Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь”.2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь”. a) Report the sentences. Напишите в косвенной речи, используя слова в рамке. Report these sentences using the reporting verbs (from the box).
1. “Yes, it’s an interesting film” she said. 2. “Don’t forget to buy a loaf of bread” Mother said to her son. 3. Rose said “Of course, I’ll phone you”. 4. Sam said to his friends “Come to my birthday party on Sunday” 5. “No, I won’t go to the cinema” Helen said. 6. “Let’s decorate the room for the party” Polly said to Dolly. Report these questions. Напишите вопросы в косвенной речи. 7. "Do you play rugby?" said Peter. 8. "Did you play for your school team?" asked Bill. 3. Устная тема: “The most famous scientists”.
Билет 16 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “Studying at college of physical culture ” на русский язык. Studying at college of physical culture We are students and we study at college of physical culture. The students of our college take up different kinds of sport. To improve their physical fitness and performance they do a lot of training. They train in different places: gymnasts in the gym, basketball, volleyball and handball players on the indoor and outdoor sports grounds or in sports halls, tennis players on the tennis courts, track and field athletes usually train on the stadiums in the open air, though in winter they sometimes have their training in the indoor halls, and boxers practice in the boxing halls, footballers on the stadiums, fencers in the fencing halls, cyclists in the highway or cycling tracks and swimmers, naturally, train in the swimming pools. The aim of all sports trainings is to improve fitness and skills, and to develop training programmes that are both safe and effective. To do this properly, an understanding of the physical demands of sport is needed. All sports require a combination of strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility to varying degrees. What is important is how these elements are combined to build up the skills of the sport in question. Other factors to be taken into account in a training programme are diet, the importance of avoiding injuries, your general state of health, and the nature and role of other team players. Three times a week we have special training lessons. As a rule, each training lasts about three hours after which we take a warm shower. Every training session begins with a warming-up period which lasts about twenty minutes. It consists of slow running for about half a mile, then fast running for about a quarter of a mile. Next the sportsmen do a few exercises which depend on the event to be practised. After the warming-up we rest for about six minutes before we start practising. The warming-up of the body is very important for it helps to prevent pulled muscles. We train according to the trainer’s instructions. The coach pays great attention to mastering technique, tactics and the main elements of this or that kind of sport. Sometimes, we train with a team or a partner. We perform different exercises and get ready for contests.
2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь””(из самостоятельной работы).