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LESSON 30 4 страница



Unit 4: The world of work

School: Stavropolka Secondary School


Teacher name: Rogova V. V.

Grade: 7

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Summative control work for the 2nd term


Lesson objectives

7. L3 Understand with some support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7. R5 Deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7. W2 Write with minimal support about real and events, activities and experiences on a growing range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics.

7. UE9 Use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms

on a range of familiar general

Assessment criteria

The register completely corresponds to the requirements of the task; consistent and intentional misuse of register* may indicate a writer’s personal style.

Writes simple and compound sentence forms correctly and demonstrates some variety in length.

Errors in grammar and/or punctuation do not distort meaning.

Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make relevant contributions at some length.

Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation.

Previous learning

Using ‘will’ for prediction



Planned timings

Planned activities

Students’ activities Evaluation Resources
Beginning 2 min


1. Greeting 2. Lesson objective

Middle 35 min


Task 1. Do the matching exercise 1 – 5 while you listen to the recording. Complete the table with the correct place from the box above. Write the correct answer to the question 6.


Task 2. Read the article. Part 1. Read the article again and give answers to the questions.


Write no more than THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.

Example: When will space be a popular place for holiday? In 2020

1. How many people will be able to stay at the hotel?                  

2. When will the centre be ready?    

3. Where will tourists be able to travel while they are at the center?   

4. Where will most of the hotel on the moon be?                               


Part 2. Read definition of the word from the text. Write it in the given place.

5. a 2-wheeled vehicle that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals _______  

6. the large round object that circles the Earth and that shines at night by reflecting light from the sun __________


Task 3. Choose one of the topics below.

Topic 1-2. Read the beginning of the story and create your continuation.   

What were the problems?    

How did you solve them?  


Task 4. You have to work in pairs. Choose one card and discuss the questions.

Card 1. You may use the questions:

1. What are the most interesting places in Astana?            

2. Why do people enjoy visiting these places?

3. What is the most exciting place to visit?   

4. How does it look like?

5. Why are these places popular among visitors?

6. Would you like to visit Astana again?

 Learners listen and complete the table     Learners read the article and give answers to the questions   Learners read definition of the word from the text   Learners choose one of the topics below and write the essay   Learners answer the questions Individual  avaluation    
End   2 min


. The teacher gives comments about learners work and awards learner.

Homework: to repeat words and grammar

Saying goodbye





Unit 4: The world of work

School: Stavropolka Secondary School


Teacher name: Rogova V. V.

Grade: 7

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Lesson objectives

7. L3 Understand with some support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7. S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks.

Assessment criteria

All learners will be able to:

identify the name of the planets

Most learners will be able to:

complete listening correctly

Some learners will be able to:

use taught information to vocabulary task

use learnt vocabulary from the listening task while speaking in groups

Previous learning

Summative control work for the 2nd term



Planned timings

Planned activities

Students’ activities


Beginning 5 min


1. Greeting

2. Lesson objective

Dive in:

Ask Ss to name all the planets in our Solar System. Ask them if they believe one day humans will go to live on any of these planets.

  Learners answer

Verbal evaluation


Middle 30 min

Pre – Listening

Check the vocabulary. Dictate words from previous lessons. When you finish, tell Ss to compare their spelling. Then choose one S to write their list on the board. Encourage other Ss to call out any corrections necessary.  


Tell Ss that they will hear a formal debate about space exploration. Give each S a copy of the poster. Explain that they must listen to the debate and complete the missing information in the poster.

Self-Assessment: When students have finished, give them right answers and get them to look back and work out their answers.

Answer key:




Timothy Brown

Sandra Wikins


Ask Ss which speaker is in favor of colonization (Dr. Brown) and who is against it (Dr. Wilkins). Give each S a copy of the Notes page. Explain thet they are going to listen again. This time they must complete the missing information in the notes as if they were a reporter from the local paper. Give Ss a few moments to study the notes and complete any info they can remember. Play the recording.


Tell Ss to compare their answers, and play the recording again if it is necessary. Monitor and help too.


Divide the class into two halves. Tell one half to list all the advantages of colonizing space and living on other planets. Tell the other half to list all the disadvantages of space colonization. When Ss are ready, mix the groups and have them explain their arguments


 Learners compare their spelling     Learners listen to the debate and complete the missing information in the poster   Learners complete the missing information in the notes as if they were a reporter from the local paper.   Learners discuss   Learners do the task  

Mutual avaluation

Individual  avaluation

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluation


End   5 min


Ask Ss to write a reflection of the lesson.

3 – new words

2 – adjectives to describe the lesson

1 – one activity you like

Homework: to repeat words and grammar

Saying goodbye

Learners write a reflection of the lesson.  






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