Exercise1. Give the plural of the following nouns.Exercise1. Give the plural of the following nouns. Nose, hand, eyelash, wife, schoolboy, orange, bee, box; solo; fox; tomato, cucumber, cheek, eye, foot, tongue, tooth, house, garden, lake, pond, dish, analysis, glass; piano; hero; brush; crisis, housewife, bush, kerchief; proof; thief; calf; half; boy, medium, story, ferry, city, fly, donkey; key; day; monkey; toy, lady; butterfly, play; hotel-keeper, spy; photo; commander-in-chief, bench; potato; lunch; schoolgirl, tattoo, video, kilo, zoo, life, leaf, custom-house, portfolio, swine, house, hearth, mother-in-law, clergyman, ox, looker-on, enemy, roof, sheep, ship, youth, goose, deer, pie, Englishwoman, mouse, formula, bath, volcano, forget-me-not, foot, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, editor-in-chief, forget-me-not, breakdown, grown-up, close-up, looker-on, attorney-general.
Exercise 2. Make the following sentences plural 1. This is a bird. 2. Is that a bird? — No, it isn't. That is a cat. 3. Is that a good horse? — Yes, it is. 4. Is that cow big or small? — It is big. 5. This is an apple and that is a flower. 6. Where is the coin? — It is in the box. 7. What colour is the box? — It is green. 8. What is it made of? — It is made of wood. 9. What is that man? — He is a clerk.
Exercise 3. Change the number of the italicized nouns and make all other necessary changes. 1. The child is playing in the yard. 2. The story was very interesting. 3. We came up to the woman who was working in the garden. 4. The match will be held in Kyiv. 5. The goose is in the yard. 6. The lorry passed by. 7. The tomato is ripe. 8. The book is on the shelf. 9. This watch was made in Minsk. 10. The cat caught a mouse. Exercise 4. Choose the right form of the noun from the brackets. 1. Two... were playing on the doorstep (child/children). 2. A... looked round the corner of the house (woman/women). 3. The... was large, and had a faded Morris wallpaper (room/rooms). 4. A... drove up, the large... leaped from the chair and raised its voice in a crescendo of barking (car/cars, dog/dogs). 5. A tall... of about fifty-seven came into sight (man/men). 6. But... who read my books know what he's like (people/peoples). 7. The... ran twinkling across the road (water/waters). 8. Why do... represent in pictures the faces of their fellow men? (painter/painters). 9. The... was supposed to assemble at seven-thirty in the Common Room (company/companies).