Chapter Twenty-three 7 страница
When the women left, he pretended to cry for a while. Then he became joyful at the prospect of moving the mortar to many places. Though he was tied up, with great faith, increased by being surrounded by the boys, he played with them while smiling, moved the mortar bit by bit while they also laughed. He then had them go to the empty houses of the women and steal the butter hanging in pots. But he did not desire to free himself from the mortar using his hands or any instrument, in order to give joy by pulling the mortar.
[44] tatra tu pura-dvā ra-purastā d-varti vā tā varta-vartita-nartanam iva yamalam arjuna-dvayam asya netra-vartmani vartate sma | krameṇ a cā sau tayor antara eva vikramate sma iti |
He then saw the two Yamala-arjuna trees situated near the town gate, whose leaves were dancing in the wind. Gradually he made his way towards those trees.
[45] etā van mukta-kaṇ ṭ ham uṭ ṭ aṅ kayan snigdhakaṇ ṭ has tad-bhañ jane kā raṇ aṁ harer aiś varya-pracā raṇ am iti tat pratā rayan kā raṇ ā ntaram eva vyā jahā ra—
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha, in freely describing this incident of breaking the two trees, wanted to show, not the Lord’s power, but something else.
[46] tataḥ sphuṭ aṁ jhaṭ iti parataḥ paryaṭ itum utkaṇ ṭ hayā tan-madhya-sambaddhenaivā dhvanā niś cakrā ma, tad-adhvanas tu saṅ kṣ iptatayā dhaḥ -kṣ iptatayā tad udū khalaṁ pratitaṣ ṭ ambhe |
Then desiring to go to another place, he went along the path between the two trees, but the path was narrow between the trees and sloped down. The mortar became stuck between the trees.
[47] atha sphuṭ am asau vaṭ ī troṭ anecchayā tat kṛ ṣ ṭ avā n | haṭ hā d ā kṛ ṣ ṭ e ca tasmin—
kuṭ ha-dvayaṁ kaṭ akaṭ a-ś abda-mugja-
vighaṭ ṭ itaṁ sphuṭ am aluṭ had dvayor diś oḥ |
na dhī -dhṛ tiṁ vadhira-vimugdhatā m adhi
vrajann adhi vrajam adadhā t prajā -vrajaḥ ||34|| [rucirā ]
citraṁ tutroṭ a tat tatra vajra-majjā rjuna-dvayam |
na punar mā tṛ -vā tsalya-nirbandha-maya-bandhanam ||35|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Desiring to pull down the two trees, he started pulling. When he pulled hard, a terrible sound arose from the trees, and he pulled the two trees down. All the inhabitants of Vraja other than the deaf could not maintain their composure on hearing that sound.
What was most astonishing however was that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a had broken the two trees which were hard as thunderbolts, but he could not break the bondage of affection he had with his mother.
[48] ś lokayanti cā tra—
ś yā mā ṅ ga-dyuti kiṅ kiṇ i-d dhvani-dharaṁ riṅ gā tiraṅ ga-pradaṁ
karṣ ac chaś vad udū khalaṁ khara-kharat-kā ra-prakā ra-pratham |
visphū rja-pratimā rjuna-dvaya-kaṭ at-kā rā rjitā t kautukā t
paryā vṛ tta-nirī kṣ aṇ aṁ vraja-vadhū -lā lyasya bā lyaṁ stuve ||36|| [ś ā rdū la]
Poets praise this.
I praise the child cared for by the women of Vraja. He has a dark complexion and his ankle bells jingle. He gives joy when he crawls. He produced a rough sound as he pulled the mortar over the earth. His eyes became restless at the curious, thunderous sound of the falling Arjuna trees.
[49] atha tayor atyū rjitena visphū rjitena muhū rtā rdham ā rtatayā goṣ ṭ hā dhiṣ ṭ hā nā mū rcchā m ṛ cchantaḥ sthitā ḥ, tan-nikaṭ a-saṅ ghaṭ ṭ inī m arbhaka-ghaṭ ā ṁ vinā | sā tu tal-lī lā -mā dhurī -dhurī ṇ atayā citrā kṛ tir iva mitrā valī na vitrā sam ā sasā da |
Hearing the fearful sound of the falling trees the inhabitants remained in a fainting condition for a muhū rta. Only the boys around Kṛ ṣ ṇ a did not faint. Experiencing the height of sweetness of his pastimes, they did not become frightened and remained immobile like painted pictures.
[50] dū rā d api tad-ū rjitaṁ visphū rjitaṁ sambhrama-kā ry avadhā rya tu vraja-pati-mukhā s tarkita-mukhā s tad evā bhipratasthire | satrā sa-trā sam atrā bhidadhire ca—
vinā vā taṁ vinā varṣ aṁ vidyut-prapatanaṁ vinā |
vinā hasti-kṛ taṁ doṣ aṁ kenemau pā titau drumau? ||37|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
ajanya-janyam etā vaj jā tā nirjanatā kutaḥ? |
tasmā t tasmā n mahā -garjā n mū rcchā m ā rcchan vraje janā ḥ ||38|| iti |
[anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Hearing that sound from far off, the villagers speculated on its origin and went towards the place. Arriving all at the same time and full of anxiety, they conversed with each other.
“How have these trees fallen without wind, without rain, without thunderbolts, without an attack by elephants? How is it possible from someone to uproot the trees when there is no one here? ” For that reason everyone fainted on hearing that loud sound.
[51] avadadhire ca tan-nikaṭ a-taṭ asthaṁ bhā samā na-hā sa-vilā sa-mukham ulū khalaṁ karṣ antaṁ lī lā -sukhaṁ varṣ antaṁ bā la-gopā lam | tena ca, kathaṁ, kathaṁ? iti kathayantas tam ā vṛ nvanta evā vatasthire |
They noticed that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was near the trees and that he was smiling. Pulling the mortar, he was experiencing bliss in his actions. They surrounded him, saying “How did this happen? ”
[52] sa tu pitaram anuvindamā nam anucakranda |
Seeing his father coming from behind, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began crying.
[53] pitā cā ntaḥ -sambhrā ntaḥ sann api tasya sā ntvanā ya mukha-mā traṁ hasita-pā tram ā carann acirā d eva taṁ vipā ś ayā mā sa |
His frightened father smiled in order to comfort the child and untied him.
[54] sa-rodana-vadanaṁ vadanaṁ cumban vidann api muhuḥ papraccha ca, putra, kutratyaḥ sa khalu khala-buddhir yena colū khale nirbandha-janita-baddhas tvam asi? iti |
Kissing the child’s face, he repeated asked what happened though he knew the cause of his being tied up. “Where is the rascal who has tied you to the mortar? “
[55] sa tu pitari rataś cirataḥ ś liṣ ṭ a-kaṇ ṭ hatayā bhyarṇ am ā gataḥ karṇ e varṇ ayā mā sa, tā ta, mā taiva iti |
Attached to his father, he approached him after some time and whispered in his ear, “O father! Mother did this. ”
[56] pitā tu tā ṁ pū rvaṁ vigata-saṁ vedatayā anantaraṁ tu svata eva jā ta-nirvedatayā dū nā ṁ veda sma | tata eva na sahasā rahasā pi paribhā ṣ itum iyeṣ a | ajñ atayā vajñ ayā na ca papraccha bā lakā n, kim idaṁ vṛ ttam? iti |
Yaś odā, after recovering from fainting and repenting what she had done, told Nanda everything. Thus he already knew. But he did not want to say anything suddenly to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a while alone with him. Not with disrespect, but out of ignorance of the details, he asked the other boys “How did this happen? ”
[57] te tu svayam evocuḥ, sphuṭ am anena kṛ ta-madhya-gamanena vistī rṇ a-khale pura-sthale krī ḍ ituṁ niṣ kramya, vikṛ ṣ ṭ a-tale tiryag-bhā vā d acale cā sminn ulū khale khaṭ at-khaṭ iti truṭ itatā m ṛ cchat kuṭ ha-dvayaṁ jhaṭ iti luṭ had-bhā vam ā narccha |
The boys spoke.
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a went between the two trees in order to go to wide space for playing and pulled the immovable mortar by its base in a crooked manner. He produced a cracking sound in the trees and then suddenly made them fall to the earth.
[58] tataś ca khaṇ ḍ itā bhyā m ā bhyā ṁ nirgatya kaṭ aka-mukuṭ a-kuṇ ḍ alā di-maṇ ḍ itau rociṣ mad-vapuṣ mantau ś uṣ mā ṇ au praṇ amantau samantā d etaṁ kim api santoṣ ayā mā satuḥ | tad-uttaram uttarasyā ṁ diś i prā sthiṣ ā tā m |
Then two people like fire, decorated with bracelets, crowns and earrings, emerged from the broken trees and offered respects in all directions. They then praised Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. The two then departed for the north.
[59] tad etad ā kalya, bā lā nā ṁ pralā po’yam iti vatsalā ḥ kalayā mbabhū vuḥ | anye tu sā ṁ ś ayikatā napeta-cetasaḥ prajā tā ḥ |
Hearing this, all the people with parental feelings including Nanda dismissed it as children’s talk. Others however could not remove the doubt in their hearts.
[60] tataś ca kramā d eka-dvy-ā di-prakramā n militena vraja-janena samaṁ vraja-bhū pā laḥ sva-bā lakenā ṅ kaṁ sad alaṅ kṛ tya nitya-kṛ tya-kṛ te kā lindī m anuvindamā nas tenā nuṣ ajya nimajya tatraiva vipraiḥ svasti-vā canā dikam ā carya, mahā -dā nā dikaṁ visarjya, nikā yyam ā sajya ca, pū rvā hna-bhojanā ya sasajja |
Gradually one by one others came and joined Nanda. Holding Kṛ ṣ ṇ a on his chest, he went to the Yamunā River to perform his daily rites. Taking a bath with his son, he had brā hmaṇ as chant auspicious prayers and after dismissing them with great gifts, returned to his house to take his morning meal.
[61] taj-jā yā tu taj-jā bhyā ṁ duḥ kha-lajjā bhyā ṁ sajjatī gṛ hā d ā grahā c ca na niṣ krā ntavatī, na ca gṛ hā gatā ḥ sambhā ṣ itavatī | sarvā sv arvā g eva nivṛ ttā su, samā dhā nohinī rohiṇ ī gaurava-pā trī bhiḥ paurogavī bhiḥ pariveṣ ayā mā sa |
Being unhappy because of separation from Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and ashamed of having tied him up, Yaś odā did not come out of the house and did not talk to other women in the house. When the other women left, Rohiṇ ī, who solves all problems, surrounded her with the respectable kitchen assistants.
[62] ś rī -vraja-rā jas tv avarā tmajaṁ rā mam api samā nī ya tena sutena ca sā rdhaṁ tayoḥ snigdha-kala-kolā hala-nidigdhaḥ sagdhim ā caritavā n | tā bhyā ṁ mū rta-paramā nanda-pū rtā bhyā ṁ muhū rtam ekaṁ viś ramya ca samyag-ī dṛ g-auś ī ra-sukha-dhī ra-cetā gavā gamana-ramya-samaye gosthā nam ā gamya go-dohanā di-kā ryaṁ ca kā rayati sma |
Nanda brought Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma and ate his meal with them while engaging in affectionate, soft talk. He relaxed with the two, who were supreme bliss incarnate, for two muhū rtas. His heart was satisfied as if lying on a soft bed. He went to the cow shed at the time that the cows came and supervised their milking.
[63] udavasitā d atisitā ṁ sitā m ā nā yya tayā sahitaṁ suhitaṁ saha sa-vayobhis tanayau stana-pā na-pratinidhitayā dhā roṣ ṇ aṁ payaḥ pā yayā mā sa ca | ś ikṣ ayā mā sa ca tatra patra-puṭ ī -ghaṭ anā m |
Bringing white sugar from the house, he had the two boys drink most beneficial milk fresh from the cows as a substitute for breast milk along with his friends. He taught them how to write some letters.
[64] atha punar api harmyam ā gamya tā bhyā m ā carita-sā yam-bhojana-sukha-samā je vraja-rā je, saha-rohiṇ ī kā s tadī ya-santata-sukhā bhī kā ḥ svakula-mā ṇ ikya-lakṣ myaḥ sarvā ḥ prā mā ṇ ikyaḥ samā sā dya nivedavatyaḥ —
Entering the house, he met with others to have his evening meal. Desiring unbroken happiness for his son, the head women including Rohiṇ ī, the jewels of their families, came and made a request.
[65] rā jan, kṛ ṣ ṇ a-janany adya na bhuktavatī, na kenacid uktavatī ca vartate | tā m anu sarvā ś ca tathā vartante |
“O king! Yaś odā has not eaten all day and she does not speak to anyone. Seeing that, all have also followed her example. ”
[66] vrajarā jas saha-duḥ kha-hā sam uvā ca—vayaṁ kiṁ kurmaḥ? roṣ am anuvartamā nā svayam eva sva-doṣ aṁ paś yatu |
Nanda spoke with sadness and a smile. “What can we do? After showing anger, one should regret one’s fault. ”
[67] sarvā ḥ sā sram ū cuḥ, hanta, sā khalv antar bahir apy atikomalā tavedṛ ś ā -lā pena tā penā timlā syati |
They said with tears in their eyes. “Ah! She is very soft internally and externally. She will be devastated by your words. ”
[68] vrajarā jas tu sa-smitaḥ sutam apṛ cchat, sva-mā taraṁ yā syasi?
Slightly smiling, Nanda the asked his son, “Will you go to your mother? ”
[69] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—nahi nahi, kintu tvā m eva samayā samayā n gamayiṣ yā mi |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “No, no! I will spend my time with you. ”
[70] atha rā ja-jyā yaḥ -prajā vatyaḥ sahā sam ū cuḥ —stanaṁ kasya pā syasi?
Then the wives of Nanda’s elder brothers said “Whose milk will you drink? ”
[71] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—sitā sambhaviṣ ṇ u dhā roṣ ṇ aṁ payaḥ pā syā mi |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “I will drink fresh milk from the cows mixed with sugar. ”
[72] sarvā ū cuḥ —kena krī ḍ iṣ yasi?
They all said “Who will you play with? ”
[73] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—tā tenaiva samam | tathā bhrā taram api saṅ gaṁ gamayiṣ yā mi |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “I will play with my father. I will bring my brother also. ”
[74] vrajarā ja uvā ca—bhrā tur mā taraṁ kathaṁ nā nugacchasi?
Nanda said “Will you not go to your brother’s mother? ”
[75] kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ sa-roṣ ā sram uvā ca—mā ṁ vihā yeyam apī yā ya iti |
Angrily Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said with tears in his eyes. “She left me and went away. ”
[76] tad etad ā karṇ ya sā srā rohiṇ ī nī cair uvā ca—putra, kathaṁ kaṭ horā yase? mā tā tava duḥ khā yate |
Hearing this, Rohiṇ ī, with tears in her eyes said softly “O son! Why are you so harsh? Your mother is suffering. ”
[77] kṛ ṣ ṇ as tad etad aś rṇ vann iva sā sraṁ pitṛ -mukham ī kṣ ate sma | rohiṇ ī tu saṅ karṣ aṇ aṁ tasya saṅ karṣ aṇ ā ya sañ jñ ayā jñ ā payā mā sa | tena gṛ hī ta-hastaḥ punar asau nirasta-tad-dhastatayā vidrutya pitur utsaṅ ga-saṅ gī babhū va | tathā bhavaṁ ś ca bhujā bhyā m avaguṇ ṭ hita-tat-kaṇ ṭ haḥ kṛ ta-bā ṣ pa-vṛ ṣ ṭ iṁ tad-dṛ ṣ ṭ im eva paś yaṁ s tam atī va vaś yam ā carann ā sī t |
Not listening to her words, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with tearful eyes glanced at his father’s face. To attract Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, Rohiṇ ī gave a signal to Balarā ma. Balarā ma went to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and held his hand. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a rejected his hand and went to this lap of his father and held his arms around his neck, looking at Nanda’s tear-filled eyes, and bringing Nanda under his control.
[78] vraja-rā jas tu mā tary antaḥ -sneham asya paryā locya tad abhivyaktaye hastaṁ kiñ cid udastaṁ vidhā yā bhidadhe—putra, yadi vakṣ i, tarhi bā ḍ haṁ tā ṁ tā ḍ ayā mi |
kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu tad asahamā nas tasya hastaṁ stambhayā mā sa |
Seeing Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s internal affection for his mother, Nanda raised his hand as if to beat Yaś odā, in order to reveal Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s affection for her. “O son! If you agree I will beat her. ” Kṛ ṣ ṇ a could not tolerate this and blocked Nanda’s hand.
[79] tato vraja-rā jaḥ punar vihasya nija-vatsalatayā tī va sadayaṁ tadī ya-mā tur api hṛ dayam adhiyan—putra, tava mā tā yady evaṁ bhaviṣ yati, tadā kiṁ kariṣ yasi? ity anadhā tor viruddhā rthaṁ prayujya sa-parihā sam ā ha sma |
Smiling again, Nanda, showing great compassion because of his parental affection and, understanding the heart of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s mother, said, “O son! If you mother is in this condition, what will you do? ” He spoke while smiling, indicating she would die.
[80] kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu bā laka-bhā venā jasraṁ mā tari sa-tṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ sā sraṁ, kutra me mā tā? tatra gamyatā m iti sa-ś aṅ kaṁ rohiṇ y-aṅ kaṁ gatavā n |
Because of his child’s nature, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a immediately became anxious for his mother. With tears in his eyes he said “Where is mother? I must go there. ” In anxiety, he went to Rohiṇ ī ’s lap.
[81] tataś ca, prahasita-kalakaleṣ u sakaleṣ u parama-sukhā rohiṇ yā rohiṇ yā nī taḥ so’pi veś ma praviś ya sa-rodana-modam ambā lā -galaṁ lagnavā n | tataś ca—
vatsa-mū rdhni cibukaṁ dadhatī sā
dhenuvad valita-gharghara-ś abdā |
rodana-prathanayā dravad-ā tmā
rodayat parikarā n api sarvā n ||39|| [svā gatā ]
While all were noisily laughing, Rohiṇ ī, who bestows the greatest happiness, took him and entered the house. He hugged his mother’s neck while crying in joy.
She kissed the child’s head and made sounds like a cow. With melted heart, she sobbed, making all others there sob.
[82] atha tā sā ṁ tv aneka-sā ntvanayā labdha-ś ā ntiḥ kiñ cid vyañ jita-mukha-kā ntiḥ ś rī -sumukha-kalyeyaṁ stanyena tanayaṁ prī ṇ ayā mā sa | bubhuje ca sahā grajā tena tena parama-hitā bhiḥ sahitā |
Yaś odā pacified the women with comforting words and a slight glow appeared on her face. She appeared healthy with a beautiful face, and satisfied her child with breast milk. With the other helpful women, she fed him and Balarā ma.
[83] tad ā rabhya tu saṅ kocaṁ upalabhya vrajarā ja-locana-gocaratā ṁ vā sara-trayaṁ nā sā ditavatī | dinā ntare tu pitṛ -nideś a-pā la-bā la-gopā lenaiva celā ñ cale gṛ hī tvā nī tā | tad-dinaś ca sa-narmā modaṁ dā modaraḥ iti vraja-vadhū bhir ā hū yate sma, so’yaṁ ś yā ma-manoharaḥ iti |
vrajeś varī ṁ stotum apī ha kovidaḥ
ko vā bhavel lokaga-loka-saṅ grahe |
brahmā pi sarvo’pi ramā pi yat-kalā -
kalā ṁ ca nā ñ cī d iti bā darā yaṇ iḥ ||40|| [upajā ti]
For three days after the incident, being reserved, Yaś odā did not show herself to Nanda. But on another day, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, on the order of his father, brought her to him, holding the edge of her cloth. From the day that he was bound, the women of Vraja called the beautiful dark child “Dā modara” in a joking way.
What poet amongst all the people in this world can describe Yaś odā, whom Ś ukadeva has said is much superior to Brahmā, Ś iva and Lakṣ mī?
[84] so’yam asyā bā darā yaṇ inā ghaṭ ita-samyag-udghaṭ ṭ anaḥ ś rī mā n yaś aḥ -paṭ aha-ś abdas trailokyam eva ś lokyatayā paryaṭ ann asti | tathā hi, nemaṁ viriñ ciḥ [BhP 10. 9. 20] ityā di |
The drum roll of her fame announced by Ś ukadeva wanders throughout the three worlds with great renown:
Neither Lord Brahmā, nor Lord Ś iva, nor even the goddess of fortune, who is always the better half of the Supreme Lord, can obtain from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the deliverer from this material world, such mercy as received by mother Yaś odā.
[85] ś rī -rā mas tu nijā nujaṁ sa-tṛ ṣ ṇ am ā ha sma, smarasi, bhrā tar, bṛ had-vane vatsyā vaḥ |
Balarā ma said to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with anticipation “O brother, do you remember that you said we would live in the big forest? ”
[86] anujo’pi sa-smitam ā ha sma, ā ṁ ā ṁ, tatra krī ḍ ā m api kariṣ yā vaḥ iti |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said with a smile “Oh yes! We will go and play there. ”
[87] atha kathakaḥ samā panam ā ha—
ī dṛ ś as tanayo jā tas tava gopa-maheś vara |
yau vṛ kṣ ā v api tau svasya divya-bhaktau vinirmame ||41|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Finishing the story, Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “O king of the cowherds! A son has been born to you who transformed the trees into celestial devotees. ”
[88] tad evaṁ vṛ tte vṛ tte sarve tat-tat-kathā ṁ api tat-tat-parvaivā nubhū ya svaṁ svam ā vā sam ā sannavantaḥ |
All the assembled people, realizing joy from these narrations, then returned to their houses.
Chapter Nine
Entering Vṛ ndā vana
[1] atha dinā ntare bhā samā nā yā ṁ sabhā yā ṁ ś rī -vrajarā jaḥ paryanuyuktavā n, vatsa snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha, tau khalu vṛ kṣ au vraje saṅ kalpa-pradatayā devatā -sadṛ kṣ au | tataḥ prā g-janmani kī dṛ ś ā v, atra vā kasmā d ā gatau, samprati ca kī dṛ ś atayā kva gatau?
The next day when the assembly gathered, Nanda said “O dear Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha, these two trees attained bodies like devatā s according to their desire. What were those trees in a previous life, from where did they come, and how did they come to Vraja? ”
[2] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—pū rvaṁ dhū rjaṭ i-mitrā d utpannavantau ś rī -devarṣ i-varye dhā rṣ ṭ yam anuṣ ṭ hitavantau santau, pariṇ ā mataḥ paramā nugraheṇ a ś rī -devarṣ i-varya-kṛ ta-nigraheṇ a vṛ kṣ atā yā m api bhavagad-bhaktatā m ā gatavantau | pratibhavad-avatā ram udbhavatas tasya bṛ hadvana-stha-bhavad-gṛ hasya tu sadeś e deś e yamalā rjuna-veś ena sthitavantau | etad-anantaraṁ ca nija-gatim ā gatavantau parama-bhagavad-bhaktimantau ca jā tavantau | samprati tu tad-bhakti-phala-vyaktim apy ā kalayantau vartete |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “These two were born from the friend if Ś iva, Kuvera, lord of the Yakṣ as, lord of the city of Alaka. When they showed arrogance to Nā rada, Nā rada scolded them. He showed mercy to them. Though they became trees, they also became devotees of the Lord. They remained as Yamala-arjuna trees near your future house in Mahā vana. Attaining their planet they became great devotees. They have revealed the results of bhakti. ”
[3] vrajarā jaḥ sakautukam uvā ca—kathyatā ṁ tathyaṁ, samprati kutra pratiyā tau?
Nanda said curiously “Please tell the story. Where are they now? ”
[4] atha snigdhakaṇ ṭ haḥ sva-mukha-kamalaṁ namayitvā tuṣ ṇ ī m iva sthitvā ca madhukaṇ ṭ haṁ kaṭ ā kṣ eṇ ekṣ ā ñ cakre |
Bowing his lotus face, Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha remained silent and glanced at Madhukaṇ ṭ ha.
[5] vrajarā ja uvā ca—saṅ kucann iva kathaṁ nocitavā n asi?
Nanda said “Why are you reluctant to speak? ”
[6] snigdhakaṇ ṭ haḥ sa-sambhramam uvā ca—deva, vayaṁ kiṁ brū mahe? ś rī -caraṇ ā ḥ svayam eva vetsyanti |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said with respect “What can we say? You will come to know all of this by yourself. ”
[7] vrajarā jaḥ sasmitam uvā ca—satyaṁ bhavad-uktaṁ punar-uktam eva bhavet, yato bhavato maunam evā tra bravī tī ti rī ti-vaś ā j jñ ā tavanta eva ca vayam | tathā pi, sva-mukhena sukhena yojayatu bhavā n asmā n |
With a smile Nanda said “True, what you have said will be repetitious. By your silence you give us the answer. By this means we can know. Anyway, you should make us happy by speaking it yourself. ”
[8] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—sarva-sukha-varṣ i-ś rī -devarṣ i-caraṇ ā nā ṁ kṛ paṇ a-viṣ aya-kṛ pā -kÿ pta-tad-etad-gatī labdhamatī tā v eva sphuṭ am ā vā m iti |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “We are the two to whom Nā rada gave good results and knowledge by his mercy. ”
[9] tad etad ā karṇ ya nirvarṇ ita-tan-mukhā ḥ ś rī -vrajarā ja-pramukhā ḥ samā hū ya bhū yaḥ sa-kautukaṁ sa-sukhaṁ tau militavantaḥ | madhye samupaveś ya nirī kṣ itavantaś ceti |
Hearing this all the people headed by Nanda, called them and again mingled with them happily and eagerly. Seating the two amongst them, they gazed at them.
[10] punas tu tat-praś nā nantaraṁ madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ krama-prā ptā ṁ kathā ṁ prā ha.
After these questions, Madhukaṇ ṭ ha again spoke as it was his turn.
[11] tad evaṁ vicitrā t pū rva-caritrā d divasa-pañ cakā nantaraṁ ś rī mā n upanandaḥ sva-mandiraṁ vindamā naḥ sva-patnī ṁ papraccha, adya sva-devara-nara-deva-gṛ he kiṁ gamana-maṅ galaṁ jagṛ he bhavatyā?
Five days after the remarkable events, Upananda went to his house and inquired from his wife, “Did you go to the house of Nanda today? ”
[12] patnī prā ha—atha kim, ko vā tad gamanaṁ vinā mano mā nayituṁ ś aknoti, kim uta bhavad-vidha-savidha-sambandhinas te vayam?
His wife replied “What more can be said? Who can remain steady without going to his house, what to speak of persons like us who are related to him? ”
[13] patir ā ha—viś eṣ aś cet kathyatā m |
Upananda said “If something special happened please tell me. ”
[14] patnī prā ha—
yasmin prema-pracuraṁ bhayam api tasmin vibhā vyate pracuram |
yadvan netraṁ ś aṅ kā -viṣ ayas tadvan na karṇ ā di ||1|| [gī ti]
[15] tathā hi, yadyapi niravadyā dhā na-vidhā tṛ -mā tṛ -prabhṛ tibhī rakṣ yete sabhī bhir eva tau, tathā pi khela-velā yā ṁ sambhā layitum apā raṇ ī yatayā sukalam eva vikalayataḥ | tatra cā dyatanaṁ vṛ ttaṁ pratipadyatā m—