II Put the necessary articles and prepositionsII Put the necessary articles and prepositions People’s tastes 13) …… food change naturally with age. As they get older, people tend to develop a taste for the food that is supposed to be good for us all. 14) ….. women’s magazines I buy are full of advice 15) …… healthy eating, but you never really know what advice to take seriously. I certainly try to eat 16) ….. recommended five portions of fruit or vegetables a day – I think that sounds like good advice. But when it comes 17) …… dieting and trying to lose weight through 18) ….. healthy eating programme, I am not so sure. One moment they are all saying don’t eat any fat, then suddenly it’s «make sure you eat some fat, but don’t 19) ……. any circumstances eat any sugar». I think it’s far better to eat a balanced diet, not too much of anything, and to take 20) ……. regular exercise. That’s the only way really to stay healthy and happy. 13 a) on b) in c) at d) with 14 a) a b) an c) the d) – 15 a) at b) for c) of d) about 16 a) a b) an c) the d) – 17 a) for b) to c) at d) on 18 a) a b) an c) the d) – 19 a) with b) at c) on d) under 20) a) a b) an c) the d) – Домашнее задание, на 16.04: III Change the words given on the right into the required derivatives that fit the meaning of the sentence in the same line A Pet Parrot From early __________ Jane had always wanted a pet parrot 21 CHILD Her parents told her that a parrot was an ______ pet, but Jane 22 SUIT insisted. She was worried about the ________ of the rainforests 23 DESTROY where parrots live, she felt that parrots needed more ________. 24 PROTECT Her father argued that a parrot would suffer from ________ if it 25 LONELY lived in a house. He also explained that pet parrot are caught by ______who need money and don’t care about protecting species. 26 HUNT «They catch the parrots and send them to Europe in _________ 27 WOOD boxes», he told her. «And in any case, parrots are very ______ 28 OBEY don’t make good pets». Jane soon made an interesting ________ 29 DISCOVER however. She found a pet shop which bred parrots instead of importing them. So she took all her _______ and bought a tiny 30 SAVE American parrot, which she called «Pixie» IV Work out the meaning of the phrasal verbs and put them in the right sentences: Come back, come in, cut out, fall over, get on, give away, go away, let in, lie down, pay back, stay in, take back, pick up
31. –Hello. Nice to see you. _________ and sit down. · I didn t have a key, but luckily someone was there to ________ me __. 31. Can’t we go out somewhere? I don t want to ________ all evening. 32. Could you lend me ten pounds? I’ll _________ you ____ on Friday. 33. The pavement is very icy. Be careful you don’t ____________. 34. I was feeling so tired I had to _________ on the bed for a while. 35. There was an article in the newspaper that I wanted to _______ and keep. 36. Mark’s gone out, and I don’t know when he is going to ________. 37. The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to _______. 38. There is always litter here. No one ever ________ it ____. 39. Your brother was such a nuisance, so I told him to _________.
Домашнее задание на 18.04: