InhospitalСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Last year I studied in Great Britain and had some health problems. I had many colds and sore throats. The Smiths, the family I stayed with, decided that I had to be consulted in hospital. In hospital they said that I had problems with my tonsils. They advised me to be operated on. Usually all British families have private health insurance to pay their medical bills. It covers in about 50 percent of medical costs. The restis paid by general taxation. I wasn't a British citizen and I hadn't any medical insurance. But the Smiths kindly agreed to pay all expenses. So on Wednesday I was taken to hospital. The operation was scheduledon Thursday. I had to have several tests before operation. I was taken to a large hospital with many departments. First of all I was taken to the X-ray department where they took pictures of my tonsils and throat and analyzed them. Then they tested my blood and made several more tests. After the tests I was placed into my ward. My neighbour, a boy of my age who had undergone an operation the day before, told me that there was nothing to be afraid of. On Thursday I was taken to the operation room. They had given me an injection before operating on so I didn't feel any pain. I felt rather lonely in the strange surroundings of the operation room and a pretty nurse comforted me during the operation. It lasted about 20 minutes. So in about 45 minutes I was back in my ward. The next day I left the hospital. They told me to see the doctor once again to make sure that everything was okay and I had to take some pills for some time. But operation was a success and I haven't had any health problems till these very days. Вбольнице (At the hospital)
a medical centre – медицинскийцентр an outpatients department – поликлиника a university polyclinic – студенческаяполиклиника a maternity home – родильныйдом a reception – регистратура surgery hours – часыприема a medical record – медкарта a health insurance certificate – медицинскийполис a casualty ward – приемныйпокой a hospital ward – больничнаяпалата an operating theatre – операционная an intensive care unit - реанимационная
a patient (in-patient, out-patient) – пациент (стационарный, амбулаторный) a nurse – медсестра a male nurse – медбрат a surgeon – хирург a doctor – врач a physician – терапевт a general practitioner (GP) – врачобщейпрактики apaediatrician – педиатр an ophthalmologist – офтальмолог a neurologist - невролог a dentist – дантист an oncologist – онколог a throat specialist – отоларинголог a cardiologist - кардиолог agynaecologist – гинеколог a dermatologist – дерматолог a V. D. specialist – венеролог an urologist – уролог a psychiatrist [sai’kaiэtrist] –психиатр, психотерапевт
a hospital bed – больничнаякровать an examination coach – кушеткадляосмотра a stretcher – носилки-каталка a wheelchair – кресло-коляска
a stethoscope – стетоскоп a thermometer – термометр crutches – костыли bandage – бинт a hot-water bottle – грелка cupping glasses – банки a mustard plaster - горчичник an X-ray – рентген a syringe - шприц an injection – укол an inoculation – прививка an intravenous infusion drip – внутривеннаякапельница a bedpan – судно a local anesthetic – местноеобезболивающее plaster cast – гипс sliding-weightscales – медицинские весы aheight gauge– линейка для измерения роста an electrocardiogram – ЭКГ an ultrasonography – УЗИ
a complaint - жалоба a prescription - рецепт to examine – обследовать to be on the mend (to get better) – идтинапоправку to be out of danger – бытьвнеопасности to be admitted to hospital – лечьвбольницу to be discharged from hospital – выписатьсяизбольницы to make an appointment with – записатьсянаприемк to consult a doctor – консультироватьсяудоктора to make a diagnosis – поставитьдиагноз to take temperature – измеритьтемпературу to feel one’s pulse – определитьпульс to make tests – делатьанализы to take one’s blood pressure (pulse) – измеритьдавление (пульс) treatment– курслечения after-effects/ complications – осложнения to apply first aid – оказатьпервуюпомощь to relieve the pain – облегчитьболь to undergo an operation – перенестиоперацию to have smth removed – удалитьчто-л. to write out a prescription – выписатьрецепт to write out a sick-leave – выписатьбольничныйлист to prescribe a diet – назначитьдиету to stay in bed– соблюдать постельный режим
1. tonsils — миндалины 2. healthinsurance - медицинское страхование 3. taxation — налогообложение 4. expenses — затраты 5. tobescheduled — признанный (на определенное время) 6. X-ray - ренген 7. ward — палата 8. toundergo — тут: переносить (операцию) 9. to give an injection — делатьукол 10. to comfort — успокаивать 11. to make sure — убеждаться 12. pills — таблетки
1. Do you often visit hospitals? 2. Do you have your family doctor? 3. Have you ever been operated on?. 4. Do you pay any health insurance?