Extra-embryonic organs. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Extra-embryonic organs. 1. Extra-embryonic organs, their general characteristics. 2. Amnion, its structure and meaning. 3. Yolk sac: development, structure and functions. 4. Allantois: its structure and significance. 5. Placenta, formation, features of the organization of the maternal and fetal components during pregnancy. Outstripping development of the connective tissue of the placenta and other extraembryonic organs. Structural differences between terminal and definitive villi in different trimesters of pregnancy, placental functions. 6. The mother-placenta-fetus system and factors affecting its physiology. Umbilical cord, its formation and structural components: gelatinous (mucous) tissue, vessels, rudiments of the yolk sac and allantois.