Water safety. Road safety. Forest safety ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Water safety - never come to the beach alone - never swim in an unfamiliar place - do not dive if you do not know the depth and topography of the bottom - do not swim for fences - do not swim close to boats and steamboats - do not allow body hypothermia be able to help those in distress on the water Road safety - Look right, look left, then look right again before crossing the road - Don’t run near a road - Always face the traffic if walking on roads with no sidewalk (better yet, avoid these roads altogether) - Know the significance of traffic signs and lights - Get out of the car on the kerb side only - Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter or skateboard. Forest safety - before a walk in the forest - charge the phone, take along a battery, a flashlight, food, water, matches, a knife Wear bright, long-sleeved clothing, pants, comfortable shoes - if your friend is lost, immediately calling rescuers - after walks