Eating in restaurants. The menu ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Eating in restaurants In Britain you often have three courses: a starter (e.g. soup), a main course (e.g. steak or chicken), and a dessert (e.g. strawberries or ice cream). You may also have an aperitif ( = a drink before the meal, e.g. gin and tonic), and coffee after the meal. When you pay the bill ( = the money for the meal; AmEng = check), you sometimes also leave a tip ( = money) for the waiter if service is not included in the price. (10% is a normal tip.) If it is a popular restaurant, you may also need to book ( = reserve) a table in advance ( = before you go). ! The menu 59.1 Do you often eat the following food in your country? If so, do you eat it in the same way? Example: In Britain, we often eat 'fish' but not usually 'raw fish'. raw fish fried rice fried eggs grilled sausages baked potatoes roast beef raw spinach roast peppers fried bread boiled eggs grilled cheese baked bananas
59.l Look at the menu on the opposite page again, and answer these questions. 1 Which starter doesn't contain vegeta bles? 2 Which dish contains pasta ? 3 Which dish may be rare or well-done? 4 Which dish is definitely cooked in the oven ? 5 Which dish will proba bly be quite spicy? 6 Which dish contains alcohol? 7 Which meat may be fatty or tough if you are unlucky? 8 Which dessert(s) will be quite sweet? 9 Which dessert must be very fresh ? 10 You are on a diet ( = you are trying to lose weight) and you do not want to have a fattening meal. Which would proba bly be the best dish to choose for each course?
59.l Choose a possible adjective from the opposite page to describe each of these foods. Adjective Adjective lemon chicken honey bacon ice cream fillet steak chillies avocado
S 9.4 What about restaurants in your country, and your own taste in food ? Answer these questions about yourself and your country. 1 Do you normally need to book a resta urant in advance? 2 Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much? 3 Do you normally eat three courses in a resta urant? If not, how many courses do you normally have? 4 How many of these do you normally find on the ta ble in a restaurant in your country?
5 Generally, do you add more salt to your food when you eat in restaurants? 6 Do you like steak ? If so, how do you like it cooked? 7 Would you say that food in your country is very spicy? 8 Would you say that food in your country is generally quite fattening? If possible, ask another person the same questions.