Madcap Town (Main Gate). Side Entrance ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Madcap Town (Main Gate) · After platforming up from the Destroyed Station, the player reaches the entrance to the Madcap Town. It is lightly fortified[b5]. · The way in is clear and the player is free to enter. · The Madcap Town is constructed in front of the main gate. Further above, paths leading in and out of the upper wall can be seen. A variety of Madcap dwellings line the edges of this area, built into and along the edge of the Domain wall. The clock above the main gate ticks lazily. 1[b6] · Once player enters the town, the clock suddenly chimes and Madcaps ambush Alice (Map Ref 3). The exits from the area are gated and a combat is triggered. This combat will introduce the player to new variants of the Madcap, introducing a further layer of strategy to combat[b7]. This combat will likely be broken into multiple waves. · The player defeats the Madcap Town militia, and can now leave the Town[b8]. Side Entrance · Outside the town, the player must continue following a path of platforming which takes them along the edge of the Domain wall. · The path weaves in and out of the wall, involving more complex arrangements of steam vents and jump challenges (Map Ref 4). Some simple activation of steam vents, using valves, is necessary. Valves can be found by tracing pipes back from inactive vents[b9] · The player reaches a larger platform, covered in Bolterfly Hives. The Hives block further progress along the wall edge. · A combat is triggered with several swarms of Bolterflies (Map Ref 5). · The player defeats the Bolterflies, causing the hives to fall apart. The way forward is open. One hive was concealing a collectible/pickup which can now be accessed. · A short section of platforming leads the player to an opening in the Domain wall. The player enters a dimly lit passage, lined with pipes and machinery (Map Ref 6). · Following this passage, the player comes to what appears momentarily to be a dead end. Looking about, the player should find a lightly concealed Shrink area. Possible point for Cheshire Cat to appear and provide some context[b10] for the area Alice is about to enter, as well as reinforce or update objectives. · Player enters shrink area, which leads them to the Tea Maker. [b1]Push the sense of scale. Scale meshes to achieve forced perspective and so on. [b2]Discuss feasibility, was thinking just a small particle. Not constant or persistent. [b3]Require art support for seamless integration of Madcap dwellings into this environment.
This idea should also be tested in regard to maintaining a pleasing vista of main gate as shown during cable car ride and from Junk Wastes area. [b4]Any reaction noted from the town to the crash and Alice’s arrival? “She’s back! ”” Doom Apron! ” etc?
Could also wait for the ambush to spring this sort of reaction. [b5]Either in or outside of the village, a destroyed automaton might help setup the industry vs craft idea.
It’d be nice if we could reinforce that the Madcaps are a remnant of the “old” domain. [b6]Perhaps some sort of makeshift sculpture of the Hatter. They still worship him as a creator/father? [b7]Probably Shield Madcaps, highly resistant to ranged attacks, forcing player to engage in melee.
Some form of suicide bomber Madcap has also suggested.
Mixing these with regular Madcaps within a single combat arena necessitates prioritizing which to eliminate first. [b8]Might they let her go, rather than face more slaughter?
Maybe some could be watching the entire fight, acting as commentators rather than participating. [b9]Not sure it’s even necessary to have switches here, could be just pathfinding.
[b10] [b10]Some discussion of: · Blocked main gate, finding this alternative · Madcaps · Forgotten areas of the “old” domain which stand between her and the Hatter’s current location. · Setup for the introduction of the Eyepots in next area.