I spit spat spat. I rise rose risen. I find found found. I show showed shown. I shine shone shone. I throw threw thrown. Grow grew grown. I draw drew drawnI spit spat spat Never quit quit quit Don’t sit sat sat Yeah, I like it like that I’ll even kneel knelt knelt And beg you to express What you feel felt felt I rise rose risen When I drive drove driven To the beat tap your feet As you ride rode ridden Those that hide hid hidden I find found found If you flee fled fled Then I’ll track you down
Now you see saw seen That I mean meant meant Every word of the message that I send sent sent I show showed shown I can fly flew flown Now you know knew known I shine shone shone I throw threw thrown You the ball it’s your turn Grow grew grown With the verbs that you learn Grammar through lyrics I draw drew drawn Peace to ELLs Now I go went gone