atha kathārambhaḥ 8 страница
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said: Making a deafening clamor, the elders and middle age women ran here and there, leaving Yaś odā and Rohiṇ ī. Some by good fortune saw Pū tanā, huge like a mountain, fall from the sky. Without fear, they approached and, climbing on her arms which had fallen to the ground by chance, took Kṛ ṣ ṇ a who was playing fearlessly on her chest. Out of excitement they ran without looking back quickly to the house.
[62] tataś ca tad-avalokenā saṅ khya-lokena sukha-magnena paś cā l-lagnena pariplava-tayā samutplavamā nena saha samahaṁ mahā ntaḥ -puram ā gatā nā rī -janā jananyor niś ceṣ ṭ itā ṁ dṛ ṣ ṭ vā kartavya-mū ḍ hatā m ū ḍ hā babhū vuḥ |
The women came to the great inner chambers with many following behind. They had seen the event and with joy and unsteadiness came there leaping and jumping. They saw Yaś odā and Rohiṇ ī unconscious and became completely bewildered about what to do.
[63] atha tathā -lakṣ aṇ atayā kṣ aṇ a-katipaye labdha-vyatyaye yatnā ntara-pathe ca vitathe, kā cid buddhimatī sa-kaś malayos tayor apy aṅ ke taṁ bā lakam evā valambayā mā sa | avalambite ca bā le tenaivā mṛ teneva kṛ ta-trā ṇ eṣ u prā ṇ eṣ u, taṁ bā lakam avalokamā ne te punar anyā ṁ mū rcchā m ā narcchatuḥ | tataḥ punaḥ punar evaṁ -vidhā nā c cid-ā dhā nena prakṛ tim ā sedatuḥ, muhur eva jala-saṁ valanena nidā gha-dagdha-bhū mivat |
After a few moments, when all methods failed to revive them, one old intelligent woman placed the child in their laps. When this happened, their life airs returned by the nectar of the child’s presence. Seeing the child, they again fainted in bliss. They then returned to consciousness, but wept as if moistening the dry summer earth.
[64] atha bā lakam apy avalokayantyā v ā lokana-vacanayoḥ kā rā bhir ivā ś ru-dhā rā bhir atī va vyagratā m agrataḥ prā patuḥ | tataś cā nyā bhir eva stanyā bhimukhī kṛ tena tena sukumā reṇ a kumā reṇ a kramā nusā reṇ a dhī ratā ṁ dhā rayā mā satuḥ |
When they saw the child, tears fell from their eyes like iron needles, giving them the same pain they had experienced before. The tender child was brought so that he could drink their milk. Thus the two women gradually became steady.
tataś ca, ā ś liṣ ṭ aḥ pratidṛ ṣ ṭ i-cumbita-mukhaḥ sughrā ta-mū rdhā dṛ gar- ṇ aḥ -siktaḥ suhṛ dā ṁ puro bhuvi dhṛ taḥ svenā pi nirmañ chitaḥ | satyaṁ satyam idaṁ na cā nyad iti sa vyaktaṁ viviktī kṛ to mā tṛ bhyā ṁ na tathā pi saṁ hṛ ta-bhayaṁ dṛ ṣ ṭ o bakī -mardanaḥ ||24|| [ś ā rdū la]
They embraced the child, looked at him, kissed him, and smelled his head. They placed him on the ground and performed ā ratrika. Pū tanā truly existed and this child, your son, he still exists. They clearly established this. The two mothers without fear began to see Kṛ ṣ ṇ a as the subduer of Pū tanā.
[65] atha ś rī -vrajeś varī sa-camatkā ram uvā ca—“hanta, vilokyatā m asau dvitī yo bā laḥ ” iti | tad etad uktvā ca tā ṁ svayaṁ dhā vitum udyatā ṁ vibudhya pratirudhya ś rī la-rohiṇ ī bahula-mahilā bhiḥ saha gṛ hā ntaram avagā hamā nā, taṁ maṅ gala-saṅ gataṁ vilokayantī, saṅ ginī bhir aṅ gī kṛ ta-pā lanaṁ vidhā ya ca, tad-ā gamana-spṛ hinī ṁ vraja-mahendra-gṛ hiṇ ī ṁ saṁ hā ya sā ntvitavatī |
The Yaś odā said in astonishment “Go and see about Balarā ma. ” Saying this, understanding that she wanted to run to him, Rohiṇ ī prevented her, and with many women, went to another room and, seeing the child with auspicious marks, performed rites to protect him. She then brought the child to Yaś odā who desired to see him and satisfied her.
[66] pū tanā -hantus tu, go-mū trā dyaiḥ snā nam ā cā rya tasya premṇ ā cakrur mantra-rakṣ ā ṁ jananyaḥ | ś rutvā yasmin ś ā stra-vijñ atvam ā sā ṁ sarve’py uccaiḥ kovidā vismayante ||25|| [ś ā linī ]
The mothers then bathed Kṛ ṣ ṇ a in cow urine and protected him with mantras, hearing which the learned sages became surprised.
[67] atha tā dṛ ś a-mahotpā ta-dṛ ś varī ś rī matī vrajeś varī sarvā narvā cī nā ḥ prati sa-gadgadaṁ jagā da, “putro bhaved evam atispṛ hā nau nā sī d abhū d eṣ a tu vaḥ spṛ hā taḥ | pratyarpi so’yaṁ bata yuṣ makā bhir asmā su yuṣ mā su tathā smakā bhiḥ ||”26|| [indravajrā ]
iti tā sā ṁ caraṇ a-parisaraṇ am anu bā laṁ namayantī bā ṣ paṁ mumoca |
Seeing this great danger, Yaś odā spoke to the older women in a choked voice. We had no great desire for children but by your desire the child has appeared. You have given this child to us and we offer him to you. She touched the child to their feet and shed tears.
[68] tā ś ca dhairyaṁ hitvā sa-sambhramaṁ bā lakaṁ gṛ hī tvā procuḥ, “asmā kaṁ yad akhilam asti puṇ ya-jā taṁ yad vā smat-pitṛ -jananī -kulā nujā tam | tenā sau bata bhavatā d aho yaś ode putras te niravadhi-maṅ gala-pramode ||”27|| [praharṣ iṇ ī ]
iti sā sram ā tmanā taṁ nirmañ chayañ cakruḥ |
The old women, losing control, quickly took the child and said “O Yaś odā! May whatever pious acts we have accrued from our paternal and maternal lines give auspiciousness and happiness to this child. ’ With tears they worshipped the child by ā ratrika.
[69] tasyā ḥ sā ntvanā rthaṁ samuditā muditā s tatraiva tasthuś ca | tatra ca putanayā kṛ tam ajanyaṁ jananyā v anyā ś ca sva-svadṛ ṣ ṭ am anyo'nyaṁ nirdiṣ ṭ avatyaḥ | tathā hi, yathā gatā sā yad uvā ca yac ca vā cakā ra tad-grastam amū samū catuḥ | amū ḥ samū cuḥ yathā svayaṁ gatā yathā nvapaś yaṁ ś ca tathā sa-gadgadam ||28|| [vaṁ ś asthavilā ]
All remained blissful to give comfort to Yaś odā. The two mothers and others then began describing the horrible acts of Pū tanā from what they had seen.
The two described how Pū tanā came, what she said and what she did. While doing so, their voices wavered and the syllables and words became unclear. Other women then described in choked voice how they came on the scene and what they saw.
[70] ś rī -vrajarā jā dayas tu dū rataḥ kiñ cit kiñ cid ī kṣ itvā mithaḥ -kathayā kathantayā tad etad uccā vaca-vacanaṁ racayā mā suḥ | tathā hi,
On returning to Vraja, Nanda and others saw from afar the corpse of Pū tanā. In loud voices they discussed amongst themselves as follows.
[71] “samuḍ ḍ ī yamā nā mā na-vā yasā tā yi-samudā yā vivikta-mahā -ghora-rū paṁ caṇ ḍ a-raś mi-bhasmī kṛ ta-santam asā v aś iṣ ṭ a-mahiṣ ṭ ha-granthi-santatitayopahasitaṁ jhaṭ iti niviḍ ita-vaḍ rī bhū tā ṭ avī -khaṇ ḍ a-maṇ ḍ ita-pradeś atayā nirdiṣ ṭ aṁ bhū ri-dū ratayā bhū -lagnavat pratī yamā no’yaṁ toyada-sambhā ra iti sambhā vitaṁ ś rī -vasudeva-sū citotpā tocitaṁ kiñ cin nicitam idam” iti cintitam | punar, “labdha-pakṣ atayotpā tam ā carann utpatya patito’yam akharva-parvata-viś eṣ a” iti vitarkitam |
“We cannot see the form clearly because of the many crows flying about. It has turned to ashes by the rays of the hot sun. It is funny because of many joints sticking out. It is decorating part of this huge thick forest. It appears like a cloud stuck to the earth from far off. We should think of Vasudeva’s warning about future disturbance in Vraja. Perhaps it is a mountain whose wings Indra cut off, which regained its wings and then fell here. ”
[72] rā kṣ asā kā ra-sā kṣ ā t-kā ra-vikalpa-kalpanā -janita-jana-caya-bhaya-hā sa-kautuka-visaṁ vā da-nā daṁ kṣ aṇ ato rā kṣ asa-tā la-kṣ aṇ ā lakṣ aṇ a-viniś cita-vrajā paciti-pracayaṁ svā bhimukham ā gatā yā janatā yā mukhā n naikabheda-vedana-viccheda-kā raṇ ā vadhā raṇ ā d avadhā rita-vedanaṁ naikaṭ ya-ghaṭ yamā na-vaikaṭ yatayā vitrasta-samasta-cittaṁ pari vrajā t patitaṁ pū tanā -pudgalam udbhā vayā mā suḥ |
Speculating in many ways on seeing directly the body of the she-demon, they showed fear, humor and curiosity. After a few moments, some came close and described it. Doubts were resolved and reality dawned on them. That dreadful form which had appeared nearby spread fear in all hearts. They understood that the body of Pū tanā had fallen in Vraja.
ś rutvā pū tanayā sutasya nayanaṁ tasyā s tu tasmā n mṛ tiṁ mū rcchann eva tadā vraja-kṣ iti-patiḥ samyak prabodhaṁ yayau | labdhvā durdhara-kā la-nā ga-daś ana-troṭ aṁ yathā tat-kṣ aṇ ā d divyaṁ mantram api ś rayeta manujaḥ kaś cid drutaṁ jī vitum ||29|| [ś ā rdū la]
Hearing that Pū tanā had taken his child and that the child killed her, Nanda fainted but immediately came to consciousness. He was like a person who, bitten by a snake, quickly applies special mantras to save himself.
[73] atha vrajarā jas tatrā ś carya-pā ramparyam idam aś ṛ ṇ od adarś ayad anvabhū d api |
With amazement he heard, saw and experienced everything.
[74] tatrā ś ṛ ṇ od yathā prathamaṁ tā vat pū tanā -tanur ā yā matas tri-gavyū tiṁ vyā pya patitavatī, vistā ratas tu gavyutim, ucchrā yataś ca prā yaḥ kroś am iti |
First he heard. Pū tanā ’s body fell down and spread out for six kroś as. The body was two kroś as wide and one kroś a high.
[75] sā ca yā ma-dvaya-gamyā yā ma-tad-ardha-vistā ra-vrajā gā ra-vrajā d bahir eva papā ta, tatra ca na prā ṇ inaḥ pī ḍ itavatī, kintu drumā n eveti |
She fell outside of Vraja. Her length could be covered in two praharas walking in one direction and her width could be covered by walking one prahara in the other direction. No living beings except the trees were harmed.
[76] athā darś ayad yathā, tatra hi kuliś a-tulya-niṣ ṭ hura-mahiṣ ṭ ha-kulya-kulā kulā -ghanā s tad-apaghanā ḥ svī ya-samā jñ ayā vraja-jana-pṛ thak-pṛ thag-jana-vrajena jhaṭ ity eva kaṭ hina-kuṭ hā rair vipā ṭ itā ḥ, pracuratara-sthā na-sthā pitā s tato’py ativitatā ni nirbandhenendhanā ni sandhā ya sandagdhā ś ceti |
He then saw the body. On the orders of Upananda and others, persons of lower birth quickly cut up the body which was spread out, with bones as hard as thunderbolts, using hard axes. They piled the pieces up in one place and carefully burned it.
[77] tad evaṁ tad-vraja-bahir-dhā ma-pā mara-carmakā rā di-karmā kā ra-gaṇ ā nā m api gaṇ anā ś akti-samatiriktatā ca na vyaktī kartuṁ ś akyate, kim uta gopā dī nā m iti |
One cannot describe the strength of the people such as leather dealers and blacksmiths living outside the abode of Vraja. What to speak of the strength of those within Vraja?
[78] athā nvabhū d yathā —
kaṁ sā reḥ sumadhurimā pramā ṇ a-caryā ṁ na prā psyaty adhiyuga-koṭ i-kū ṭ ito’pi | sā rā kṣ asy api rudhirā ś anā pi yasya sparś ā ṁ ś ā d vara-surabhitvam ā sasā da ||30|| [praharṣ iṇ ī ]
He experienced. One does not attain the sweetness of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a even after many millions of yugas but Pū tanā, though wanting to kill him, on touching Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s body, became most fragrant.
yataḥ, tadā ca dū tā iva pū tanā ṅ gato dagdhā d gatā dhū ma-gaṇ ā ḥ sugandhayaḥ | grā mā ntaraṁ yā tavatā ṁ dinā ntare keṣ ā ñ cid ā hvā na-kṛ tiṁ vinirmamuḥ ||31 iti