Safety rules during practice. Keep Your Hands CleanSafety rules during practice
When visiting hospitals, clinics, shopping centers, pharmacies, cinemas, you must wear a mask. Do not use the mask for more than 2 hours. Wash reusable mask daily. Take a hygienic shower daily. The duration of a continuous lesson at a computer should be no more than 45 minutes with a 15-minute break during which you cannot play on the phone (you can read a book, write an abstract). Every day after class to do sports in the fresh air Follow the diet, eat vegetables and fruits daily, be sure to monitor the shelf life of the products. Keep Your Hands Clean No matter what type of environment you work in, keeping your hands clean is critical to workplace health and safety. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) points out, proper hand hygiene is critical "to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others." The CDC indicates that key times to wash your hands in the workplace include: Food - Before eating; before, during, and after food preparation Injury - Before and after treating your own or someone else's injury (such as a cut or wound) Illness - After coughing, blowing your nose, or sneezing; before or after assisting someone who is ill Personal hygiene - After using the toilet Contact with waste - After touching or taking out the garbage Of course, there are other workplace-specific circumstances that apply. For example, those who work in a daycare center should wash their hands after changing a diaper. Those who work around animals should was their hands after coming into contact with an animal or animal waste. According to the CDC, they way you wash your hands is just as important as when you do so. You can't just run them under the faucet for a few seconds and shake them. To promote health and safety in the workplace.