Report the sentences. Напишите в косвенной речи.Report the sentences. Напишите в косвенной речи. a) Write the sentences in the Direct Speech (напишите предложения в прямой речи) 1 The professor told the students that they had done their test very well 2 Our neighbours told Mum they went shopping last Sunday 3 The trainer told Sam the competition would be held the day before 4 The announcer told the listener that the road had been blocked by the fallen trees b) Report the sentences (напишите предложения в косвенной речи) 1 The neighbour said: “The police will arrive in half an hour” 2 The newspaperman said: “These ads won’t interest people anymore” 3 “She will be able to draw the comic”, said her teacher of art 4. "Don't argue with me," said the teacher to the boy.
3. Устная тема: “Gymnastics: apparatus, elements”.
Билет 14 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “Sports in BrItain ” на русский язык.
Sports in BrItain England is a sports-loving nation and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them and to discuss the major sporting competitions as the greatest events of the day. If you ask the British to name their most favorite sports they may name football, cricket and tennis, though many of them go in for golf and hockey, athletics and climbing, rugby and rowing. Horse-racing, dog-racing and motor racing are also among the most popular sports in Great Britain. Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Association football, or “soccer’, is one of them. As an organized game it appeared in the middle of the 19th century, but in fact the game is much older. Probably Roman soldiers brought it to England 2000 years ago. Most British cities and towns have a football team. Every year each team plays in the Football Association Competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at the Wembley Stadium near London which holds 100.000 spectators. Some fans pay up to 250 for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year. Another popular game appeared in 1859, when a teacher at Rugby school, while playing football, decided that it would be better to pick up the ball and run with it. That is why the game took the name of rugby or “rugger”. The rules of the game are different from football. There are 15 or 13 players instead of 11 in a team. The ball is oval, not round and a player is allowed to take the ball in his hands and run with it. He may also attack his opponent, hold him by the shoulders or by the legs. Rugby is a violent game and it is highly popular in many regions of the country especially in Wales. a) What is sport number one in Great Britain? b) What game originated from football and now differs greatly from it?
2. Выполните грамматическое упражнение по теме “Страдательный залог””(из самостоятельной работы).