Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь”.2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Косвенная речь”. a) Write the sentences in the Direct Speech (напишите предложения в прямой речи) 1 They told us they had bought all the food 2 She said they would pick her up at the bus stop at 6 a.m. 3 He told us he was coming back home on Tuesday 4 The doctor told me I had to walk more often and play computer games less b) Report the sentences (напишите предложения в косвенной речи) 1 Rosy said: “I’ll finish the work in time” 2 Jack said: “Dad won’t allow me to watch these commercials” 3 The teacher said: “The children will go out and bother their parents” 4. Tom asked his brother, “What have you prepared for the party?”
3. Устная тема: “My sports trainings and studying at college of physical culture” (из самостоятельной работы) Билет 11 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “Sports in the USA” на русский язык (из самостоятельной работы)
Sports in the USA American sports are in many ways different from European sports. Hockey, baseball, football and basketball are the four most popular sports in the USA. There are many other sports and sports activities which Americans like. Among them are golf, swimming, tennis, marathon, track-and-field, skiing, skating, squash, badminton, rowing, sailing, boxing, and wrestling. The size of America and the different climates found in it have provided Americans with a large choice of summer and winter sports. The American statistics shows that swimming, bicycling, fishing, jogging, gymnastics and bowling are American’s favorite participatory sports. Baseball has a reputation of being a “typically American sport”. It’s played with a wooden bat and hard ball by two teams of nine players. The game is played on a field with four bases at the corners of a square called diamond. Each player from one team hits a ball with a bat and then tries to run round all four bases before the other team can get the ball back. This typical American game dates back long before the Civil War. Baseball is mainly a professional sport the players receive a salary. There are sixteen major teams and each one represents an American city. There are two leagues of eight teams each and in the fall of the year the winner of the league plays the winner of the other. This contest is called the World Series, though it is a national competition.