lt;£ 13 страницаAlso when it comes to taking decisions that are of international importance, the governing bodies such as the United Nations Organization insist on a Veto for decision-making. This method of decision-making ensures that the decisions are in the interests of the member countries. Hence going by the above decisions, one can take the liberty to chose by self when it comes to personal issues. However when it involves decisions beyond the individual, one should always be a part of the decision making team constructively facilitating the decision, which lies in the best interests of everyone involved. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 55 Decision Napoleon once said that an ordinary military commander would perform better than two excellent ones. By this he meant that a military commander should exercise his power independently and make his decisions without the interference from others, which could ensure high efficiency in military operations. Napoleon is a genius and his words might be true in military struggles. However, for most people, it is essential for them to consult other people before they make any important decision. Young people need to seek advice from elder ones in the matters of their life and careers. Sometimes the opinions of the old people are so valuable that it plays a very important role in helping young people make decisions. Each year, millions of young students attend a national entrance examination for higher education. When deciding on the subjects and schools, the students often receive opinions from their parents, teachers, friends or those who took part in the examination in the previous years. When running the government, officials need to consult experts and the masses before they make any important decisions. "A wise ruler should gather opinions from all sides", this is an epigram held by generations of Chinese rulers in the past. In the seventies and eighties of the last century, some local governments in east China constructed many chemical plants to facilitate the development of the economy, without hearing the opinions of environmental experts. As a result, the wastes and gases discharged from these plants have brought about serious pollutions to the local environment. As an old Chinese saying is, "three cobblers with their wits combined equals Zhuge Liang, the master mind." A person may benefit a lot from the opinions of experienced people: he can avoid the similar mistakes and learn valuable lessons. The successful people are often those who are able to utilize the opinions of others. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 10 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 56 Arts or environment? In my opinion, a company should give money to protect the environment. Although art is one of the best forms of recreation that can touch the soul with its myriad forms, and can calm emotions, the present situation calls for protecting the environment. We all are aware of the harmful damages that human race has inflicted on earth. It is time for us to rectify these damages before it is too late and humans are completely wiped out from the face of the earth. Only if human exist, will art forms exist, as they are directly proportional to each other. Humans are considered the most intelligent of all species primarily due to their very developed and complex brain. But they are also the most selfish of all creatures. We have done a lot of damages to the environment due to our selfish reasons to live comfortably and luxuriously. Deforestation has happened on a large scale to build urban and rural dwellings. Forests, once upon a time, occupied about 60% of the earth's surface. But today they are just confined to a few places. Active deforestation has lead to the loss of habitat for a number of species of flora and fauna. This has lead to the extinction of a variety of animals leading to an imbalance in the ecosystem. The other issue of concern is the depleting ozone layer above Antarctica. This is also a direst result of human interference. In order to make our lives more comfortable, refrigerators and air conditioners using chlorofluorocarbons or CFC's as they are commonly referred to be produced in huge quantities. The damaging effects of these chemicals are visible on the ozone layer. Due to its damage, harmful UV rays of the sun can reach the earth surface causing skin cancers and other ailments. In view of the above concerns, the organization should promote the protection of our environment by donating funds generously and organizing campaigns. In fact all the industrial organization should come together and put in sincere efforts to undo the harmful actions that we have done. This is only possible by creating mass awareness among the general public .For this the company must help with both its technical and financial support. In conclusion, I think the company should choose to protect the environment for the above reasons. Art is of no use if mankind dies. Our future is dark if we do not take steps to protect our environment. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays Hi ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 56 Arts or environment? Frankly speaking, both arts and environment are important to human being. However, if I were the CEO of a company, I would rather give the money to protect the environment than to support the arts. Because environment protection is quite urgent and matters the future of our globe, while arts is a continuous process to improve the quality of life. First of all, environment protection is very urgent. Global warming is becoming more and more serious. Many spices are dying, the ice in South Pole is melting, and many rivers are being contaminated. Now it is time for us to do something to save our earth and our own future. Secondly, environment protection is very important for all, including human being, plants, animals and the Earth. When I was a little boy, I often played in the river that is located beside my village. The water was so clean that we could just drink it directly. There were also many kinds of fishes in the river. It was such a beautiful place that I often played for a whole day. Now things are totally different, the water became brown in color due to pollution from factories, very few fishes can live there. Those small children can never enjoy the fun that I once did. Thirdly, the art is a continuous process to improve the quality of life, which is not as urgent as environment protection. In addition, there are many ways by which funds can be raised for arts, such as exhibitions and auctions of artistic works. Environment protection needs money more urgently than arts do. Although both arts and the environment are important, I prefer to give the money to support environment protection, due to the three reasons mentioned above. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1Q. ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 56 Arts or environment? Guan zhong, the ancient Chinese politician, once said that people would know rites and courtesy only after their granaries were full. By this he meant that people would first try to improve their living conditions before they could engage in any artistic activities or improve their behaviours. The environment is closely related to people's living conditions. If a company is going to do something for the people, I would recommend it to give the money to protect the environment. With the rapid economic development in recent years, China is now facing very serious environmental problems. According some news reports, Yellow River, the "Mother River" of the Chinese nation that nurtured generations of Chinese people over the past thousands of years, has been polluted by industrial wastes and has much less stream of water at present than in previous times, which has imposed great problems on the life and work of the people living along the banks. What these people urgently need is not artistic works hanging on the walls for enjoyment but rather clean water for their daily use. In some areas in China, though people are much wealthier than before, they live in a much worse environment due to their negligence of environmental protection in the process of developing the economy. Several years ago, I went to a small town in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, to visit some of the chemical plants there that have business connections with our company. The town was surrounded by green mountains and there was a river running across it. What surprised me was that the chemical plants there had adopted no measures to protect the environment. Due to the chemical wastes discharged without any treatment, the river turned into a blue colour and the mountains looked like men's faces with scars on them. I wondered that even though the local people had earned enough money, would their life be happy in such a polluted environment? China is still a developing country now. A large proportion of the population is still leading a poor life. Even in those areas where the economy has developed to a high level, the people have to face the environmental problems that sometimes are detrimental to their health. I think we can benefit more from investing money into environmental protection than imputing it in artistic activities. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies In this busy world filled with hectic activities, it is up to a human being to take some time away for relaxation. Relaxation helps to quell away the tiredness and rejuvenate our spirits .One way of relaxation is watching movies. The ubiquitous movie theatres in each city can witness the fact that watching movies is the main form of entertainment for people. However, how people make the choices on the movie? Well I feel most people have a proclivity towards an entertaining movie may it be on an action, love or a comedy, rather than a serious one. People's inclination towards entertaining movies can be strengthened by analyzing the factors behind why people watch movies. Most people visit cinema halls only for relaxation and naturally tend to choose a light subject. It is most common for youngsters to use cinema halls as meeting places and they make watching a movie a part of their weekend holiday plan. That is the reason why all the box office hit movies fall in the entertainment category, whether thrill or action. More over, children are always fascinated by entertaining and fun cartoon movies. Children play the deciding factor in pulling their busy parents to the cinema halls, even if their parents have an inclination towards serious subjects. However, I would like to see beyond public acceptance of a particular movie, whether it a serious movie or an entertaining one. Filmmaking has been functioning as an industry by itself. I would also like to analyze which movie, whether serious or entertaining will help to boost the growth of the movie industry. As discussed, the main reason of success of an entertaining movie is the wide range of audience who can accept the movie and enjoy it. Hence making an entertaining movie imposes a lesser risk on the capital invested in the making of a movie. However film producers hesitate to spend more on a serious subject with the trepidation over the chances of the movie not making a good performance. This limitation of budget on the serious movies can be witnessed by lack of luster in these films. The fact that the movies handling a lighter subject make a good business does not necessarily go against making movies with no themes or thought provocation. A message or a subject, when it goes hand in hand with entertainment or amusement is well received invariably by people. Also there are many other avenues to address serious problems, such as books, campaigns, and advertisements etc. However I feel that watching movies is the best way to enjoy action and entertainment. It helps to bring out the exact feelings as conceived by the director. Some of our favorite films tend to linger in our memories for ever and just a little thought about the film unleash the entire sequence of actions in the films drawing us back into its virtual world. Hence there is no doubt that given a choice I would prefer to watch an entertaining movie rather than a serious one. I am unable to discuss much in detail, for I am running out of time and my friends are already waiting for me. We are going to watch 'Lord of the Rings' by Jack Peterson. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1&i ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies It makes me sensitively to think of Hollywood place where movies were first made before World War I. In those days, Hollywood movie was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women form all over the world. Up till now, there is nothing that can substitute the position of movies that is the most efficient way to relax us. I prefer movies designed to make the audience think. As far as I know, most movies are supposed to be made from the source material that mirrors a part of the social events. That means there is another methods to force us to think about what we have done for our country, what is our responsibility in the society and so on. In fact what kind of information we need can be gain from different medias including television, the Internet, radio, newspapers, especially from some movies. Tracing back to my childhood, I like watching the first work directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca. So young though I was, it did make me sunk into contemplation. Not only did the plot make me a little confused, but also it really told me the truth that whoever is right or wrong, no one can live in the shadowy place and everyone must live his or her own live, enjoy the sunshine belonging to their own. A movie worthy thinking about should conquer everything, including one's heart, which never fade with time going by, even be possible to change our lives. Here I can not help siding with the other view, however it does not mean that we should totally ignore it, this is not a matter of making an "either-or" judgment. What we want to clarify here is what is primary and what is secondary. If permits, a movie primarily designed to make audience think add some amusement and entertainment, just like tasting a cup of cappuccino. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies. This is a very flexible topic to argue upon. Both sides have their own pros and cons. But I would like to argue on the fact that the movies are to amuse and entertain the audience rather than fomenting their emotions and causing them to think. In the following paragraph, I have supported my argument with some examples. Think of a person who has been working the entire day. When he returns home, he will be completely exhausted and will start feeling that he leads a very hectic life. At that situation, if he watches a movie that is full of lively pranks and jokes, he will be revitalized like a battery that is being recharged. This is what everyone wants, especially when they are dejected and doomed. On the other hand, when a person watches a movie that is very serious and emotional, it will only increase his tiredness. He will be having a lot of thoughts in his mind, like, what to do next? What is my first job when I go to work tomorrow? What are my assignments tomorrow? What is my account balance? Among all these numerous things, when he watches a movie that contains serious dialects, he will start thinking about those things. This is not the thing that should have come to his mind. Moreover, a movie can be made to convey a subject in an entertaining way rather than in serious ways. This will do more good for children too. We would have seen many kids who will be imitating their favorable characters. For example, the American kids are greatly moved by the cartoon character called the "Barney", after seeing which they try to talk in the same accent and style. So a child can be molded through their favorite character. The movies can be made to convey a good moral through their famous stars, which will inculcate a deep emotion in them in the right way. On the contrary, when a serious movie is played to the children, they are left confused and soporific, and they will neglect it even when there is a good moral in it. Hence, I conclude that, the movies that are filled with amusement and entertainment will be appreciated by most of the people of all categories. After all, movies are a virtual world were impractical things can be put into practicality and ideology. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ia ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 58 Can business do anything they want to make a profit? Nowadays, merchants tend to strive for remaining in existence by all means due to the extensive competition and burdensome pressures. However, I am always amazed when I hear that it is necessary for businessman to do anything possible to make a profit. It may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who are addicted to money. Apparently, I strongly object to it due to various factors that weigh heavily against the notion. The foremost reason is that merchants would be rewarded by nothing but distrust and even hatred from the customers if they hardly care about anything but money. It is widely known that nothing can be compared with the good reputation of a company, which attracts more upright and loyal customers. Suppose we are facing the dilemma of which brand of shampoo to purchase. It is of no surprise if you decide to take the one produced by P&G or other reputable large companies. As a result, what assures the buyers most is the credit of the service suppliers? Another subtle explanation for my point of view rests on the fact that various appalling results would in some cases, be caused by the immoral and even illegal businesses. It is decent to make profits and receive the repayment of diligent work and continuous efforts. Nevertheless, producing unqualified or even deleterious commodities, which possibly lead to detriments of people's health or security, is never the sensible method to operate a company. What impressed me most is the tragedy happened several months ago in some part of China. Hundreds of infants died because of the nonnutritive milk powders produced by some merchantmen without ethics. Therefore, it is never too rigid to denounce the immoral and irresponsible behavior. The third point I would like to mention is that the merchants themselves would not be reassured to enjoy the property acquired in improper ways. In most cases, it is the essential satisfaction of benefiting the public, rather than the material items, which inspires people profoundly. What a pleasant thing it would be to receive repayment of your diligent work and continuous efforts! On the contrary, few people would go into rapture even if they possess a mass of wealth earned through indecent ways. Thus, only by obeying commercial disciplines could a businessman obtain supreme success and maximum pleasure. Taking into all the reasons above into account, it is barely too arbitrary to conclude that only by descent and good Intentioned business activities could a company achieve respectable and decent success. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1Q ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 58 Can business do anything they want to make a profit? Can businesses do anything they want to make a profit? That is a complex and controversial issue. Some people think that businesses should do anything they can to make a profit, while other people believe that businesses should be honest while making a profit, not only for themselves but also for the community. I agree with the latter point of view and in the following paragraphs I will try to explain my position more clearly. First of all, I truly believe that one of the foremost important qualities of a successful business is honesty. Businesses should be honest because it can help to expand a client base and maintains a long-lasting partnership. No one wants to conduct business with a dishonest company. Secondly, not every business is ethical. For example, computer games are a very successful business, but they often impact children's behavior, and increase the cases of violence on the playground. Another example is companies like McDonald's that sell fast food to children. According to the Canadian Pediatric Society, a quarter of the children living in North America are now obese, a rate that tripled between 1981 and 1996. Therefore, some businesses can destroy our health, with only one goal in mind, and that is to increase profit. I believe it is an unacceptable situation and steps must be taken to make drastic changes. Thirdly, businesses should be beneficial to the community, because the profit they make comes from the community to begin with. A percentage of the profit should be returned to the community. Businesses should support and encourage the construction of playgrounds, schools and parks. Given the reasons discussed above, the conclusion, which may be intertwined at the beginning of the discussion and thus become more persuasive, may be safely reached that businesses should not only do what they can to make a profit, but also support and develop the community, with integrity and honor. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1® ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 58 Can business do anything they want to make a profit? It is claimed that the only aim of business is to make a profit. Moreover, it is thought that running a business without making benefits makes no sense. Actually, from an economic point of view, the statement "businesses should do anything they can to make a profit" is thoroughly true. However, from a moralistic and legal point of view that statement seems not quite well sustained. I consider that to make a profit means that a person deals with business to be as flexible as possible. It means to put new technologies in application or to explore new scientific areas. Furthermore, to invest in individual improvement of the employees' professional skills and to be awake of the global market tendencies are things absolutely necessary for the modern management of business. Unfortunately, business is not a quite fair game. It is well-known that sometimes businesses have their own "dark" sides such as tax evading, illicit trade or disloyal competition. In addition to this, many employers make their employees get overworked without any extra payment. Another point worth mentioning is that businesses do not care enough about the environment and they frequently pollute it. Laws in most countries prosecute these actions, although some businesses keep breaking it without any punishment. I consider that businessmen sometimes forget about utter limits in their ambitions to make a profit. Generally speaking, I do agree that businesses should do anything they can to make a profit but do not forget that anything does not mean everything. If I ran my own business I would do it in a way that would neither ruin my name nor corrupt my conscience. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays M ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 59 What's your hurry? Life is short. Haste makes waste. What's your hurry? These three sayings characterize the way I manage my day-to-day chores. I don't want to rush through things; I prefer to take my time. Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today. Of course, some people will say that's why it is important to cram a lot into a day. But then, how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences. By doing a few things slowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience. Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We can't rush through things mechanically. If we do, we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chore carefully, completely, and correctly. What's your hurry? Where's the fire? I don't see any need to rush to the next experience. There's still a lot to see and learn from the chores around you. Taking care of your baby brother for instance can be very rewarding. You could simply keep him near you while you watch TV and write a letter and talk on the phone. Or you could devote your whole attention to him and observe his reactions to his environment. You can observe carefully, if you are trying to do four things at the same time. To twist a common saying, "Don't just do something, sit there!" Take life easy and savor each minute. Life is shorter than you think. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 170 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 59 Get things done People are different in many aspects. Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done as fast as they can, while others prefer to take their time and live a life at a slower pace. Either way is good, but I choose the first style due to two reasons: extra time and more chances to do other things. In the first place, my personality makes me do things fast and go to places in a hurry. I always keep one thing in mind: if I save some time, I could do more things. From my experiences, I used to finish all my homework after classes in order to have more of my own time at home. I will read novels or I will do extra exercise for Math or English. I find it is better to my study, and my life will be more interesting. This is the major reason that I prefer to get things done fast. In the second place, I have many experiences that let me understand that the faster pace, the better effects. For a long time, I feel secure at a faster pace, since it will leave me a chance to go over my work and correct my mistakes. I think it is useful in many cases especially when writing a test. And even when I am going to see a movie, I prefer to get there earlier for a better seat. There are many examples in daily life that show the advantages of getting things done fast. Of course, for those who prefer to take their time, they will have some good reasons too. But I like to live life at a faster pace. It is not only because of my personality, but it also because of my experiences. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ftl ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 60 Are games important to adults? Some people think that games should play an important role in the life of everyone including adults; others think that games should be left for children. There are many arguments for and against both positions, but in my opinion everyone should have a hobby and playing games is good. One of the most cited reasons against playing games in adulthood is the lack of time. Most games are very time-consuming, and to play games most adults have to sacrifice time they spend with their family. I have a friend who was fascinated by recreating great historical events especially battles. He spent all his free time on studying old uniforms and rules of conduct. Even on work he searched for information about ancient wars on the Internet. His productivity declined sharply. As soon as his boss found out about his passion, he was fired. On the other hand, many games are good for entertainment in spare time. For example, it's much better to play in role-playing game, than spend time watching numerous soap operas on TV. Some games are very good for people's health, for example followers of Tolkien spend a lot of time learning how to use swords and bows. Some games are very good at improving brainpower. For example many experts agree that chess, reversi and other intellectual games enhance thinking and concentration. Also a person who actively play chess stand less chance to get Alzheimer's disease comparing to average people.