking the job, in this case money may only play an insignificant role, if any, in his job. What have now been presented can actually be seen as the two extreme ends of the issue. Most likely is still that a person works both for his basic needs and for the pleasure specifically derived from the career life. Whether money will come out as the single most important determinant is hence dependent on the various possible cases, or more particularly, on the importance of the wages to his living standard. It is therefore rather ridiculous to give a general yes-or-no response to this question and it takes person judicious considerations before he decides to take a job. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ?« ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 54 Should one judge a person by external appearances? What do you feel when a handsome gentleman or a beautiful lady passes by? Then how about a fat short person wearing a dirty shirt? You feel differently? Yes, most people do. It's very common for people to judge a person by external appearance, because it's easy and direct, and it's instinctive. Appearance is a very important aspect of a person and reflects one's personalities. Sometimes you can tell the person's characteristics from his appearance. However, in most cases, you cannot tell exactly what the person is like just from the external appearance, and ethically, we should not judge a person just by one glance at his external appearance. "Beauty and beast" and "Snow white and seven dwarves" are two stories that are almost known by everyone. Although there are fables, there are deep meanings inside them. What you can learn from them is that people that are not so good-looking can be very good people internally. And actually there are tons of examples in reality. Napoleon is a very short guy, but he was one of the most famous people in the history. Theodore Roosevelt, former US president during World War II, is handicapped; but he is one of the most successful presidents in American history. So how can you tell about the people from their external appearance? Moreover, there are other undeniable facts that show that a beautiful person may be rotten inside. There are many prostitutes on the busy streets. It's obviously that they are very beautiful, but are they really righteous people? A beautiful appearance is a good thing, but a righteous heart is more valuable. Finally, as we can see, it's out of question that we should not judge people just from their external appearance. The most important standard is their internal personality. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays #7 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 54 Appearance Lincoln, one of the greatest American presidents, was said to be very bad looking. Once when his rival accused him to be a "two sided" person, Lincoln replied by saying to the audience, "If I had another face, would I wear this one?" Now what we remember about Lincoln is his character, his deeds, his contribution to the country, no one would care about what he looked like. I agree with the title statement because a person's inner quality is much more important than his external appearances. Whether a person looks good or bad cannot be decided by himself. A man's external appearances are born and generally cannot be changed. But everyone can improve his inner quality by his own efforts. By reading books, learning from others and working hard, we can make progress and achieve success. It was said that Napoleon was very short, but he was respected and admired by people as an outstanding military and political leader. It is the dream of every man to have a pretty wife, yet it is also widely acknowledged that a beautiful woman does not necessarily equal a good wife. Many men would rather choose a woman with a common face than a good-looking one. Because they know that the virtue of a woman is more important than her outer appearance. A great deal of couples who go hand in hand for their life attribute their happy marriage to loving the other's inner quality instead of loving a pretty face. In business, a boss would never judge his employees by their external appearances; instead what he concerns would be their capability, their assiduity, and their performance. A person with bad appearances but good performance will more likely be promoted than another one with good appearances but bad performance. Above all, if a person has good appearances, he should not rely on them because he will unlikely achieve success if he does not work hard. However, on the other hand, if he looks bad, he should not feel depressed because he can make others respect him through his own efforts. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays Mi ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 55 Should one make an important decision alone? Decision-making is a common phenomenon each one of us undergoes in our daily life. Its magnitude varies from trivial issues like choice of a daily wardrobe to making a crucial corporate decision involving millions of dollars. A decision may have its implications ranging from a single person to the entire universe. Hence it is very important to making a correct decision. But I have a mixed feeling when it comes to the choice of making a decision collectively or as a single person. I feel that the decision making process cannot have its hard and fast rules but has to be tailor made to suit a situation. Hence a decision may have to be personally made or in consultation with others as demanded by the situation. I would like to analyze the decision-making methodology in its two ramifications, one involving personal interests and the other for common issues involving business, political or environmental significance. Every person is different and has the rights to make his own destiny. It is this quality of uniqueness which makes the mankind so special. We are the best judges when it comes to making personal decisions, for no one can understand a person better than himself. There are many things in life such as selection of a life partner, or choosing a career that are specific to the taste and likings of an individual. It is always useful to hear the opinion of our well-wishers regarding the deciding issue. However the individual should take final decision after carefully weighing all options. It not only gives us the self-confidence, but also institutes the responsibility in us to live by our decision. Things are quite different when it comes to decision making involving business, political or environmental issues. The decision made in these cases has serious consequences than that of the personal issues. It puts at stake the wealth, safety and future of many others directly or indirectly involved in these issues. It is here the concept of teamwork, Special knowledge etc come into picture. When taking decision on a business activity, it is always better to have a brainstorming session of all the involved persons to discuss about the issue. It gives the best possible decision after carefully analyzing all the possibilities, with the concurrence of the team. Also all the members involved in the decision-making are clear about their individual roles in contributing to the success of the decision. There are some cases, where expert knowledge and experiences required in taking the decisions. In such cases one can resort to the help of the experts or the consulting agencies for the correct solutions. The decision suggested by the consultants can be expected to be more suitable, since most decisions suggested by the experts/consultants are either by scientific methods or based on a reliable statistical data of the past. Consultants are available in almost all fields such as engineering, finance, law, insurance etc to name a few.