Chapter SeventeenDeacon had errands to run that included stopping at the pharmacy for condoms. He didn’t want to use them with his mate, but until she was on the pill, he wasn’t going to risk getting her pregnant. He had no doubt they would be mated soon, but that didn’t mean he was in a hurry to start a family if she wanted children. Even though he wasn’t sure he could handle being a father, Deacon would give his mate anything she wanted. He’d lived with his empathic curse four hundred years. It wasn’t going away, so he would deal with it for Sabrina and any children they brought into the world. Deacon headed to Jonathan’s room, but when he heard Priscilla’s voice, he turned and went the other way. His beast was in an uproar from having their mate in their bed without claiming her. Deacon wasn’t about to ask it to help shield him from the turmoil going on inside the older human or any of the pain he felt coming from family members of the other patients. Something is... What? Something is what? I’m not sure. Do you not feel the… strangeness? Deacon reached out with his senses, trying to lock down what his beast was referring to. Aside from the heartache and pain, he encountered confusion, annoyance, and urgency, but he couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from or if it was only one person. Hospitals were one of the worst places for an empath. When he compartmentalized as many emotions as possible, he finally figured out the off sensation was coming from the stairwell. Taking off at a fast clip, he opened the door. Heavy footsteps sounded a couple floors up, then a door opened and closed. Using his shifter speed, Deacon was at the same door within seconds. He slowed his steps, not wanting to bring attention to himself, while at the same time stopping to connect with whomever was sending out waves of stress. Those waves were overcome by all the other emotions rolling from the many patients and visitors. Shaking his head, Deacon turned toward the elevator. Sure, the emotions had been so much harsher than all the others, but Deacon chalked it up to the person being overwrought with heartbreak. They had probably lost a loved one. He continued on with his plan to run errands and get to work. Stopping by the lab first, Julian had news for him. “I figured out the message. It said, ‘Find Craven. ’ Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe in coincidences. I think whoever is leaving Sabrina these notes knows what’s going on with the Unholy. ” “What would Sabrina be able to do if she found the doctor? ” Deacon retrieved the note which had been left with the flowers. “Here. It’s probably too saturated to do anything about, but if anyone can, it’s you. ” Julian took the card and studied it. “It will take a while, but I don’t believe it’s impossible. Let me get to work on this, and I’ll call you if I get anything usable off it. ” Deacon held out his fist, and Julian tapped his knuckles. As he was leaving, Lucy and Tamian entered the lab. “Good morning, ” he said. “Good morning, Deacon. Did you find another note? ” Lucy asked, rubbing her hands together. The few times he’d met the Gryphon, Deacon got the feeling she was as adventurous as Tessa. “I did. It was at the bottom of the vase, submerged in water. I just dropped it off with Jules. Hopefully, you two will be able to figure out what was written on it. ” “I do love a good puzzle. ” Lucy told him she’d see him later and rushed away to get started. The love coming from Tamian for his mate washed over Deacon like a warm blanket on a cold night. That went a long way in calming him. Even with the miles he’d driven to get to the lab, Deacon had still been dealing with whatever it was he’d encountered at the hospital. He wished he could remain there, letting Tamian and Lucy shield him, but he had things to do. “Is there anything I can do to help? ” Tamian asked. Deacon knew the male wasn’t talking about the note. Tamian was a clone, made up of both Tessa’s and Jonas’s DNA. He had abilities most of the Clan didn’t know about, but working with Gregor meant being around Tessa, and she had mentioned her brother’s abilities on more than one occasion when Deacon was within earshot. “I’m not sure. The vision Connor had showed a black man, but he couldn’t see the man’s face. Whoever is leaving things for Sabrina doesn’t seem to be out to harm her. Instead, he’s leaving these notes. Why her? Who is he to her, and why can’t Connor see his face? Is it even the same person? ” Deacon tilted his head back and sighed. “I want to protect her, but who do I protect her from? ” “What if it’s someone who knows Sabrina but doesn’t feel confident in talking to her in person? Maybe someone from her past? They did leave a photo of her siblings. What do we know about them? ” “Her sister is a psychologist in New Chicago. One of her brothers lives in California and works for a pharmaceutical company. Her other brother, the youngest, joined the military and hasn’t been heard from in years. ” “Have you had Julian run a search on them? The note in the photo said to find Craven. If this is the same Craven experimenting on Unholy, any of the three could have reason to be connected. The sister could have encountered one of the test subjects. The one in California could have caught wind of the drugs being used, and the soldier... Gods, what if he came home and got mixed up in Flanagan’s bullshit? ” Deacon prayed that wasn’t the case. It would kill Sabrina if her baby brother had been turned into a monster. “No, I haven’t, but I think it’s time I ask him to. ” Instead of leaving, Deacon returned to the lab and asked Tamian to repeat his suppositions. Since Jules was working on the note, Lucy offered to begin the search for information on Sabrina’s siblings. He gave her what little information he knew about them before thanking them all for their help and taking his leave. The theory which made the most sense was Terrence. Connor had seen a man, so that ruled out the sister. If Connor’s vision was even about whoever was leaving notes. The two might not have anything to do with the other. Deacon didn’t know enough about his mate’s life prior to meeting her. She could have a crazy ex who wasn’t ready to let go. Sabrina had mentioned a boyfriend who didn’t take it well when she broke things off. Deacon wanted their date to go smoothly, but he needed to know more about her past so he could get to the bottom of this whole stalker business. He would casually ask her about the boyfriend she mentioned. Deacon would also do his best not to kill him if he found out she’d been hurt in any way. After stopping and purchasing a box of condoms, Deacon drove to the Pen. He wasn’t surprised to find Isabelle walking down the hall. After Gabriel’s breakdown, she had been called in to help calm her brother. “How’s Gabriel? ” Deacon asked. “Better now, but hearing the name of the man who tortured him and left him for dead brought back memories best left in the past. When we find the doctor, I’m going to torture him far worse than he did my brother. ” Isabelle’s claws and fangs were front and center, so Deacon pulled her into his office and closed the door. Most of the guards were Gargoyles, but there were a few humans who worked at the Pen. It wouldn’t do for them to catch sight of an enraged half-blood. He also needed to get her emotions in check from a personal standpoint. “Sorry, ” she stammered, dropping into the chair across from his desk. “I get it. I’d feel the same in your shoes. Have you had any success in deconstructing Evan’s blood? ” Somewhat calmer, Isabelle sat up straight, but she didn’t loosen her grip on the chair arms. “I’m still running tests, because something about what I found is bothering me. I found Gargoyle blood in Evans system, and it’s pure. ” “What does that mean? ” “Craven used Gabriel to create the Unholy. He is a half-blood. His Gargoyle half is from an Original line, so his blood was potent but not pure. The sample taken from Evan had traces of pure Gargoyle blood. Whoever Craven got the blood from is not only from an Original bloodline, but both parents are shifters. ” “If Craven’s working for Drago, he could be getting it from him or one of the other Greeks. ” “No, there’s something else. The blood of Gargoyles contains no platelets in adolescence. It isn’t until after their initial transition that platelets are formed. Also, at that point, the amount of white blood cells multiplies, unlike in humans. The samples from Evan contain the normal human percentage of white cells. ” “Are you telling me Craven is using the blood of a Goyle child? ” “It looks that way. ” Isabelle rubbed her temples. Deacon leaned back against his desk. “But there are no full-blooded children in the States. Are there? ” “Not according to Nikolas. Unless there are undocumented Goyles. ” “Then there’s your answer. Drago and the Greeks aren’t here to offer loyalty to Rafael. Evan said there were others who had recently joined Drago. We know nothing about them or who they might have brought with them. ” “But to sacrifice their own child’s well-being? ” “Who’s to say it’s their own child? Look at all the human children who are sold to traffickers. Money talks, no matter the species. ” Isabelle stood. “Gods, this is giving me a headache. ” It was also making her heart hurt, just as it was Deacon’s, only he was feeling everything she was on top of his own emotions. “How are things with Sabrina? ” Deacon smiled thinking about last night. “So far so good. We have a date tonight. ” “I hope you have a wonderful time. I’m going to my office for a while before I have my own date tonight with Connor and Amelia. I’ll talk to you later. ” Isabelle patted Deacon’s arm before letting herself out of his office. Thinking about their conversation, Deacon made his way down to where Evan was being held. Deacon opened the door and closed it behind him, locking them both inside. Deacon whispered, “Did you happen to see any children wherever it was Craven took you? ” Evan took the hint and lowered his voice. “Children? No. There were just those of us undergoing the treatment and the doctors. ” “Okay, thank you. ” Deacon inclined his head and turned toward the door. Evan stopped him. “Is there any way I can go outside? I’ve cooperated. Done everything y’all asked, but I’m going stir-crazy in here. ” Deacon thought about the time of day and where the inmates were. “Sure. I won’t put you out with the others, but there’s a side area some of the guards go to get out of the building for a few. ” Deacon led Evan outside, and the male sat on a bench, his eyes closed, and his head tilted back, enjoying the sunshine. Deacon used the time to think about Sabrina until his cock stirred. Not wanting Evan to see the bulge in his pants, Deacon changed his thoughts to what Isabelle said about a young Gargoyle being used, and that was enough to keep his dick in check. After about an hour, he returned Evan to his room, promising to give him more time outdoors in the days to come. They still hadn’t figured out what to do with Evan long-term. If it were up to Deacon, he’d give the male some money and let him get on with his life. But it wasn’t his decision. Deacon couldn’t imagine having family who didn’t want him. He hadn’t seen his parents in a long time, but he knew he’d be welcome if he returned to Africa. The rest of the day went by quickly, and Deacon went home, stowed the new box of condoms in the nightstand, showered, and put on some of his new clothes. He didn’t pack an overnight bag, because he wanted Sabrina back in his home after their date. There was nothing wrong with her house, but he felt safer at his place. Plus, he wanted her to get used to being there so when they completed the bond, it would become her home as well. If he wasn’t a Gargoyle, he would think he was moving too fast, but if she agreed to be his, living together was inevitable. The sooner that happened, the better. He’d been skeptical in the beginning about claiming her, but after one night of having her in his bed, he was ready. Malakai was working the front desk at Hartley’s, waiting for his women’s self-defense class to start. A young man entered the building, looking around. “Welcome to Hartley’s. Can I help you? ” “Hey, uh yeah. Is Matthew here? ” the man asked with a faint accent. “I was hoping to catch up with him before school started. ” “No, I’m afraid not. He’s on vacation for a few days. ” “Oh. Good for him. We all need a break between high school and college. Who’d he go with? Where’d he go? Somewhere fun, I hope. ” The door opened, and several women from the class walked in. Kai’s attention was distracted when he answered, “I think they went to the beach. Him and Slade. Not sure. I can give him a message when he gets back if you’d like. ” “The beach? Wow, that’s great. Is he somewhere on the Atlantic? ” “Yeah. No. I think the Keys, ” Kai muttered to the kid, not taking his eyes off one of his students. It had been a long time since someone caught his eye, and this particular blonde had caught it, but he couldn’t figure out why. Kai couldn’t get her off his mind. It was like he was drawn to her, but only mildly. Not like the others when they found their mates. She smiled at him, and everyone else in the room – the kid included – melted away. “Good morning, ladies. If you want to go on back and begin stretching, I’ll join you in a few minutes. ” After they were out of sight, Kai returned his attention to Matt’s buddy, but the man was already gone.