Your magical mirror allows you an insight into the past present and future – which is particularly useful when it comes to imparting incredibly profound advice.While you feel as comfortable in the libraries of Minas Tirith as you are when showering Hobbiton with fireworks, only the most cocky or foolish would doubt your dedication to protecting Middle Earth.
SARUMAN THE WHITE:As all-seeing head of your order you keep a stately presence in your tower at Isengard. With a ominous voice most elves would give their bows for, you command a lot of respect - but watch out you don’t spend too much time in that tower on your own. You never know who might be watching.
GALADRIEL OF THE ELVES:The Lady of Light, you’re guaranteed to cheer up the most miserable of hobbits. Your magical mirror allows you an insight into the past present and future – which is particularly useful when it comes to imparting incredibly profound advice.
ELROND OF THE ELVES: The founder of the mighty Elf haunt of Rivendell, you’re not only a great architect but also a formidable warrior who led the elf forces in their glorious defeat of Sauron in the First Age. But you don’t just sit on your Eldar laurels these days; you also give a lot of thought to who your daughter should marry,
THE NECROMANCER: You’re the dark, mysterious type, least likely to share around the black magic chocolates at Christmas. In fact, you’re so secretive, you have the whole of Middle-Earth guessing what you are up to.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD, KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN: You’re a proud dwarf with a mighty heritage, but one thing consumes your thoughts: Getting your hands on the gold and kingdom that should rightfully be yours.And what more do you need than a band of trusted dwarves, each one of whom you would take over the mightiest army! Oh, and a Hobbit. Hmm, no wonder you have slight anger issues. BALIN, LORD OF MORIA: A dwarf leader and old friend of Thorin’s, you were with him the day that darned dragon came along and took away Dwarven pride.Renowned as a look out man, whenever you’re not plotting to retake lost dwarven glories from winged foes, you dream of mithril and one day reclaiming those beautiful deep mines of Moria… . GOLLUM: It was all going so well! You had all you wanted: a cold cave, raw meat and your precious, precious shiny ring. What more does a Gollum want? But then that infernal hobbit came along and said yes to a game of riddles… When you next meet some pesky hobbitses you’ll know what to do.
SMAUG THE DRAGON: It was all going so well! A wonderful Lonely Mountain to sleep in and a bed of gold. It doesn’t matter who comes after you, there’s no way they can take on a dragon of your size and stature. Even if you could read the book without setting fire to it, you wouldn’t need to read until the end, would you?