2013 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition2013 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition HeinOnline Research Usernames & Passwords INTRODUCTION HeinOnline has a large international collection that you may find useful to your research, including many international law journals, periodicals and case reports. HeinOnline also houses the complete Philip C. Jessup Library. The Jessup Library contains annual volumes of The Jessup Compendium, which archive all materials from previous Jessup competitions (1960 – 2012), including past problems, clarifications, bench memoranda, and winning memorials. RULES & CONDITIONS ILSA is happy to provide you with the enclosed HeinOnline username and password. This username and password may ONLY be used by registered members of your Jessup team and may ONLY be used in connection with their participation in the 2013 Jessup Competition. Many schools already have subscrptions to HeinOnline. If your school already has access, you may NOT get a seperate password through ILSA. Any use inconsistent with this stated policy could result in the following: (1) your team’s immediate disqualification from the 2013 Competition without refund, (2) your school dean being notified of the violation, and (3) your school being disqualified from participation in subsequent years of the Competition. Please also keep in mind that abuse of this username and password could jeopardize ILSA’s ability to receive free access to HeinOnline for future competitors.
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