ArtisticLicense 5 страница ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 " Jeeves? " " Yes, s- Bertram. " He looked up from the suitcases. " Don't you want to leave that for later? I mean, don't you think we might be doing something more interesting just now? " He blinked and I gave up and pounced. I think my meaning was gotten across a bit better this way. I had him sprawled on the bed in no time at all and immediately began divesting him off all those unnecessary clothes. I say, I had no idea how many layers he wore until that very moment. I was also attempting to strip myself at the same time. It was slow going until he sort of woke up and started to help me. Then finally his form was revealed and I thought of the proverb that I had done in school for some reason, 'Gloria virtutis umbra. ' I suppose it was because he was so glorious and both of our virtues were rather falling down the wayside. I thought of asking him if I had it right, but somehow current events seemed just a touch more important. XXXXX That fact that I would actually have to be nude myself had somehow escaped my attention when listing all the things I had to worry about. I winced as every one of my protective garments was stripped from me. I have always kept my clothing in the best condition possible, my blacks their blackest and my whites their whitest. They perfectly conceal a rather imperfect form, as it were. It is not that I consider myself particularly ugly, for I am certain there are others who are less appealing. But I am less than comfortable in being exposed in this manner. My frame is quite large, my limbs too long, and my abdomen far too soft and slightly distended. Almost perversely, my nudity ensured Bertram's nudity which was something I very much wanted. And he was beautiful, but then he always has been. The difference being now I could touch this beauty and that was almost worth the embarrassment of lying there under his scrutiny. I wondered if he found me distasteful, I knew he was far too kind to remark upon it if he did. I monitored his facial expressions carefully, for they often reveal his true feelings even if he chooses not to voice them. I saw no semblance of disgust or anything else remotely negative. His pupils were dilated with arousal and his visage was one of excitement and intent. Then his lowered his head and applied his mouth to some choice sections of my chest and I forgot to worry about things for some time. His hands skated along my sides and hips and encircled my thighs. He kissed, licked, and nipped his way down my chest and, although I tensed considerably when he reached my stomach, he let his tongue dip into my naval. " Jeeves, " he said against my hip making my shudder, " You need to relax, old thing. " " I-I apologize, s-sir. " I was ashamed of the tremor in my voice. Things were getting very real now and my peace of mind was shattered. My exposure had compounded upon the anxieties and fears of the previous night. I could not do this. How could I ever have thought I could? And suddenly Bertram was back up by my face, " Jeeves, are you alright? " " I-I…" I wanted to say that I was perfectly fine. I wanted this after all, I'd be mad not to take the opportunity given. He was watching me closely and I suddenly remembered that he was a great deal more intelligent than most gave him credit for. He lay nearly on top of me and began stroking my hair, he was humming something softly, a love song I'd heard him play before. After a few minutes past I felt the trembling cease and my tensed muscles relax. My heart stopped skipping in my chest and I could breathe properly again. Once the panic had subsided I felt quite foolish. We'd done more the evening previous and I'd been alright with that. Why here and now was I incapable of handling the simplest of sexual gestures? I closed my eyes tightly. I had failed and my own nerves had betrayed me. " Jeeves? " Bertram asked nearly whispering, " Pet, why didn't you tell me? " I opened my eyes and he was only inches away. And he knew, the knowledge was in his eyes. Knowledge and concern were darkening them to cobalt. I had no answer for him. No words flowed from my lips the way they often did with no thought required. He kissed my nose, " I would have gone slower if you'd told me. We don't have to do anything. I'll wait. I'll wait for years. " My eyes stung for the second time in two days, " No, I want to- to do the things you want to do. I just- I've never- I'm afraid my knowledge rather falls short on this particular subject. " He smiled at me, gentle and affectionate, " Well, on this particular subject, Bertram W. is quite capable of teaching a class. Er, a rather small class, of course. I could be Don Wooster, I bet you never thought anyone would call me that! You could even call me 'sir', I guess. Though I still think it's rather unnerving in bed. " I couldn't help but swallow and smile back, " Very well, Don Wooster. Where do we begin? " XXXXX It came as a shock; I'm not shamed to admit, when I figured out that Jeeves wasn't exactly what one would call an old hand at the bedroom arts. I mean to say, Jeeves has always displayed a baffling amount of knowledge on every subject under the sun. How can he possibly have reached thirty-one years and not have acquired at least the same level of proficiency I had managed at twenty-eight? Has everyone else he'd ever been around been stone blind? Or perhaps they were all excessively unattractive? Or, there might have been a lingering odour, maybe? In any case, I hadn't been someone's first since Eton and the idea that Jeeves had had no one before me was a heady one. If I had anything to say about it, I would be his last as well. Some care is required in the deflowering of virgins, you know. Jeeves had already proven to be slightly skittish, not that I blame him. " Well, first we begin with a certain measure of preparation. " I leaned over and began rifling through the night stand. I brought out the jar of petroleum jelly and placed it in his hand, " You want to start with one finger, then two, and finally three. It's not something you want to rush, trust me. " I slid off him and slipped a pillow under the appropriate place, " Don't worry, I just had a bath this morning. " XXXXX I blinked at the jar he'd placed in my hand, the implications sinking home. Every last drop of blood I had to spare seemed to have traveled south. I felt quite dizzy. He lay there relaxed and patient waiting for me to… prepare him. It seemed to take an hour to open the jar; the slick substance coated my fingers completely. I approached the area with trepidation. He made a noise as I cautiously touched him; it occurred to me suddenly that this was supposed to feel good for both parties. In effect I would be pleasuring him for the first time. I grew a bit bolder. He moaned my name and I shuddered, " Si- Bertram, I'm going to have to ask you to cease that behaviour. I'm afraid my self-control may not withstand it. " Chuckled he looked back at me, a fond smile on his face, " Who asked you to have any self-control? " And he trailed one hand up my right thigh. I didn'trealise my entire body could twitch that way. I managed to move on to the second finger and listened to him begin to pant in earnest. Petroleum jelly seemed to get everywhere despite my efforts to restrict it to the appropriate location. I decided I would worry about the sheets later. Much later. When I finally managed a third digit he arched off the bed and made a sound that traveled the entire length of my spine. " Al-Alright, Jeeves… anytime you feel up to it, old man, I'd very much appreciate something more. " He turned back to me and opened his eyes, they were dark with desire, nearly indigo, " You might want to put some of that stuff on you as well. " I complied with a shaking hand, lust suddenly blighting out any and all fears. XXXXX I should mention that Jeeves is very nicely made all over. And some of these very nicely made parts fit very well against and inside parts of me. In fact, I do think these very nicely made parts are the nicest parts I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. The next bit is somewhat tricky to describe, if you've done this you know what I mean. You don't really take note of much else beyond how incredibly good everything feels. Jeeves was a very pleasant weight to have there, his belly on my back, his hands on my hips. He seemed to take to this like a fish to water and I have to say I wasn't surprised. XXXXX I have never been a religious man. Indeed, in the past I've had my doubts about the existence of Heaven and Hell and other such promises of eternal life. I believe firmly now in the existence of Heaven because I have been there. My hips seemed to move in this most ancient rhythm entirely of their own accord, Bertram grasped one of my hands at one point and guided it between his legs. I found that act to be quite familiar and enjoyable. He seemed to appreciate it very much. If you were to ask me what it felt like, I could only give you a list of disjointed words. Nirvana, inferno, bliss, ecstasy, tight, euphoria… XXXXX " I apologize, si- Bertram. " " Think nothing of it, old thing. I'd actually enjoy it, but the Wooster lungs need space to expand. " When he settled in a spot less on top of me and more beside me, I curled up against him, " Well, we have learned that you are just as gifted at this as you are at everything else. I can't say I'm surprised. " He cleared his throat and I glanced up to see, wonder of wonders, he was actually blushing! I didn't think they made Jeeveses with that particular human affliction. " Thank you, Bertram. You are most kind. " " Kindness has nothing to do with it! " I lay there, utterly comfortable and sated for a few minutes more before I remembered that if we did want to be stuck together in a most uncomfortable fashion, I was going to need to do something soon. I lurched up on still shaky knees and made my way into the bathroom. After cleaning myself up a bit… and checking to make sure nothing was bleeding (I had feeling Jeeves might react badly if he saw me do that) I returned to the bedroom armed with a wet flannel. The silly ass kept trying to grab it out of my hands, " Hold still, I can manage this, you know! " " Si-Bertram, really I must insist! " " And why must you insist? It's a perfectly reasonable thing for me to do! " He was blushing even harder and I noticed it went all the way down. I finally succeeded in cleaning him up by involving him in a very heated kiss (I can be as sneaky as they come sometimes) and deposited the now sticky flannel on the nightstand. Climbing into bed again I settle against him, " So how was the first lesson? We'll have you writing your O Levels soon if you keep up this pace. Should I write you up an end of term report? " I was rather enjoying the idea of being a don. " Words fail me, Bertram. Although what you'd include on an O Level exam in this subject intrigues me. " I grinned at him as saucily as I knew how, " Give me a few more minutes and I'll show you some examples. " XXXXX " Mrs. Spencer-Gregson, Madame. " Lady Constantine beamed, " Agatha! You simply must come in a see the new piece my niece brought back for me from New York. It's simply divine! I'm in love all over again. " With a swish of velvet skirts she led the way to the parlour, " Apparently there's an entire series of them, can you imagine? My niece saw them at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and she simply HAD to have one. She managed to buy one for me, too. They sold out immediately, of course, so owning one is quite exclusive. The series is called 'The English-" She broke off because her guest had let out a shriek that made Oslow, the corgi, bolt from the room. Agatha was as white as a sheet, as Lady Constantine watched in horror, the formidable woman collapsed into a dead faint. Her husband, Lord Charles put down his paper, " I told you that was too racy for the parlour! " Lady Constantine shook her head in shock, " But it's ART! " XXXXX FINIS
source: http: //web. archive. org/web/20110103235748/http: //archiveofourown. org/works/58379? view_adult=true