Report the sentences. Напишите в косвенной речи.Report the sentences. Напишите в косвенной речи.
1. He said to her:”Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?” 2. She asked me:”Why did you come here yesterday?” 3. Father said to Jane:”Show me your homework, please”. 4. The teacher said to the pupils:”Don’t open your books”. 5. “You have not done your work well”, said the teacher to me. 6. “I can’t explain this rule to you”’ said my classmate to me. 7. Kate said to her grandmother:”Help me to cook the soup, please”. 8. Father said to Nick:”Have you done your homework?” 9. The man asked:”Are there any more books here?” 3. Устная тема: “Weightlifting rules, equipment”. Билет 17 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст ”A NATIONAL PASSION” на русский язык. A NATIONAL PASSION Sport probably plays a more important part in people's lives in Britain than it does in most other countries. For a very large number, and this is especially true for men, it is their main form of entertainment. Millions take part in some kind of sport at least once a week. Many millions more are regular spectators and follow one or more sports. There are hours of televised sports each week. Every newspaper, national or local, quality or popular, devotes several pages entirely to sport. The British are only rarely the best in the world at particular sports in modern times. However, they are one of the best in the world in a much larger number of different sports than any other country. Think of any pastime (indoor bowling, darts or snooker), however trivial, which involves some element of competition, and somewhere in Britain, there is probably a 'national association' for it which organizes contests. The British are a sporting nation. Like everyone else they love football – in fact, they invented it. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year, each team plays in the Football Association competition. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. Some fans pay up to 250 pounds for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year. Sport plays such a large part in British life, that many idioms in the English language have come from the world of sport, for example "to play the game" means to be fair, and "that's not cricket" means that's not fair.