Chapter Twenty-three 10 страница
[14] tad evaṁ mahā -maṅ gala-saṅ gatatayā vatsa-cā raṇ otsavam anukriyamā ṇ e prayā ṇ e samudgata-ś obha-samudgaka-vicitrac-chatra-cā mara-paṭ ṭ a-paṭ ā di-nā nā -sā magrī -saṅ graha-vyagrī bhū ta-karā bhuvana-ś ubhaṅ karā jita-vṛ ndā karā ḥ kiṅ kara-dā rakā s tā v anusarantaḥ kim apy antaḥ -sukham anubabhū vuḥ |
When the boys departed for herding the calves at the auspicious moment, servants who defeated devatā s and caused all auspiciousness, carrying ingredients like splendid betel nut, colorful umbrellas, cā maras, and silk cloth, followed after the boys and experienced indescribable inner happiness.
[15] tatra ca mā tara-pitarā v ā rabhya pratyā gā ra-dvā raṁ sarvā bhir anarvā cī nā bhir vara-varṇ inī bhir mahā -dhanair nirmañ chyamā nau dī pā yamā na-maṇ ibhir nī rā jyamā nau praphulla-surabhi-prasū nair abhivṛ ṣ yamā ṇ au maṅ gala-saṅ gha-saṅ gata-gī taiḥ saṅ gī yamā nau yathā rhaṁ tad-antika-vacana-kā nti-santatibhiḥ santoṣ yamā ṇ au, purastā d vikī rṇ a-vistī rṇ a-nayanair nirvarṇ yamā nau gurū n abhivā dya niravadya-vā dya-prasā dyamā na-kautuka-pratataṁ pratasthā te |
Starting with their mother and father, at every door the excellent women offered great wealth and performed ā ratrika with jewels shining like lamps. They sprinkled the boys with fragrant flowers and glorified them with auspicious songs. They satisfied the boys with a profusion of befitting, sweet words. With wide eyes they saw the boys in front of them. The two boys then departed after offering respects to the elders, while experiencing the skill of faultless sounds of musical instruments.
[16] yatra divya-gaṇ ā ś ca tadvad eva dī vyanti sma | tataś ca—
veṇ u-vetra-dala-ś ṛ ṅ gavaṭ ī bhiḥ
kanduka-bhramara-dā ru-naṭ ī bhiḥ |
krī ḍ inau sa-ś iś u-go-suta-jā te
nī la-pī ta-vasanau rurucā te ||5|| [svā gatā ]
The devatā s performed the same activities. Dressed in blue and yellow cloth, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma appeared glorious among the children and calves as they played using flutes, canes, leaves, horns, ropes, balls and wooden puppets.
[17] tad anu, dū rataḥ sū ratatayā purataḥ paś yadṛ ś aḥ sukṛ tinaḥ kṛ tinaḥ parā vavṛ tire
Looking at the boys in the distance with tenderness, the pious elders then returned home.
[18] rā ma-rā mā nujā dayaś ca kiñ cid añ citvā —
visā rya vatsā n ā vā rya paritaḥ ś ā dvale sthale |
khelā ṁ cakrur mitho melā d ā velā ṁ bhojanā gateḥ ||6|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
After going some distance Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, Balarā ma and the boys first let the calves wander freely and then put them in a group and brought them to a place filled with fresh grass. They boys played there until lunch time.
veṇ uṁ vā dayatoḥ phalā di kiratoḥ ś iñ jat-tulā koṭ i-bhā g-
aṅ ghribhyā ṁ kṣ ipator vṛ ṣ ā nukaraṇ aiḥ saṁ yudhyator etayoḥ |
bhrā tror nirjayinor mitho drava-vaś ā d uccaiḥ sakhā yaś ca te
pā rṣ ṇ i-grā hatayā yudhaṁ vidadhataḥ kolā halaṁ cakrire ||7|| [ś ā rdū la]
The two boys played their flutes, scattered fruits about, and went here and there making sounds with their ankle bells. Imitating bulls, they fought with each other, winning against the opponent. With great affection, taking support of friends, they fought each other with great noise.
[19] tataś ca tau vatsā ṁ s tṛ ṇ air ā pyā yya jalam ā pā yya sarvā n vilokitavantau | ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu teṣ u kasyacid gaṇ ḍ ā di-kaṇ ḍ ū ti-khaṇ ḍ anena bā hu-daṇ ḍ a-kṛ ta-kaṇ ṭ hā vaguṇ ṭ hanena, mā taraṁ militum icchasi? melayiṣ yā mi iti tat-karṇ e mithaḥ kapola-melana-pū rvaka-vṛ thā -varṇ anena ca tam upacarya sukham upalabdhavā n |
Having the calves eat the grass and drink water, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma then inspected all of them. Among the calves he hugged one with his arms to relieve its itching, and, touching its forehead with his own, he said, “If you want to go to your mother, I will arrange that. ” With such useless words he satisfied the calves.
[20] atha bhrā tarau sakhibhir jalā plavana-kelim ā carya vanya-veś a-viś eṣ am apy ā sajjya caraṇ a-caryayā carantā v apū rva-mṛ ga-pakṣ iṇ aḥ samantā l lakṣ ayantau vailakṣ yam ā sedatuḥ | tatra ca,
rutam anukurutas tau lī layā yasya jantoḥ
samudayati tadī yaṁ jā ti-mā traṁ tadā ś u |
bhaṇ itam atha vidhattas tad-viruddhasya tasmin
yadi bhayam anu tasmā l lī yate taj javena ||8|| [mā linī ]
After the two splashed water on their friends, they put on special forest clothing and, wandering about, became astonished on seeing the wonderful animals and birds.
When the two boys imitated the sounds of an animal, that animal would approach them. When they imitated the roaring of lions or tigers, seeing the animals become frightened, they stopped making those sounds.
[21] tataś cā hnā ya madhyā hnā ś anam ā dā ya sva-sva-dhā mataḥ samā gatā bhis tad-ucitā bhir vanitā bhir janitā nandanaḥ ś rī mā n nanda-nandanaḥ sakhi-vṛ ndam ā nandayan vā ṇ ī ya-mā na-veṇ u-raṇ itenā kā raṇ ayā maṅ kṣ u saṅ kalayā mā sa | saṅ kalitā ṁ ś ca sakhī n eṇ ī dṛ ś aḥ ś reṇ ī kṛ tya cā dṛ tya ca samupaveś itā n suveś itā n madhyam adhyā sita-ś yā ma-rā mā n bhojana-kā mā n krama-niś ā manayā yā m anayā jemayā mā suḥ |
Happy because women sent by their mothers arrived with lunches at noon, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a quickly called his friends by playing his flute-- whose notes sounded like human words in order to give them bliss. When they all gathered, the women honored them, put them in lines and had them sit down, placing Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma in the center. Since the boys desired to eat, the women then served them the food in the proper order.
[22] yatra narmaṇ ā ś arma-dā nā ya kiñ cit kaś cit kiñ cit kaś cid viś iś lā ghe ś aś lā ghe ca | yatra ca tair vivadamā nā nā ṁ saṁ vadamā nā nā ṁ cā nyā sā ṁ vacana-prativacana-ś ravaṇ a-kautukā nantaraṁ dhā trī -gaṇ a-pā trī kā cit tu dā sera-bā lakā n prati phelā -visarjana-rañ janā ya pū rti-vyañ janayā bhojana-vitṛ ṣ ṇ atā m anucariṣ ṇ uṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ aṁ prati sa-kā ku jagā da—
For fun some of the boys criticized the food. They argued with the women and some of the women answered back. After the amusement of hearing the conversations, a qualified nurse spoke to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a when he seemed to refuse the food, in order to give pleasure to the servant boys who could obtain the rejected food.
mayā yatnā d etad drava-madhuram ā rā d upahṛ tam
jananyā rā masya prayatana-yujā sā dhitam idam |
bhavan-mā trā cā sya svadana-vidhaye datta-ś apathaṁ
muhuḥ sandiṣ ṭ aṁ tan nikhilam upayuṅ kṣ va trayam api ||9|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]
“Carefully I have brought drinks and delicious food. Rohiṇ ī has carefully prepared it and sent me. Yaś odā has repeated ordered me that you should taste the food. You should please us three by eating. ”
[23] tad evaṁ kautuka-viś eṣ eṇ a jā te bhojana-ś eṣ e racitā camanaṁ tam ananta-guṇ a-kamanaṁ rā ma-dā mā dibhiḥ sahitaṁ sahitaṁ sā punaḥ karpū ra-rasa-pū ra-pū rṇ a-khapura-pū rita-sacū rṇ a-svarṇ a-varṇ a-parṇ a-puṭ a-dā na-puraḥ -saram evam avā dī t, lā lya-pā lyamā na-mā tṛ -sandeś atayā bā lyam apahā ya tū rṇ am eva vraja-sadanaṁ pū rṇ am ā caraṇ ī yam |
After joyfully taking lunch with friends like Rā ma and Dā ma, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a performed ā camana and the nurse gave him a golden box filled with camphor flavored betel. She said, “O child! Please follow your mother’s orders and, giving up your childish behavior, quickly return home. ”
[24] atha kiñ cid dū raṁ gatvā tasya teṣ ā ṁ ca khelā -melā bhiniveś aṁ matvā grī vā ṁ parā vartya nartyamā na-nayanatayā samarthā ṁ s tat-pā lakā n bā lakā n praty uvā ca—are are, ś ī ghram evā yaṁ prā ṇ ayanī yo vraja-dharaṇ ī ś a-praṇ ayinyā ḥ prā ṇ asya prā ṇ aḥ iti |
Going some distance, considering the boys engaged in playing, she turned her head and with flashing eyes said to the boys skilful at herding the calves “Cowherd boys! You are the life of Yaś odā. Please bring Kṛ ṣ ṇ a back quickly. ”
[25] tad evaṁ gatā su tā su sā grajaḥ sa tu duṣ parihara-bā ṣ pa-cchedya-sa-puṣ pa- tṛ ṇ a-mukhā n vatsā n vrajā bhimukhā n vidhā ya ś anaiś cā rayan gā yan nṛ tyan hasan krī ḍ an divi-carair brā hmaṇ air brā hmaṇ aiḥ stū yamā naḥ sumanobhiś ca sumanobhir vṛ ṣ yamā ṇ aḥ svagṛ hā ya vartma jagṛ he |
When the women had gone, the boys fed the calves the tenderest grass mixed with flowers and headed slowly towards Vraja while dancing, laughing and playing. The sons of Brahmā praised him from the sky and devatā s showered flowers. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a took the path leading home.
[26] tataś ca vatsā vā saṁ yā vat sā graja-mitra-vrajatayā yathā kramaṁ vikramamā nas tatra ca vatsā n saṅ kṛ tya kṛ ta-kṛ tyatayā ramamā ṇ as tal-lā vaṇ ya-darś anena harṣ amā nas tat prā g eva sarvair vraja-vā sibhir upavrajyamā naḥ snā nā di-pū rvakaṁ divyam ambaraṁ valayamā naḥ ś ī ghram eva bhojanaṁ bhajamā naḥ punar api go-dohana-bhū mi-gamanena sukhaṁ yajamā nas tat-tan-mā tṛ -nā mabhir vatsā n hvayamā naḥ sambhramatas tad-gamana-vyatikramā t prahā sa-maya-mā naḥ pradugdhā ni dugdhā ni ca tā ni kiṅ kara-nikareṇ a gṛ haṁ hā rayamā ṇ aḥ punar ā layam ā gamya kṣ aṇ a-katipayaṁ mā taram ā nandya tā m anu vindamā naś candra-ś ā likā ṁ viś ramā ya ś rayamā ṇ aḥ punar sarveṣ ā m atiharṣ aṁ vavarṣ a | prasvā pya ca taṁ ca taṁ ca sā ca sā ca mā tā paritaḥ parijana-kumā rā n sannidhā pya gṛ ha-vyavahā rā ya bṛ had-dhā ma jagā ma |
Along with Balarā ma and his friends, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began walking back in order to bring the calves to their pens. Gathering the calves in a group, he became joyful at this success and, seeing the beauty of the calves, experienced contentment. The inhabitants of Vraja saw in front of them that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was approaching. As in the morning, he was decorated auspiciously. He offered respects to his mother and father, and, joyful in their presence, went to his house. After bathing he put on fresh clothing. Quickly eating, he then became happy by milking the cows. Calling the calves by saying the mother’s name, he laughed as the calves scurried to their mothers.
Servants brought the abundant milk to the house. Coming to the house, he pleased his mother and then offered her respects. Going to the roof top to rest he gave bliss to all. Putting their sons to sleep, the mothers, surrounded by servant boys, went to the main building to do chores.
[27] tad evaṁ dina-katipaye parama-ramaṇ ena gamita-samaye sa tu nṛ ś aṁ saḥ kaṁ sa-nā mā yathā rha-varṇ a-kṛ ta-varṇ anataḥ samā kī rṇ a-tat-tad-vṛ ndā vanā gamanā di-vṛ ttā ntaḥ svā ntaś cintayā m ā sa—
After the boys had spent some time blissfully in Vṛ ndā vana, cruel Kaṁ sa, hearing the news of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s arrival in Vṛ ndā vana from spies, began to think.
[28] hanta, satyatā -sā reṇ a devyā vacanā nusā reṇ a nanda-gopa-ḍ imbhatā -dambha eva sa ko’pi gopitaḥ sambhā vyate, yena nū tanā vayavenā pi duḥ saha-mahasaḥ pū tanā dayaḥ sahasā gā mbhī ryā vṛ ttena vī ryā tiś ayenā lambhanī yatā ṁ lambhitā ḥ | trasyati ca tasya nā ma-dhā ma-vaś ā n mama hṛ dayam | tasmā d asau chalata evotkalanī yaḥ | hanta, chalā n apy uttaram uttaram atiriktaṁ yuktam eva te prayuktavantaḥ | tathā pi kadarthitī -bhū ya vyarthī -bhū tā ḥ iti vicā rya, punar api taṁ praṇ idhiṁ sannidhiṁ nikā yyataḥ samā nā yya papraccha, aye, tvayedam apy avakalitaṁ, jā tau kasyā ṁ tasyā daraḥ sneha-bharaś ca paramaḥ parā mṛ ś yate?
“This child of Nanda seems to be the child hidden by Vasudeva deceptively, according to Durgā ’s prediction. The child has taken a new body and killed Pū tanā, whose powers were uncontestable, by greater power. My heart fears even his name. He must be killed by some trick. He has thwarted greater and greater devices. It has become useless to attack him. Calling a servant he said “What does he have most attraction for? ”
[29] sa covā ca—deva, go-vatseṣ u tad-utsekaḥ pratī yate |
The servant said, “He has great affection for the calves. ”
[30] kaṁ sa uvā ca—samyag gamyatā ṁ nijam eva harmyam | punaś cā nyam uvā ca—ā kā ryatā ṁ purataḥ sa vatsā suraḥ | sa ca ś acī -pater api klamanaḥ | sa-sambhrama-vikrama-kramatayā tenā nī ya samarpitaḥ pā nī ya-lavavad drava-pravaṇ atā vastha eva tasthau | tena ca sambandhatā m ā ś aṁ san pā ṁ ś u-saṅ ghaval labdha-dhvaṁ saḥ kaṁ sas tū pā ṁ ś u taṁ sutam iva ś aś aṁ sa, vatsa vatsā sura, gaccha nandasya vrajam | gatvā ca vatsā ṁ ś cā rayataḥ kumā rayatas tat-kumā rasya sadeś am ā sā dya nijaṁ vatsa-veś am utpā dya tasyā pakā ram ā rabhasva |
Kaṁ ca said “You should go to your room. ” He spoke to another person. “Bring Vatsā sura to me. He has caused disturbance to Indra. ” That person, showing courage with respect, brought Vatsā sura. Vatsā sura stood there in humble state like a drop of water. As dirt dissolves in the presence of water Kaṁ sa’s heart melted in the presence of Vatsā sura. He whispered to Vatsā sura “My friend Vatsā sura! Please go to Nanda’s Vraja and then approach the boy who herds the calves and plays. Disguising yourself as a calf, attack him. ”
[31] tataḥ sa ca, yathā jñ ā payanti rā jñ ā m ā jñ ā pakā ḥ iti tad-vacanā nupathā tmā tat pratiś ā sanā d atrā sam eva tatrā jagā ma | yatra svacche vatsa-krī ḍ ana-nā mani yā muna-kacche tad-vidha-mā raka-karmā vraja-rā ja-janmā vatsā n mā nayan nayana-viṣ ayaṁ viṣ a-dharam iva taṁ cakā ra |
Thinking “One should follow the king’s orders” he went to the place as ordered. At a clean place on the bank of the Yamunā called Vatsa-krī ḍ ana, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, who kills such demons, while caring for the calves, saw the demon who was poison to the eyes.
[32] atha matsaratas tata itaḥ saratas tasya gandhā nusandhā nataḥ kṛ tsnā n khaṭ a-deś am aṭ ataḥ ś akṛ tkarī n vyagraṁ paś yataḥ paś yann agrajaṁ vrajarā ja-tanū janū rahaḥ sa-vyā jaṁ vyajahā ra, bṛ had-bhrā taḥ, prā tar anā yā taḥ paricī yate vā ko’yam upatoyaṁ pratī yate vatsaḥ?
Vatsā sura began proudly wandering about with his false motives. The calves sensed his presence by his smell at a place with abundant grass and became agitated at his sight. Seeing their condition, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said to Balarā ma in a solitary place “Elder brother! Have you seen a calf near the water which did not come with the others in the morning? ”
[33] rā ma uvā ca—bhrā tar, nahi nahi |
Balarā ma said “No, brother. ”
[34] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—nirū pyatā m |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “Please examine things carefully. ”
[35] rā ma uvā ca—bhī ṣ aṇ a-prakṛ tir iva pratī yate |
Balarā ma said “It seems to have a ferocious nature. ”
[36] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—pū rvaja, pū rva-devo’yam |
Kṛ sṇ a said “O elder brother, it is a demon. ”
[37] rā ma uvā ca—satyam, yasmā d asmā su vatseṣ u cā kasmā d adṛ ṣ ṭ ijā dṛ ṣ ṭ ir asya dṛ ś yate |
Balarā ma said “That is true, since he is suddenly looking at the calves and us with a cruel glance. ”
[38] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—yadi bhavad-ā diṣ ṭ aṁ syā t tarhy etaṁ diṣ ṭ ā ntam ā sā dayā mi |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “If you give permission I will kill him. ”
[39] rā ma uvā ca—lokataḥ kalaṅ kataḥ ś aṅ ke |
Balarā ma said “I fear gossip from the people. ”
[40] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—maraṇ e ditya-patyatā param ā gatya pratyakṣ ī -bhaviṣ yaty asya | tataḥ ko’pi nā pavadeta |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “On killing him, it will be clear that he is a demon. No one will criticize us. ”
[41] rā maḥ saharṣ am uvā ca—dviṣ antapa, sacchalam etaṁ sacchalam eva mandaṁ mandam abhyavaskanda |
Balarā ma said with a smile “Killer of the enemy! The demon is very devious. Slowly approach him by some trick. ”
[42] atha ś rī vatsa-vakṣ ā ś ca vatsā n anyā ṁ ś cucukā reṇ a sannidhā naḥ kaṇ ṭ ha-gaṇ ḍ a-piciṇ ḍ ā dau kaṇ ḍ ū m apanayamā naḥ, sarvataḥ krī ḍ an gā yan parva tanvann ivā sī t |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a marked with the Ś rī vatsa called the calves close with a stuttering sound and relieved the itching on their throats and bellies. Playing and singing everywhere, he spread joy.
[43] tatas tasyā pi labdha-chidraṁ -manyasya, kū ṭ a-mayyā sva-kaṇ ḍ ū ti-vighaṭ anecchayā nikaṭ am aṭ atas, tad akarkaś a-mudrayā sahasā tā m ahitvā taṁ sa-puccha-pā daṁ gṛ hī tvā bhramayā mā sa |
Thinking he had obtained his opportunity, the demon disguised as a calf approached Kṛ ṣ ṇ a to be scratched. Showing an affection nature, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a took the calf by its feet and tail and began twirling it around.
yā vacchaḥ parivartanaṁ bhramayatā vatsasya cakre’munā
tā vacchaḥ pratipat kramā n niragamad rū pā ntaraṁ cā gamat |
krī ḍ ā yā ḥ phala-pā tanā rtham iva ca kṣ ipte kapitthopari
jñ ā tṛ tvaṁ naṭ avat kalā ṁ ca pṛ thukā s te tasya ś aś lā ghire ||10|| [ś ā rdū la]
By twirling the demon around many times, the demon lost its powers and reverted to its original form. In order to make fruits fall from a tree, he hurled the demon into a bel tree. The cowherd boys praised his grace, which was like that of a dancer, and his power of knowledge.
atha devaiḥ prasū nā ni vṛ ṣ ṭ ā ni hasitā ni ca |
na nā sayā na ca dṛ ś ā bhinnatā ṁ netum ī ś ire ||11|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
The devatā s showered laughter and smiles. One could not distinguish the shower of flowers from the shower of smiles.
[44] tad anu ca parihā sa-bhā samā na-hā saṁ divya-sabhā sadas tad idam avadaṁ ś ca, nū nam etad eva deva-vairi-vairiṇ as tā tparyaṁ paryavasyati |
vayaṁ gā ṁ gopā lā ḥ paricinumahe tad-dviṣ am api
praticchanne rū pe’py anumiti-nidā na-vyatikarā t |
ato re re vatsā kṛ ti-suraripo mad-vidha-karā t
kathaṁ te mokṣ aḥ syā d iha laṣ asi cet pretya bhavatu ||12|| iti | [ś ikhariṇ ī ]
The devatā s, raising a wave of laughter with smiles, said “Certainly the conclusions concerning Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, the killer of demons, has been fulfilled. I am a cowherd and I know about cows. If anyone hides himself, I can understand the enemy of the cow by inference. O enemy of the devatā s disguised as a calf! How can you escape my hand? If you desire to be free, when dead, you can have liberation. ”
tad evaṁ —
tau vatsā d api rakṣ antau sarvaṁ lokaṁ rarakṣ atuḥ |
yad-arthaṁ prā tarā ś ā di yasmin daitya-vadhā di ca ||13|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
In protecting the calves, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma protected all people. To do this they took their breakfast and then killed demons.
[45] tataś ca tad-dine’pi ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a-rā mayoḥ svadhā ma-samā gamanaṁ jā tam, kintu tad-vṛ ttam aniṣ ṭ am iti tad-iṣ ṭ a-gaṇ aḥ sarva evā variṣ ṭ a | tac ca, na jā ne kiṁ -vadantī kiṁ vadantī syā d, iti sacintī bhū ya |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma returned to their houses as on previous days. They told their friends to keep the killing of the demon secret since it would disturb the elders.
kaṁ sas tu tasmā d vatsapā d api vatsā sura-nirvā sanam apasarpa-mukhā d viṣ am iva karṇ a-randhra-sparś a-mā treṇ ā ntaḥ sambhū ya bhṛ ś aṁ dṛ ś au nimī layā mā sa | tena daś amī m iva daś ā ṁ prā pitaḥ | sa tu mantribhiḥ kathañ cid bahir avadhā pitaḥ sā rdham eva tair idam acā ru vicā rayā mā sa, hanta sambhā vitā dambhā nvitā bahavaḥ prasthā pitā ḥ, na tu tair bhadraṁ kiñ cid api sañ citam | teṣ ā ṁ dhī psā -vī psā hi na hī psā ṁ trā tavatī, pratyuta tā n eva psā tavatī | tataḥ kiṁ kurmaḥ?
When Kaṁ sa heard through spies that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a had killed Vatsā sura, he closed his eyes repeatedly. When he fainted, his ministers revived him with great difficulty. He then began to consult with his ministers. “I have sent many skilful, proud people to injure Kṛ ṣ ṇ a but none of them have been able to produce auspiciousness. Though I request them to fool him, my plans are thwarted, and they are killed. What should I do? ”
[46] mantriṇ a ū cuḥ, deva, kevalaṁ bakam atra balam avalambā mahe, yatas tajjā tā v eva dambha-sambhā rā gambhī rā yante |
The ministers said “O lord! We can take the help of Bakā sura, who is very powerful. Those who know him understand that he is the wickedest of all. ”
[47] kaṁ sa uvā ca—ā ṁ ā ṁ, mama suhṛ ttamaḥ sa eva kevalas tatra prasthā panā ya sthā pyatā m ity ā nā yya tathā diṣ ṭ aḥ sad-aniṣ ṭ aḥ sa duṣ ṭ aḥ kaṁ sa-puṣ ṭ aḥ samprati baka-sthala-nā mā naṁ nā ndī ś vara-giri-samī pa-dhā mā nam upasarasaṁ pradeś aṁ bhā vi-kṛ ṣ ṇ a-praveś am adhigamyā bhigamya giri-ś ṛ ṅ ga-bhramā rambhaṁ dambhaṁ dadhamā nas tasthau | yatra tulya-paryā yatayā dambha eva gahvarā yate sma |
Kaṁ sa said: Yes, he is my best friend. Please send him there.
Cruel Bakā sura, protected by Kaṁ sa, the tormenter of devotees, knowing that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a would come to the place called Baka-sthala at the mountain of Nandī ś vara near a lake, fixed himself there like a moving peak of a mountain. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a would think that he was a mountain with a gaping mouth resembling a cave.
[48] tadā ca ś rī -gopā la-valitā gopā la-bā lā go-bā lā n pā layantaḥ pā nī yaṁ pā yayantaḥ kū lam anusthā payantaḥ svayam api payaḥ -pā nam ayantaḥ parasparaṁ snapayantaḥ samutthā ya ca kalā payantaś cikrī ḍ uḥ | kalā payantaś ca puṣ pā haraṇ ā ya parataḥ pracā ram ā ceruḥ, tam ā carantaś ca taṁ bakam ī kṣ ā mā sur utprekṣ ā mā suś ca: aho, girir ayaṁ dū rata eva kutaḥ? puras tasya ś ṛ ṅ gam | tataḥ sadya evā daḥ ś ata-manyunā manyunā ś ata-koṭ i-troṭ itam iti ghaṭ ate | punar nicā yya ca procuḥ, nedaṁ giri-ś ṛ ṅ gaṁ saṅ gacchate, kintu jantu-viś eṣ aḥ so’yaṁ mantum iva cikī rṣ ann amitaś ī rṣ aṁ vartate, yata ugram-paś yatayā kharatā -cañ cu-cuñ cutayā ca baka iva parā mṛ ś yate |
The cowherd boys along with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a grazed the calves, made them drink water, and keeping them on the bank, drunk water and bathed each other. Getting out of the water, they dressed themselves. They spread out to collect flowers to decorate themselves. While picking flowers they saw Bakā sura. The boys thought “Is this a mountain in the distance? How has it come here? I see it has a peak. It looks as if Indra has struck it in anger with his thunderbolt. I think it is not a mountain, but some type of animal which must have done something wrong and is hanging its head. I think it is a crane with a sharp beak and frightening appearance. ”
[49] ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—
ā kā rā t pakṣ itulyaḥ syā d vyā pā rā n na ca pakṣ ivat |
bakaḥ kiṁ navakaḥ sā kṣ ā t kū ṭ avat sthitir ī kṣ yate? ||14|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]