A Fruit. B Vegetables. C Salad. D Animals (meat), fish and shellfishFood A Fruit
B Vegetables C Salad A salad is a mixture of uncooked vegeta bles. The main ingredient in a salad is lettuce, but it may also contain tomato, cucumber, and other things.
D Animals (meat), fish and shellfish animal: cow meat: beef calf (= young cow) veal lamb (= young sheep) lamb pig pork N ote: A person who does not eat meat is a vegetarian.
Can you write down a vegetable and fruit: Vegetable
Fruit 1 beginning with the letter 'p' 2 beginning with the letter 'b' 3 beginning with the letter 'm' 4 beginning with the letter 'c' 5 beginning with the letter 'a' . .po1;ini
Find a word in the right-hand box where the underlined letter(s) are pronounced in the same way as the underlined letter(s) in a word in the left-hand box. Be careful: there are two extra words in the right-hand box which you do not need.
58.3 Which is the odd one out in each group, and why? 1 pork veal salmon beef 2 salmon shrimp oyster lobster 3 lettuce aubergine tomato cucumber 4 peach omon mushroom courgette 5 chicken lamb beef mussels
58.4 Do you eat the skin (= the outside) of these fruits - always, usually, or never? Make three lists. apples pears oranges pineapples bananas lemons cherries peaches melons grapes mangoes strawberries
S8.5 Using words from the opposite page, complete these sentences about yourself and your country. If possible, compare your answers with someone else who has done this exercise. 1 In my country . . . . . is/are more common than . 2 In my country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is/are more expensive than 3 In my country a mixed salad usually contains . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
4 In my country we don't grow 5 And we don't often eat ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 6 Personally, I prefer .. . . . .. . . . .... . ... . . . .. . . . . . . to 7 I love . . . . . . . . . .... . but I don't really like 8 My favourite meat is
boil: in water, e.g. carrots fry: in oil or butter above the heat, e.g. sausages grill: under the heat, e.g. toast or meat roast: in the oven using oil, e.g. meat bake: in the oven without oil, e.g. cakes N ote: Food which is not cooked is raw.
If you have steak you can eat it rare ( = cooked very quickly and still red ); medium-rare (cooked a bit longer and just red in the middle); medium (cooked a bit more and just pink); or well-done (cooked even longer and not pink at all).
tasty: has lots of taste: a positive word; -:t- tasteless: a negative word bland: without a strong taste; neutral in flavour, e.g. boiled rice sweet: lots of sugar; -:t- bitter salty: lots of salt hot/spicy: lots of spice, e.g. curry fresh: recently produced, e.g. fresh bread; recently picked, e.g. fresh fruit tender: easy to cut; a positive word used to describe meat; -:t- tough fatty: meat with a lot of fat; -:t- lean fattening: food which makes you put on weight I get fat, e.g. cream, biscuits, etc.