atha kathārambhaḥ 4 страница
[109] punaḥ sa-hā sam ā ha sma – yasya nandanandana iti nā ma viparī tatayā paṭ hatā pi krama-parī tatayā nubhū yate | tasmā d evam apy asman-nṛ pater eva pū rva-vyañ jitaṁ samañ jasaṁ sañ janam añ jasā tasya labhyatvā yopapalabhyata iti |
Then while smiling he spoke. “The name indicates that he is Nanda’s son because of the opposite sequence of events. Therefore the previous explanation of Nanda’s son should be accepted. ”
[110] hasitvā punar uvā ca – atha sa vraja-deva-sutasya vasudevasyā gamana-prakā ras tu varṇ yatā m |
Smiling, he again spoke “Please describe how Vasudeva took Nanda’s son. ”
[111] madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca –
aṅ ghryor bandho vyadā lī d aś ayiṣ ata janā dvā ra-rodhā vidī rṇ ā ḥ ś eṣ aś chatraṁ babhū va dyumaṇ ijani-nadī prā pya kedā ra-bhā vam | ā gopā dhī ś a-gehaṁ vṛ ti-rahitam abhū d gokulaṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ a-vā haṁ prā pya ś rī -ś ū ra-putraṁ yad iha tad akhilaṁ kasya kiṁ brū hi tat tu ||34||
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said: The shackles fell from his feet. Everyone was fast asleep. The locked doors opened. Ananta was his umbrella. Yamunā River became agitated. The path to Nanda’s house was free of obstacles. Who made all these arrangements for Vasudeva?
[112] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca – tad akhilaṁ goparā jasya bhā gyam iti |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “This was all the good fortune of Nanda. ”
[113] tad evaṁ labdha-prathā yā ṁ kathā yā m –
tayor mā yā -jā la-prathana-tulayā saṅ kathanayā hareḥ sā sā lī lā nayanam iva yā tā kila yadā | tadā bā ṣ pa-stambhaa-pralaya-mukha-bhā vā ḥ pratipadaṁ babhū vur ye vā te kati kati ca varṇ yā vrajasadā m ||35||
The assembly heard the topics being described in detail. When the magical net of topics concerning Kṛ ṣ ṇ a described by Madhukaṇ ṭ ha and Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha were as if actually seen by the listeners, how can the extent of their sā ttvika-bhā vas such as tears, being stunned, and fainting be described?
[115] tataś ca taṁ ratna-nidhā yaṁ nidhā ya gate ś rī -vasudeve kā raṇ ā bhā vā t pracalā yitatā -pracaya-dohaṁ moham apahṛ tya ca gatā yā ṁ mā yā yā ṁ ś rī -vraja-rā ja-jā yā punaḥ sambhū taṁ sutaṁ sā kṣ ā d eva dadarś a | yathā viṣ ṇ u-purā ṇ e --
dadṛ ś e ca prabuddhā sā yaś odā jā tam ā tmajam | nī lotpala-dala-ś yā maṁ tato’tyarthaṁ mudaṁ yayau || [ViP 5. 5. 22] iti |
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha again spoke: When Vasudeva, taking the fixed jewel of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, went to Nanda’s house and mā yā spread her illusion thickly everywhere, Yaś odā saw the son who had been brought as her own. Viṣ ṇ u Purā ṇ a says:
Waking up Yaś odā saw the new born child dark like a blue lotus and became joyful.
[117] yathā ca – bā laṁ divyā ti-divyā sita-maṇ i-vapuṣ aṁ candrajic candra-vaktraṁ lokā tī tā bja-netraṁ dyu-taru-nava-dalollaṅ ghi-ś obhā ṅ ghri-pā ṇ im | kiñ cic cañ cat-karā di-mradima-madhurita-krandanā d viś va-mohaṁ paś yantī gopa-rā jñ ī tanujam amanuta svaṁ tadā citra-kalpam ||36||
The body of the child was more resplendent that a shining sapphire. The moon of his face conquered the moon. His eyes were like most astonishing lotuses. His hands were more splendorous than the new leaves on the branches of a heavenly desire tree. Moving his hands and feet slightly he cried out sweetly, bewildering the whole universe. When she saw this beautiful child, Yaś odā became stunned like a painted picture.
sā mrā jyaṁ ś yā ma-bhā sā ṁ nidhir api tad idaṁ rū pa-ratnā karā ṇ ā ṁ bhā gyam lā vaṇ ya-bhā jā ṁ bharata-kṛ ti-guruś cā ru-lī lā yitā naṁ | evaṁ mī mā ṁ samā nā vrajapati-dayitā yā vad ā ste sma tā vat krandann om om itī tthaṁ nava-ś iś ur asakau tad dhruvaṁ svī cakā ra ||37||
He was a kingdom of shining darkness, an ocean of a sea of beauty. He was the good fortune of perception of beauty. He was the Bharata Muni of all attractive pastimes. When Yaś odā thought of her child in this way, the child agreed by his crying which seemed to say, “Yes! Yes! ”
dṛ ṣ ṭ vā putram asau vrajeś a-gṛ hiṇ ī sadyaḥ prajā taṁ sakhī r ā hū tā na ś aś ā ka kartum api ced ā stā ṁ paraṁ ceṣ ṭ itam | asrair ā vṛ tam akṣ i-kaṇ ṭ ham atha yat stabdhaṁ ca tasyā vapus tasmin lā lana-lā lasā -vaś atayā cā tmā tmanā vyagritaḥ ||38||
Though Yaś odā saw her newly born son, she was unable to call her friends, what to speak of move around. Her eyes and throat were covered in tears and her body was stunned. Her body was agitated because her desire to care for the child.
kiṁ ca – yadā mā yā gatā tarhi vraje mohaṁ jahau janaḥ | kadā yadā hy ā virā sī t tatra ś rī -puruṣ ottamaḥ ||39||
When Yogamā yā left Vraja for Mathurā (when Vasudeva took her) Vraja became free of illusion. When did it happen? It happened when the Supreme Lord appeared in Vraja.
tadā vyavahitā nā m apy eṣ a prā kā ś ayan manaḥ | kumudvatī nā ṁ sumano-gaṇ aṁ vā ś ī ta-dī dhitiḥ ||40||
As the moon makes lotuses situated far away blossom, the child made the minds of people far away blossom with joy.
sphurati sma paraṁ mā tuḥ ś ayyā yā ṁ na sa bā lakaḥ | snigdhā nā m api citteṣ u svaccheṣ u pratibimbavat ||41||
Not only did the child appear on the bed of his mother, but appeared in another form in the pure hearts of persons having affection.
sphurati sma yadā bā las tā sā ṁ vyavahito’pi saḥ | taṁ drutaṁ tā s tadā jagmuḥ sā raṅ gyo vā ghanā gamam ||42||
When the child appeared in the hearts of women situated at a distance, they quickly came like catakī birds attracted to a cloud appearing in the sky.
rohiṇ yā dibhir etā bhiḥ samam ā loki bā lakaḥ | udayat-pū rṇ a-candro vā cakorī bhiḥ samantataḥ ||43||
As cakora birds look at the moon from all sides, Rohiṇ ī and other women gathered around to look at the child.
stambhe’pi smera-netrā bhyā ṁ paś yantī ṁ sutam eva tā m | pratikā ryā ṁ vicā ryā mū ḥ paryā locanta taṁ tataḥ ||44||
Considering that Yaś odā, who gazed at her child with smiling eyes in a stunned state, to be a suitable mother, the women then gazed at the child.
tā etā manasā dṛ ś ā kalitam apy atrā sitaṁ bā lakaṁ sandehā spadatā m anaiṣ ur asakṛ d yat tat tu yogyaṁ matam | yad vastu prathitaṁ sudurlabhatayā tad daivato labhyatā ṁ kintv etat prathamaṁ pratī ti-padavī ṁ nā tmany alaṁ yacchati ||45||
Looking at dark child with eyes and mind, they began to wonder about him. This was appropriate, for such a person could be attained by chance very rarely. But at first the child did not allow the mind to perceive him properly.
tad yathā – navyendī varam-mā lyam asti kim idaṁ kiṁ ś akra-nī laṁ mahat kiṁ vaidū ryam aho tad etad atulaṁ jñ ā tuṁ na yac chakyate | paś yā maḥ kila bā lakasya tu tanuṁ sarvendriyā ṇ ā ṁ kṛ tiṁ rundhā nā khalu yā tanoti nayana-dvandvasya nirdvandvatā m ||46||
Is that a fresh garland of blue lotuses? Is it a huge sapphire? Is it a vaidū rya gem, which can never be known? When we look at this child all the senses stop functioning and the eyes see only that object.
[118] tatra ca – nirmitaṁ kila mṛ gamada-saurabha-tamā la-jalada-sā reṇ a, abhyaktaṁ kila nikhila-vilambaka-lā vaṇ yena, udvartitaṁ kila nija-deha-tejasā, snā taṁ kila nija-mukha-niryat-kā nti-sudhayā, anuliptaṁ kila jananī -dṛ ṣ ṭ i-karpū ra-labdha-saṁ ghṛ ṣ ṭ i-bhadra-ś riyā, bhū ṣ itaṁ kila sahaja-ś ubhatā -rū ṣ ita-nijā kā reṇ a iti sadyo-jā taṁ tad apatyaṁ vitarkya mithaḥ -kṛ ta-samā gamā ḥ sarvā ḥ punas taṁ bā laṁ labdha-tamā la-patra-bhoga-mṛ ga-bheda-mṛ gamada-sā ra-paṅ kam iva komalā ṅ gam, nija-kara-cū rṇ itatama iva cū rṇ a-kuntalam, vahan-mukha-vidhu-bimbam ī kṣ ayantaṁ sarva-manā ṁ sy ā kraṣ ṭ um iva karau muṣ ṭ ī kurvantaṁ, taraṇ ijā -nijā guru-taraṅ gam iva kara-caraṇ a-kamalaṁ cā layantaṁ vilokayā mā suḥ |
The child is made of a cloud the color of a tamā la leaf fragrant with musk. The child is decorated with beauty that melts the mind. He is anointed with the effulgence of his body. He is bathed by the nectar flowing from his face. He is perfumed with the auspicious beauty of sandalwood pulp and camphor of his mother’s glance. He is ornamented with the natural qualities of his body. Speculating about the child in this way, the women gathered together and again looked at the child, who was as tender as musk pulp from a musk deer, the color of a tamā la leaf, with curled locks of hair, with a face like the moon, waving his hands to destroy darkness. He attracted their minds by making fists with his hands. He moved his hands and feet like small currents in the Yamunā.
[119] tad evaṁ vilokya ca –
sarvā s tā ḥ kalakalam eva moda-yuktā ḥ kurvatyaḥ param avidur na tatra kṛ tyam | ekā tu drutam atha suṣ ṭ hu-dhī ra-cittā taṁ kampre kara-yugale dadhaty apaś yat ||47||
Overcome with joy, the women murmured and were not aware of what they were doing. But one woman with a firm heart held the child’s quivering hands and gazed at him.
[120] tataś ca pum-apatya-cihnam ahnā yā vagatya tā sā ṁ pratyekam api samī hitam | yathā –
aho ś irasi dhā raye nayanayor muhuḥ sparś aye hṛ di pracuram arpaye hṛ daya-madhyamā veś aye | idaṁ vividha-bhā vanaṁ bhṛ ś am atī tya vī cikṣ iṣ ā balā d vara-dṛ ś ā ṁ dṛ ś ā ṁ viṣ ayatā m anaiṣ ī d amum ||48||
Recognizing as a male by his characteristics, they cherished each limb. “Ah! I will hold his head. I will touch his eyes. I will offer myself to his heart and will reside there. ” Each of the various women had their own desires which made them look at the child.
tatra ca – muhur aho tanayaṁ nayanaṁ gataṁ pramadataḥ praṇ ayanty api nā tṛ pat | ghana-rucir jananī -stana-yugmajā m amṛ ta-vṛ ṣ ṭ im adhā d api dṛ ṣ ṭ ijā m ||49||
With strong desire to see the child, his mother constantly gazed at him, but could not be fully satisfied. Streams of nectar fell from her breasts and from her eyes.
[121] tataś cā tyarvā g arha-ś iś u-snapanā di-parvā nusandhā nataḥ sarvā sā ṁ sā vadhā natā -vidhā ne jā te –
rohiṇ yā jñ ā m anu pati-suta-ś reyasī vṛ ddha-viprā vṛ ttaṁ vijñ ā payitum atulā nandam eti sma nandam | vaktrollā sā t palita-valanā d ambarā c chubhra-dhā mā dhā mnā ṁ hā sa-prathiti-tulitā yā javā n nirjagā ma ||50||
Then the women made careful preparations for giving the child a bath.
On Rohiṇ ī ’s order one old brā hmaṇ a woman came to inform Nanda with great joy. White with her white cloth, white hair, and brilliant face, she quickly went out throwing a smile to all the houses.
[122] atha tad etat-paryante vṛ tte vṛ tte, jā ta-tat-tad-bhā va-sampadaḥ sabhā sadaḥ pratikṛ tā ñ jalitayā sthitayor madhukaṇ ṭ ha-snighdakaṇ ṭ hayor madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ prā ha sma –
vrajendra so’yaṁ putras te sadaḥ -sā dbhuta-sampadaḥ | janma-mā trā j jana-ś reṇ yā nandana-ś reṇ i-janmadaḥ ||51|| iti |
When the story had progressed this far and the listeners had experienced abundant affection, Madhukaṇ ṭ ha and Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha stood with folded hands. Madhukaṇ ṭ ha then spoke.
O Nanda! Your son gives extraordinary auspiciousness to the assembly of Vraja and gives the greatest bliss to all the people of the universe.
[123] tataś ca tau nijopakaṇ ṭ hopam anu vraja-rā ja ā juhā va | ā gatyoś ca tayoḥ ś irasi kara-saroruham ā dhā ya nijā laṅ kā rair alañ cakā ra | sarvaṁ ca tat-sampradā yaṁ bahu-sampradā nena sampradā nam akarot | uvā ca ca – adya vā saḥ samā sā dyatā ṁ bhojananā dy-artham iti | sarvā n prati covā ca – punar evaṁ prā taḥ prā tar ā yā tavyam iti |
Nanda called the two boys towards him. When both came forward, he offered lotuses to their heads and decorated them with his ornaments, as well as satisfying their group with many gifts. He said, “Today, please go to the guest rooms for taking your meal. ” Nanda said to all the others, “Everyday in the morning gather in this way. ”
[124] atha go-sambhā lanā rthaṁ pitaram anujñ ā ṁ samabhyarthya mā taraṁ ca vanya-bhojana-prasthā panaṁ prā rthya sū ta-kumā raayoś cā tma-saṅ gamanaṁ samarthya kṛ ta-vrā je vraja-yuva-rā je sarve yathā svam ā vā saṁ yayuḥ ||
After hearing his glories, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a then took permission to see the cows. He asked for the lunch that his mother had sent, and asking the two young boys to join him, he left. Others departed for their residences.
(4) Chapter Four Birth Celebration
[1] atha pū rvedyur madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ kṛ tī yathā cī kṛ tat, evam aparedyuś ca vraja-deva-sabhā yā ṁ bhā samā nā yā ṁ sā vasara-nidigdhaḥ snigdhakaṇ ṭ has tat-kī rtim acī kī rtat |
Just as on the previous day skilful Madhukaṇ ṭ ha had glorified Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, the next day Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha, taking his turn, glorified Kṛ ṣ ṇ a in the shining assembly of Nanda.
[2] madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ sotkaṇ ṭ haṁ papraccha—
prā g yadvac caritaṁ harer arasayad vā g-indriyaṁ tadvad apy adyā svā dayituṁ mamecchatitarā m udyamya karṇ a-dvayam | yady apy ekaka eva bhoktṛ -pada-bhā g jī vas tathā pi prati- svaṁ cakṣ uḥ -prabhṛ tī ni tā ni ca muhur vā ñ chanti bhoga-prathā m ||1||
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha eagerly requested “Just as you relished the topics about Kṛ ṣ ṇ a that I spoke yesterday, today I will relish with my ears what you speak. Though a jī va becomes the enjoyer, my senses desire to be the enjoyer. ”
[3] tathā ca snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—athā nanda-samṛ ddhā sā vṛ ddhā go-dohanā rthaṁ gosthā nam adhyavasthitā n madhya-sthita-ś rī man-nandopanandā dī n vindati sma | tatra ca—
asta-vyasta-gatiḥ pramoda-madhurā paś yanty amū n agrataḥ kiñ cid vaktum ivodyad ā sya-valanā dī rghā yitā lpa-kṣ itiḥ | hasta-nyasta-phalā dir evam api sā putrodbhavaṁ vyañ jatī yat kiñ cid vadati sma tat punar avā dī d ity amī menire ||2||
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “The joyful old woman then approached Nanda and others who were in the cow pens in order to milk the cows. Stopping her quick gait, the overjoyed woman saw before her Nanda and others. She wanted to speak and the short distance seemed a long way. Holding fruit and flowers in her hands, she informed them of the birth of a son. Whatever little she managed to say, she repeated and they all respected her. ”
[4] madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—kim uktavatī sā ?
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said “What did she say? ”
[5] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha sasmitam uvā ca—asmā kaṁ rā jā dya prajā ta-prajā ḥ | kathaṁ bhavantas tan-milanā ya nā yā nti? iti |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha spoke with a smile. “She said ‘Our king has given birth to a son. Will you not come and see him? ’”
[6] madhukaṇ ṭ ha sahā sam uvā ca—tatas tataḥ ?
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said with a smile “Then what happened? ”
[7] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—tataś ca taj-janma-vṛ ttā mṛ ta-nava-varṣ ā bhiḥ ś ikhina iva gopā ḥ kolā halaṁ kalayā mā suḥ | ś rī -gopaty-adhipas tu vā naspatya iva pulakā ṅ kura-kulā kulatayā paraṁ paramā nandaṁ vyañ jayā mā sa, na tu vacasā |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “Like peacocks in a fresh shower, the cowherds began shouting in excitement on hearing the sweet news. Nanda’s hairs stood on end. He appeared like a tree with fresh buds. He displayed the greatest bliss but not by words.
[8] madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—tatas tataḥ?
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said “Then what happened? ”
[9] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—tataś ca smita-sambhramā dara-bhara-karbū ritaiḥ sarvair vanditayā nanditayā ca tayā satvarayā paliknī -varayā sa-nijā ṅ ga-jā ta eva bhavā n maṅ gala-saṅ gī bhū yā d ity apū rvā ṁ sukha-pū rvā ṁ vā caṁ procya rocanā -kuṅ kuma-saṅ ga-lepa-saṅ kula-sad-aṅ kura-phala-maṅ gale ś rī mad-vraja-rā jasya kṣ emaṅ kara-karayor vinyaste tena vilokita-kalpaḥ ś rī mā n upanandaḥ sā nandaṁ jalpati sma—iha dohā ya saṁ hā ya raṁ hasā yamā nā dhenu-saṅ ghā ḥ kā m apy avihā ya drutam asyā ḥ sagṛ hā ya vihā pyantā m |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said: Filled with eager smiles and great reverence, they all offered the old woman respects. Coming quickly forward she said “May you and your son have auspiciousness. ” She offered him an auspicious coconut and dū rvā sprouts anointed with sandalwood, turmeric and kuṁ kuma. Nanda looked at Upananda and then spoke in joy. “Take all these cows gathered for milking and give them all, not excluding one, to her husband. ”
[10] tatra sarve cā moda-garveṇ a procuḥ —anyad vā yat kiñ cid asyā hitaṁ samī hitaṁ bhavati | tataś ca—
ā hlā dena samaṁ jajñ e bā laḥ kiṁ kiṁ sa eva saḥ | evaṁ viviktuṁ nandasya nā sī n matimatī matiḥ ||3||
They all said in great joy “Give her whatever suitable item she desires. ”
Did a son’s birth take place or did joy take birth like a son? Nanda was unable to distinguish the two.
[11] atha ś rī mā n vrajeś aḥ svī kṛ ta-dhā rmika-veś as tad api bahulam anyad api bahulā dikaṁ dā nā ya saṁ cakÿ pe | yatra sarvaś ca tathā bhā vā ya kharvaś aś cakÿ pe | saṅ kalpya ca gṛ he gantuṁ kṛ ta-spṛ he dhṛ ta-veś e ca tat-tad-vṛ ta-vraja-nareś e ś rī -rā ma-prasū -samā deś ā n mahā -gopura-deś ā d dundubhi-dvandvam unnanā da | tac ca vā dya-vidyā -vidura-vyañ jitaṁ vā dyaṁ vyaktam evedaṁ muhur vakti sma—prā durbhū to nandā nanda iti | tataś ca—
Bathing and dressing properly, Nanda made a vow to give cows in charity as he had previously stated. Though his offerings were plentiful, they seemed meager. Surrounded by Upananda and others, wearing the finest clothing, he desired to go to the house. On Rohiṇ ī ’s order, from the gate of the town, two musicians began sounding drums. The sounds announced, “Nanda has become blissful! Nanda has become blissful! ”
api ś rutam abhū n niś i tridiva-vā dya-garjojitaṁ jitaṁ jitam iti svanaṁ na tu viniś citaṁ kā raṇ am | tadā tad-anuvā di tat kalayatā m amī ṣ ā ṁ muhur mudā kalakalā -ravaṁ samajani vraja-prā ṇ inā m ||4||
In the evening, one could hear the rumbling of instruments from the heavens, proclaiming “Victory! Victory! ” But one could not detect the cause. Hearing those sounds the villagers came and in bliss began to discuss loudly.
[12] atha saṁ madena muhur lambhita-stambhā rambhatā yā m apy utkaṇ ṭ hayā kṛ ṣ ṭ a iva tatra ca labdha-kampa-sampattā yā m api kevalaṁ svakṛ ta-sevena nā rā yaṇ a-devena datta-hastā valamba iva dhairyam avalambamā naḥ svā layaṁ prati vraja-bhū pā laḥ pracacā la | tataś ca—
Though he became stunned out of joy, he was pulled by his eagerness. Though he was eager, he began to tremble intensely. Since he served Nā rā yaṇ a, Nā rā yaṇ a supported him with his hands. Gaining some self-control, Nanda approached his house.
tad vṛ nde gṛ ham abhiyā ti bandhu-vargā dhā vantaḥ krama-militā mithaḥ purogā ḥ | ye gaṅ gā -jharam anu nirjhara-prabhedā yadvat tat-tū litatayā nayanta vṛ ddhim ||5||
When the cowherds arrived at Nanda’s house, many friends were standing around together. As many streams enter the Gaṅ gā, many people converged into a huge crowd.
athā gatā ḥ pura-vanitā ḥ puraḥ puraḥ sahasraś aḥ kalita-ś ubhā yutā yutā ḥ | vrajeś varaṁ puru nirarā jayan jayan navā tmaja-prabhavamahe mahehayā ||6||
Thousands of women holding auspicious items came and blissfully worshipped Yaś odā on the occasion of a new son.
tataś ca kolā halibhir vraja-sthitaiḥ samaṁ gataḥ ś rī la-mahā -vrajeś varaḥ | svarā ṁ s tu sā laṅ kṛ ti cā rv aś ū ś ubhan nabhaḥ -sabhaṁ pū rṇ a-sudhā ṁ ś uvat prabhuḥ ||7||
Nanda joined the noisy crowd like the full moon amidst the constellations. In this way he was adorned with the anudā tta, udā tta and svarita accents of Vedic chanting.
yadyapi viprā ḥ sahasā svayam ā gataye kṛ todyamā ḥ sarve | tad api tad-ā dara-vidhaye rā jñ ā hū tā ḥ pṛ thak pṛ thak prathamam ||8||
Since brā hmaṇ as were also eager to come, Nanda called them first individually with respect.
sukhā viṣ ṭ as tasmin madhuram upaviṣ ṭ aiḥ sadasi tair mahā -snigdhaiḥ ś arma-prakara-paridigdhaiḥ parivṛ taḥ | paṭ hadbhiḥ putrā ś ī r ucita-nigamaṁ bhū sura-varaiḥ kiradbhir dū rvā dyaṁ ś irasi sukha-pū rvaṁ sa mahitaḥ ||9||
The auspicious, skillful, excellent brā hmaṇ as sat in the assembly gracefully and, chanting mantras for giving blessings, placed auspicious items on the child’s head. Surrounded by the brā hmaṇ as, Nanda was overcome with happiness.
sasne yat paricaskare vapur api svasti-ś rutiḥ ś uś ruve ś rī man-nanda-mahā tmanā suta-janau tat tat stuve nā param | adyā pi sphuṭ am eti sarva-janatā yeṣ ā ṁ ś rutā d apy aho snā nā dy apy atigamya satkṛ ti-phalaṁ yasyā sti nā ntaḥ kvacit ||10||
While bathing, decorating and hearing the auspicious praise, Nanda thought, “I praise this birth of a son and nothing else. ” That day, everyone, just by hearing about bathing but not taking bath themselves, achieved the infinite results of that act.
[13] atha jā ta-karma bhavyaṁ kartavyam iti gurubhir ā diṣ ṭ ena tena tat-pratyutkramaś cakre, yathā —
ā narcire vrajeś itrā mā tṛ kā yā s tadā tu tā ḥ | mā tuḥ kam iva kaṁ yā sā m ity artha-vyaktim ā gatā ḥ ||11|| atha nā ndī mukha-ś rā ddhaṁ rā ddhaṁ gopā la-pā linā | pitaro hi svayaṁ yasmiṁ s te nā ndī mukhatā ṁ gatā ḥ ||12||
When the elders said that the birth ceremony should be performed, Nanda prepared to do it. Nanda worshiped the wives of his elder brothers, who became happy on seeing the happiness of a mother with a son. Nanda then performed the nā ndī mukha-ś rā ddha ceremony in which the forefathers personally recited auspicious prayers.