Your team's username and password can be found here. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 Your team's username and password can be found here.
GETTING STARTED: To begin using HeinOnline to research the Jessup Problem, follow these instructions: 1. Go to www. heinonline. org. 2. Click on “SUBSCRIBERS, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO ENTER” 3. Under “My Hein Account, ” enter your username and password. 4. Click the “Log In” button.
GENERAL & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: For help with general or technical questions, please email techsupport@wshein. com.
PURCHASE HEINONLINE: If your school is interested in purchasing a subscription to HeinOnline for your entire school to use, please contact s_fiddler@wshein. com.
Thank you and good luck with your research. ILSA Executive Office