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Chapter Twenty-three 1 страница

[upajā ti 12]   The fragrant smoke from her body was like a messenger. When others entered the village on other days, they were attracted by the smoke.          athā tmajaṁ kalayitum ā ś u gokula-                    kṣ itī ś itā vraja-pura-madhyam ā yayau |        gato’ntike pathi patad-aś ru-vigrahaḥ                    kṣ aṇ aṁ sthitaḥ svajana-gṛ hī ta-dor-yugaḥ ||32|| [rucirā ]   Nanda quickly went to the village to see Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. When he approached, his body was soaked in tears. He remained standing for some time, his arms held by his friends.   [79] atha dhī ratā m eva dhā rayan parama-dhī ra-dhī r asau dvi-tra-mitra-parivṛ tatayā bṛ had-gṛ hā linda-vedī ṁ vindamā naḥ kanakā sana-kṛ tā sanaḥ svakula-gokula-kula-purandhrī bhiḥ sā rdham ardhā ṅ gena sā nandam upananda-vadhū -hasta-vinyastaṁ bā laṁ puraskurvatā purataḥ patir abhijagme | bā laś ca tasyotsaṅ ga-saṅ gī kā rayā ñ cakre   Most sober Nanda regained control and, surrounded by a few friends, went to the raised platform in the large courtyard and sat on the throne. Then his wife came with many close friends, took the child held by Upananda’s wife in her own arms, and placed him in the lap of Nanda.   | tatra ca—          “kiṁ grahā rditatayā sa bā lako                    dū natā m agamad eka-rā trataḥ |”        ity acintayad amuṁ tadenduvat                    sphī tam aikṣ ata punar vrajā dhipaḥ ||33|| [rathoddhata]   Thinking the child had perhaps been tormented in the night by some ghosts he looked at the child who was like the full moon.   kiṁ ca,        lī ḍ haṁ rū pa-madhu prakṛ ṣ ya rasitaṁ vaktra-prasā dā mṛ taṁ        samyak svā dita eva tulya-rahita-sparś otsavaḥ ko’py asau |        tasya ś yā mala-bā la-komala-tanor mū rdhnas tu tā tena tā ṁ        saurabhya-svadanā nubhū tim abhito viś vaṁ madā d vismṛ tam ||34|| [ś ā rdū la]   Tasting the beauty of his form, drinking the pleasing nectar of his face, Nanda experienced an indescribable touch of happiness without compare. He experienced the fragrance of the head of his dark, tender son and astonished the whole universe with his bliss.   [80] nibhā lya ca ś rī man mukhaṁ sukham ū ce,        “yadi nā rā yaṇ ena tvaṁ datto’si kṛ paṇ ā ya me |        tenaiva sarvaṁ nirvoḍ hā soḍ hā ca mama durnayaḥ ||”35|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]   Seeing his son’s happy face he said “If Nā rā yaṇ a has given this son by his mercy, he will accomplish everything and pardon my bad conduct. ”   [81] atha “nirvoḍ hā nirvoḍ hā ” ity anuvadanty atyantā bhiniveś ā d ekenā py akṛ ta-nirdeś ā pṛ ṣ ṭ ha-deś ā d ita-praveś ā jaṭ ilita-kacā satya-vacā ḥ paurṇ amā sī sarvair eva tū rṇ am utthā ya samanaskā reṇ a namaskā reṇ a puraś cakre, arcayā ñ cakre cā sanā dibhiḥ |     While he was absorbed in saying “He will accomplish everything” truthful Paurṇ amā sī with matted hair entered from behind. Immediately everyone rose and offered respects with their minds. They worshipped her by offering a seat.   [82] tataś ca, svapraś nottara-viṣ ayī kṛ ta-tad-viṣ a-yoṣ ā -vṛ tti-ś eṣ ā rā jñ ā nujñ ā payā m babhū ve pū rvavad apū rva-dā nā dy-apū rvā ya | tac ca tā m eva pradhā naṁ vidhā ya vidhī yate sma iti |   After understanding through questions and answers about Pū tanā, the king gave necessary orders. As previously, he gave unprecedented charity for good karma, making her the chief object.   [83] tad evaṁ pū tanā ṁ ghā tayitvā samā panā ya punar apī daṁ madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ paramarṣ i-sammatatā -vyañ janayā samuṭ ṭ aṅ kitavā n—          ī dṛ ś as tanayo jā tas tava gopa-pate yataḥ |        sā bā la-rā kṣ asī jajñ e nija-saṁ sā ra-rā kṣ asī ||36|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]   Finishing the story of Pū tanā, Madhukaṇ ṭ ha, taking the permission of Nā rada, made the following observation.   “O Nanda! You have given birth to a son who has liberated the she-demon Pū tanā who kills children. ”   [84] cetasi cedaṁ viviktavā n,        arbhā sṛ g-bhug ajani yat purā yad arvā g-                    dhā trī cā bhavad iyam atra nanda-sū noḥ |        tat kvā dhaspadam atha tac-chiraspadaṁ vā                    kvety antar-hṛ di vimṛ ś an bhṛ ś aṁ bhramā mi ||37|| [praharṣ iṇ ī ]   He considered in his heart “Previously she desired to drink children’s blood. Now she has become the nurse of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. Is this a low destination or a high destination? I am utterly confused in my heart. ”   [85] tad evaṁ vṛ tte tad-dine’pi pū rvavad eva kathā rakṣ itā yathā yatham api svā vasathā di-pathā nugatir ā caritā |   Whatever the case may be, the day’s topic was finished and all suitably returned to their houses.   Chapter Six Breaking the cart and other pastimes   [1] atha tathaivā dhare-dyuḥ subhā samā nā yā ṁ sabhā yā ṁ anumodana-nidigdhaḥ snigdhakaṇ ṭ haḥ sotkaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—madhu-madhura-kaṇ ṭ ha ś rī -madhukaṇ ṭ ha, ś rū yatā m—   The next day at the splendid assembly Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha in joy began speaking:     O Madhukaṇ ṭ ha with sweet throat! Please hear.     [2] tataḥ samantā d aharahar anyad anyal lā vaṇ yam utphullayan vidhuḥ sva-janma-pakṣ am ullā sayā mā sa | tatra dig-darś anaṁ yathā —   ekā dvitrā ś catasro yuta-viyutatayā pañ ca-ṣ ā ḥ sapta cā ṣ ṭ au paṅ ktir vā paṅ kti-baddhā ḥ ś iś u-yuvati-jaraty-ardha-vṛ ddhā ḥ samantā t | ā yā nti drā g viś anti vraja-nṛ pati-gṛ haṁ taṁ ca paś yanti bā laṁ kṛ tvā cuckā ra-miś raṁ bahula-vilasitaṁ smā yayantyo hasanti ||1| [sragdharā ]   Day by day Kṛ ṣ ṇ a revealed his beauty and gave joy to his devotees. This is summarized as follows:   One, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight people, alone or in pairs, in groups or many groups, infants, youths, elders or middle aged persons entered the house to see the child. Playing with him, they made the child laughter and they laughed.   yathā ca— mā trā pitrā tha mā tā -pitara-kula-bhavair ā kulaiś citra-mitrair netrā ṇ ā m añ janā bhaṁ ś iś um anubhavituṁ santataṁ kañ janā bham | ā gamyā gamya ramyā kṛ ti-parivṛ tim udvā sya hā syā di-pū rvaṁ sparś aṁ sparś aṁ tam uccair aharahar ahaho dṛ ṅ -maho labhyate sma ||2|| [sragdhara]   Relatives from the mother’s and father’s side came in excitement to see the child with lotus navel, whose eyes were dark as lamp black. Daily their eyes were filled with delight on lifting up the attractive cover and touching him while smiling.   tataś ca—        vigalad-alaka-jā lā lola-dṛ k-khañ jarī ṭ aḥ                    prakaṭ ita-tilaka-ś rī -rocanā -kuṅ kumā bhyā m |        smita-vilasita-vaktraḥ ś yā ma-dhā mā calā ṅ ghriḥ                    ś iś ur atiś uś ubhe sa prā pya mā saṁ tṛ tī yam ||3|| [mā linī ]   He had disheveled locks of hair and eyes fickle like the khañ jana bird. He had a smile playing on his face, with shining tilaka of rocana and kuṁ kuma. The dark- complexioned child appeared splendid when three months old.   tatra ca—        snigdhā ḥ paś yati seṣ mayī ti bhujayor yugmaṁ muhuś cā layann                    atyalpaṁ madhuraṁ ca kū jati pariṣ vaṅ gā ya cā kā ṅ kṣ ati |        lā bhā lā bha-vaś ā d amuṣ ya lasati krandaty api kvā py asau                    pī ta-stanyatayā svapity api punar jā gran mudaṁ yacchati ||4|| [ś ā rdulavikrī ḍ itā ]   The child looked about affectionately, smiling gently. He would move his legs and make small sounds and desired to be held. If he was not held he would cry and if held he would laugh. Drinking milk, he would sleep and then awaken joyfully.   [3] atha kadā cin nā kṣ atra-mā sa-trayā nte nakṣ atreś a-kā nte taj-janma-nakṣ atre ś rī man-mā trā putrā bhiṣ eka-kautuka-yā trā pravartitā | tadā ca,             bhavanam anu suyatne ratna-paryaṅ ka-varye                    surabhi-mṛ dula-tulī -ś ubhra-vastra-praś aste |        hari-maṇ i-ruci-bā laḥ ś obhate smā sitā mbho-                    ruham iva sura-sindhau kṣ ī ra-sindhau harir vā ||5|| [mā linī ]   After three months according to the constellations, when the moon was in Rohiṇ ī constellation, Yaś odā held the bathing festival for the child.   At that time an attractive bed studded with gems was arranged in the house with a little perfumed pillow and fine sheets. The child shone like a sapphire on that bed. It appeared that a blue lotus was floating on the Gaṅ gā or Nā rā yaṇ a was resting on the milk ocean.          athottā na-ś ā yī sa sarvā tiś ā yī                    nijā mbā -yaś odaḥ sva-tā ta-pramodaḥ |        sva-nakṣ atra-bhā te babhū va prabhā te                    balenā tisā ṅ gaḥ parā vartitā ṅ gaḥ ||6|| [bhū jaṅ gaprayā tā ]   The child, lying on his back, giving fame to his mother and joy to his father, full of strength and most attractive, turned over on the morning when the moon entered Rohiṇ ī constellation.   [4] tataś ca, ś ayanaṁ pā rś venopapī ḍ aṁ ś ayā nam amuṁ sukumā ra-kumā rā pī ḍ am akasmā d vilokya tad-vṛ tte dhā trī bhir mā tre nivedita-mā tre sati sā timā trā nanda-kandalitā nija-nandana-maṅ galā tiś aya-spṛ hiṇ ī ś rī man-nanda-kṣ itī ś a-gṛ hiṇ ī bhartur ā jñ ā ṁ sujñ ā tā ṁ sambhū ya bhū yaḥ sarvā ḥ samā hū ya tam eva mahotsavam aho mahotsavaṁ cakā ra |   Seeing that the child was sleeping with his side pressing the bed down, the nurse informed Yaś odā. Filled with bliss and desiring auspiciousness of the child, at the order of Nanda, she called the women and arranged from a huge festival which would give happiness.   [5] tatra kā sā ñ cid api gṛ ha-pā lanā ya sthitā nā m ā hū tir evam anusandheyā;             lā lyasyā dya tu janmabhaṁ vijayate tatrā pi cautthā nikaṁ        sarvā eva gatā s tvam eva kila kiṁ sadmā vituṁ vartase |        ā gṛ hṇ ā ti muhur vrajeś a-gṛ hiṇ ī kiṁ vā vraje moṣ akaḥ        ko’py asti sphuṭ am asti vā sa tu ś iś ur muṣ ṇ ā ti cetaḥ param ||7||  [ś ā rdulavikrī ḍ itam]   During the festival there were women assigned to protect the house. Those who were called to protect the place were ordered as follows:   The child’s birth constellation has arrived and there will be a celebration of the child’s turning over. Many have come for this festival. You should remain here to protect the house. Repeatedly she said this. What thief resided in Vraja? If there is a thief, the child will steal his heart.   [6] atha tatra citra-vā ditra-ś ubha-rī ti-gī ti-praś asta-vipra-kula-ś asta-svasti-vā cana-pū rvaka-vidhim atiricyā bhiṣ icya, pī ta-vā sasā parikṛ tyā laṅ kṛ tya, mantrā dibhir abhirakṣ yā bhilakṣ ya, tad-uddharṣ a-harṣ amaya-bahutara-kā rya-caryā -maryā dā ṁ paryā payitum itas tataś calantī, parijanā n api niyojanayā sa-prayojanā n janayantī, jananī gehā yamā na-visaṅ kaṭ a-ghaṭ ana-mahā -ś akaṭ ā dhaḥ kalya eva palyaṅ ke bā lam ā lokā jira evā jire ś ā yitavatī | tatra kumā rayataḥ kumā rā ṁ ś ca sthā pitavatī | tatrā vaṣ ṭ ambha-stambha-catuṣ ṭ aya-madhyaga-dolā kā raḥ sa palyaṅ ko yathā —   The rites were performed with colorful music, auspicious songs and chanting of Vedic mantras by the best brā hmaṇ as. Then the child was bathed, clothed in yellow cloth and ornamented. He was protected with mantras and glances. To manifest the highest joy, women came from everywhere and all were engaged in activities. They made the child lie in bed in the lower part of a cart as huge as a house which was standing in the yard, and placed young boys of five years age around it. The bed was like a swing in the midst of four supporting pillars.          pravā lā ṅ ghrir gā rutmata-ghaṭ ita-paṭ ṭ ī -paṭ u-rucir                    vahan madhye paṭ ṭ ā ruṇ a-cipiṭ a-ḍ orī -paṭ a-vṛ tim |        dukū lā ntas tula-sphurita-vara-tulī -valayito                    darā ndolo dolo yad upari vireje ś iś u-hariḥ ||8|| [sikhariṇ ī ]   The swing had coral feet and an emerald slab at the base. It was covered with red silk ribbons and an even mattress of cotton. The baby was situated on top of this gently swinging bed.     tatra ca—        sthaviṣ ṭ ha-paṭ ṭ a-stavakaṁ vicitraṁ                    nibaddham ū rdhvā d abhilambamā nam |        spṛ ś an karā bhyā m asitaḥ sa kū jann                    uttā na-ś ā yī muhur ujjahā sa ||9|| [upajā ti 11]   From the top various colorful pieces of cloth hung down. Touching these with his hands the child made sounds and laughed.   [7] tataś ca, brā hmaṇ ā di-pū jā yā ṁ pū ryamā ṇ ā yā ṁ kṛ ta-samā haraṇ ena haraṇ ena sā rdhaṁ sā rdha-praharaṇ e’py atiyā te na kasyacid anyat kiñ cid api chidra-mā tram ā sī t |   After the worship as performed by the brā hmaṇ as, gifts were offered. This lasted for one and half praharas[10] without cessation.   [8] tadā ca pū tanā van nū tanā rbhakā ya kaṁ sa-prahitaḥ kaś cid diviṣ ad-ahitaḥ samā gamya divi sthita evaṁ cintayā mā sa: " sa pū tanā -pothako’yaṁ poto visaṅ kaṭ a-ś akaṭ ā dhastā d ā ste | sā kṣ ā n mantuṁ vidhā tuṁ na ko’pi jantur amuṣ ya ś akṣ yatī ti lakṣ yate | chadma-rū pa-sadmatayā ca pū tanā saṁ sthitā, tasmā d amū rta eva sann atra pū rtaye bhavā ni" iti | tataś cā sau ś akaṭ am aprakaṭ am ā viṣ ṭ avā n |   Another demon sent by Kaṁ sa to find newly born children was in the sky thinking “This child who has killed Pū tanā is in the lower part of the huge car. It seems no one can harm the child. Pū tanā dies on taking a disguised form. I will not take another form but will do activities to fulfill my goal. ” He then entered the cart unseen by others.   [9] tad-ā veś ena cā sau bhū myā ṁ praviś ac cakratayā vakrī bhavad-akṣ atayā copari-pā ta-parī pā ka-prakramaṁ yadā cakre, tadaiva tad-daiva-vaś ataḥ kila tasya potasya stana-nidigdha-dugdha-jagdhī cchā jā tā | tadā ca mā taram anupalabhya kā tara iva nava-kamala-dala-komala-caraṇ ā sphā lanā d udghaṭ itaṁ nija-ś akaṭ aṁ pakṣ a-vihī nam api kutukā d iva rā kṣ asa-pakṣ iṇ ī vad uḍ ḍ ī naṁ vidhā ya vivṛ tta-patanatvam ā sā dayā mā sa sa ś ā vakaḥ |   When the demon entered the cart, the wheels sank into the earth and the axel became tilted. At that time the child wanted to drink milk, but could not get any. Disturbed, he kicked up his foot, tender as a new lotus petal. In doing this, the cart, without wings, flew up in the air like a demon bird out of eagerness and then fell to the earth.   [10] idam eva sā ś caryatayā nuditaṁ ś rī mad-arjunena viṣ ṇ u-dharme:        tā locchritā graṁ guru-bhā ra-sā ram                    ā yā ma-vistā ravad adya jā taḥ |        pā dā gra-vikṣ epa-vibhinna-bhā ṇ ḍ aṁ                    cikṣ epa ko’nyaḥ ś akaṭ aṁ yathā tvam? || iti |   Arjuna describes this in Viṣ ṇ u-dharma: Kṛ ṣ ṇ a broke the cart with the tip of his foot even though the cart was tall as a palm tree and very heavy, long and wide. Who except you could do this?     [11] sa cā suraḥ svayam evā mū rtatā m urī kṛ tavā n itī va tam apy asā v ā kā ś a-nī kā ś atayā nā ś ayā mā sa | tad idam aho kā katā lī yam eva jā tam | so’yam asurā veś a eva brahmā ṇ ḍ a-purā ṇ e ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ ā ṣ ṭ ottara-ś ata-nā ma-stotre ś akaṭ ā sura-bhañ jana iti nā mnā vyañ jitaḥ |   This demon did not have a form and thus Kṛ ṣ ṇ a destroyed him just by the demon’s appearing in the sky. It is amazing that it happened simultaneously, like the tā la fruit falling and the crow landing on the branch. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a absorbed in this demon is known as ś akaṭ ā sura-bhañ jana in the hundred and eight names of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a mentioned in the Brahmā ṇ ḍ a-purā ṇ a.   [12] atra devā ḥ ś rī la-gopā la-bhā vam utprekṣ ā ñ cakrire, yathā —          " ś akaṭ am idam ihā sti mad-gṛ hasya                    svayam aviś astad anena cotpluto’si |        ruditam anupadaṁ mayā vikī rṇ aṁ                    tad api yadi mriyase na tan mamā gaḥ ||" 10|| iti | [puṣ pitā grā ]   At this time the devatā s spoke about Kṛ ṣ ṇ a in poetic language: The cart was standing in one part of my house. You entered this cart and because of the cart you went upwards. I cried incessantly. If you died, it is not my fault.          ā virbhavat-kaṭ akaṭ e ś akaṭ e’tha sarve                    kiṁ kiṁ kim ity abhita eva bhiyā bhiyā tā ḥ |        tasyā tipā tam avalokya vilokya tokaṁ                    krandad-vimū ḍ ha-matitā tatimū ḍ havantaḥ ||11|| [vasantatilaka]   When the cart made groaning noises, people in fear ran in all directions saying “What is that? ” When the cart fell and they saw the child, they became completely bewildered and wept.            mā tā ca taṁ vivaś itā vayavā pi devā                    viṣ ṭ eva paś yati jane jagṛ he draveṇ a |        paś cā t tu kampa-mukha-bhā va-nipī ḍ itā ṅ gī ṁ                    tā ṁ vidrutā ḥ paraparā ḥ parito’py agṛ hṇ an ||12|| [vasantatilakā ]   Out of control, Yaś odā, ignoring the onlookers like a woman possessed, quickly grabbed her child. When her limbs became afflicted with trembling many women quickly came and held her up.   [13] tasminn anasy abdavac-chabde jā te tu,        kiṁ tat? kiṁ tan nanā da? ś ruti-kaṭ u-ś akaṭ as tat kathaṁ sa vyaloṭ hī t        kasmā t kasmā d? akasmā t kuś ala-kuś alam? oṁ vā sudeva-prasā dā t |        itthaṁ praś nottarā bhyā ṁ vraja-kula-patayaḥ prā pur antaḥ -purā ntar        dṛ ṣ ṭ vā tat-pā tam ā san daś ana-tati-ś ikhā d aṣ ṭ a-jihvā ś cirā ya ||13|| [sragdharā ]   When the cart fell, there was a rumbling sound like clouds: What is that? What is making that sound? It is the cart. What happened to that cart? It turned over. How? Suddenly it happened. Was that good? It was the mercy of Vā sudeva.   With such discussion, the leaders of Vraja entered the area and saw the broken cart. Biting their lips they stood there in astonishment for some time.   [14] tataś ca sahasā bahiḥ -purā d antaḥ -pura-pura-sthala-bhā jaṁ ś rī mad-vraja-rā jaṁ nirvarṇ ya sarve paryā yā gatā dvidhā bhū tā ḥ pū rato dū rato’vakā ś aṁ daduḥ | [15] tato’sau janakas tu jana-kalakalatas tad-vṛ ttam avakalayann ambā lā -galā valambaṁ bā lakam eva sva-pā ṇ i-talam avalambayā mā sa, vilokayā mā sa ca tasya sarvā vayavā n |   Seeing Nanda quickly coming from outside to the inner area, all came and stood on both sides at a distance, giving him a place to proceed. Understanding what happened with the cart from the shouting of the people, he touched the child held by his mother to his forehead and gazed at his limbs.   [16] tad anu ca sarva eva ś ā ntatā mā yā ntas tad-antaṁ samantataḥ ś akaṭ a-nikaṭ a-saṁ valakā n bā lakā n eva papracchuḥ | te ca tad-eka-nirdeś inyā darś ayantas tam eva nirdidiś uḥ | tatraiko lohalo’py agra-vā dī nivā rita-kolā halaḥ pralalā pa, " ma ma mama pā pā pā pā rś vataḥ ś rū yatā m, ya ya ya yadā ca ca caraṇ a mu mutthā pitavā n ayam, ta ta ta tadā te tena spṛ ṣ ṭ a-mā tro ḍ i ḍ i ḍ i ḍ i ḍ ī na ivodvṛ ttaḥ so’yaṁ ś a ś a ś a ś akaṭ aḥ " iti |   They became peaceful and then asked the boys who were around the cart. They pointed their forefingers at one boy. That boy then spoke when all stopped speaking.     Stuttering the boys spoke: Hear from me. When the boy raised his foot and touched the cart, the cart when upwards like a bird.   [17] tataś ca, tad-viḍ amba-vā diṣ u bā lā diṣ u hasatsu bī bhatsita-bā liś a-bhā ṣ itā ḥ parama-vatsalā vicikitsā ṁ na dhitsā ṁ cakruḥ | pū tanā -vadhā vadhā ritā nuvā ditayā karkaś a-tarka-cakra-niruddha-buddhayas tu cakruḥ |   All the other boys, imitating him, began to laugh. The affectionate elders then dismissed the talk of the boys. But they had some doubt because they knew that Pū tanā had been killed.     [18] pitā tu punaḥ svasti-vā canā bhiṣ ecanā dinā vipra-kula-pratoṣ aṇ ā dinā sarvā ś ī -rā ś inā ca taṁ laṅ gima-bā laṁ maṅ galena saṅ gamayā mā sa mā tur utsaṅ gena ca | tayā ca sva-bā la-lā lanā -kalā pa-mayyā gṛ hā ntaḥ -ś ayyā yā m evā yaṁ ś ā yyate sma | gopa-mahendrā dibhir mahita-mahā -ś akaṭ aś ca yathā -sthā naṁ ghaṭ ayā mā se |   After creating auspiciousness for the child by invoking good fortune, bathing the child, satisfying the brā hmaṇ as and getting the blessings of all present, Nanda returned the child to Yaś odā ’s lap. Busy with caring for the child, she placed him on a bed in the middle of the house. The people then restored the huge cart to its previous position.   [19] atha madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—vatsa, bā lakena mahā -ś akaṭ a-samuccā ṭ anam asambhā vyam iti sambhā vya bhaṇ yatā m, anyathā hi kaver evā nyathā tvam ā padyeta |   Madhukaṇ ṭ ha then said “O child! It is impossible for a small child to upset the huge cart. Please consider and say what does this incident means? ”    [20] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—ā rya, pū rvam evā trā pū rvatā nivā ritā sti, yato yogamā yā khalv asya sambhā vita-yogaṁ nirmā payatī ti punar mā prā kṣ ī ḥ |   Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “O respectable brother! This is not so surprising, since Yogamā yā has made the impossible possible. Do not ask about this again. ”   [21] madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ sa-smitam uvā ca—tad-anantaram udantaḥ kaḥ?   Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said with a smile “Then what happened? ”   [22] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—athā grajā nujā n anu vrajasya rā jā viviveca, " bā laka-yugalam idam apṛ thag-ā layā lambanatā m eva nitarā m arhati, yatas tadī ya-jananyoḥ svayam eva tal-lā lanā ya lā lasā -dhanyayos, tatra ca paraspara-tad-ā saktayor nā nā -spṛ ha-gṛ ha-kā rya-paryā paṇ a-vyasanayor yugapat tad-yugalasya pṛ thag-avakalanaṁ durbalam iti kevalaṁ sudinā gamana-vilambatā m avalambe | yathā vā bhavatā m icchā bhavati" iti ś rutvā ś rutajñ ā ḥ ś rotriyā n ā ś rā vya tadaiva daivā nukū lyaṁ nibhā lya samam udyad-vā dya-parī ta-gī ta-svasti-vā canā di-praś asti-pū rvakaṁ dvayor apū rva-milanam ā ś u kalayā mā suḥ |   Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said:   Nanda consulted with his older and younger brothers. “These two boys should live together because their mothers are fond of caring for both. They are attached to both and they both are eager to do the right household duties. It is difficult to protect them separately. I am waiting only for a favorable day. It is said by the learned that one should do as one desires. Tell this to the brā hmaṇ as and when they determine the proper time, arrange that the two boys stay together quickly with music, chanting mantras and prayers. ”     tac ca yathā —        mitho lagnā dṛ ṣ ṭ iḥ samajani ciraṁ mū rtir acalā                    dravac-cittaṁ netrodaka-miṣ atayā gā d abhimukham |        iti bhrā tror bā lye’py asita-sitayoḥ sā prasitatā                    nave vyatyā loke kutukam iha kiṁ vā na tanute? ||14|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]   Gazing at each other, stunned from a long time, on the pretext of tears, the two boy’s hearts melted. From childhood the two boys had attachment as brothers. When they saw each other, their attachment spread joy through the universe.          bā lye prathamam anyo’nyaṁ milato rā ma-kṛ ṣ ṇ ayoḥ |        sitā sitā ṁ ś avaḥ pṛ ktā jajñ ire mṛ ga-lā ñ chanā ḥ ||15|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


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