Exercise 2 Are the sentences True or False? Correct false statements ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Exercise 2 Are the sentences True or False? Correct false statements 1. Mike is surprised to see Aron at the dentist. 2. Aron came to the dentist to get his teeth cleaned. 3. Mike's tooth doesn’t hurt at all. 4. Mike is waiting for the dentist. 5. Mike wants the dentist to remove his tooth. 6. The dentist removed Mike's tooth. 7. Mike has to see the denstist again tomorrow. 8. The denstist wants to take some x-rays tomorrow.
Exercise 4 Directions: Listen to the conversation and choose the expression that you hear.
· MIKE: Aron? What are you doing here? Do you have a dentist appointment too? · ARON: Hey Mike. Yeah. I'm here for a cleaning. What about you? · MIKE: It's my tooth. It's killing me. I'm waiting to the see the dentsit. She 1 --- has to have to had to going to do you see me soon. She 2 --- has to have to had to going to do you do something about my tooth. It really hurts. · ARON: Don't worry. I'm sure the dentist is 3 --- has to have to had to going to do you be able to help you. You won't 4 --- has to have to had to going to do you wait too much longer. · MIKE: You don't think she's 5 --- has to have to had to going to do you tell me he 6 --- has to have to had to going to do you pull my tooth, 7 --- do you know did you know didn't know don't know do you? · ARON: I 8 --- do you know did you know didn't know don't know do you if she 9 --- has to have to had to going to do you pull it, she will. But I'm sure she will try to save it if she can. · MIKE: Well... I guess I won't 10 --- has to have to had to going to do you wait any longer to find out. She's ready to see me now.
· ARON: So... what happened? · MIKE: Well, first she said she'd 11 --- has to have to had to going to do you check the tooth. · ARON: Then what happened? Did she 12 --- has to have to had to going to do you pull it. · MIKE: No. He decided to fill it, not pull it. But she said I 13 --- has to have to had to going to do you come back tomorrow. She 14 --- has to have to had to going to do you take some x-rays, and she 15 --- has to have to had to going to do you check my other teeth.