Background. Family, kisses, leather, arms , down ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Hurts are an English band formed in 2009, consisting of singer Theo Hutchcraft (born 30 August 1986 in Richmond) and synthesist Adam Anderson (born 14 May 1984 in Manchester).
Background In an interview with entertainment website Digital Spy lead singer Theo Hutchcraft said of the song: " It's basically based on two extremes: the first being a man who wants to kill himself and the second being love at first sight. He's standing on the bridge about to jump and he's stopped by a woman. They see each other and fall in love. She basically says, 'Come with me, it's all going to be fine'. The song only offers a snippet of someone's life, so we don't know what happens at the end of it. "
On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night, SHE SAYS:
Family, kisses, leather, arms, down Driving through the city to the Temple Station, So she throws him at the wall and ________ burn like fire, SHE SAYS: Don't let go
SHE SAYS: Don't let go Never give up wonderful life, wonderful life, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful life Don't let go
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